lortiwC5IVII1 uIiLverity1 Mr* and Mrs. William nden avenue, are spet iys',vacation in Wisconý buy more at e,901 a ten W. or. happy to loin witk the. merchonts oyour comnunity in this Dollar .vent... Your loôd dollar wiII always National Toc CO. FïooJ .0.....* AMMIEU OME PEACHES Col. YeIIow Cling6 No. 21t -Halves or Si.ced 61 cons .TOMATOES $' Sun- ipeed,,soid pacled No. 2 So Hatkll£Vcons t:Qfl is nopea for. For aeiý Mrs. O. .G. Daily, Wil. 1973. Under the auspices ofc habilitation committee, the conducting. anii August biethdz for the 'patients at, N4ortb Psychopathic hospital on We4 August 23, at.2:30 p. m. th be card,.playing followed by ments. The Naval hospitali Lakes bas been completeély ci Post NO. 46 unit has had to its rehabilitation activities fro to the hospital at North9 Memberà -and friends intert helping tomake this party a please cal Mrs. Thomas H. 1252. HÂVE.HOUSE GUES' The :Martin 1H. Bickhar Ninth street,. ha-ve as thel g . ests Mrs. Bickham's sistc H. L. Burdgeof Redban k, N., Burdge's two daughters, Si Mary of Redbank, arnd heri L. R. Burdge of Rochester, aise Miss Barbara Reid of R Last week-end the Rev. ar J. C. Bean (Catherine Bickl Pon¶eto, nd, were guests Bickham home. Mrs. Miliard F. Tobias. daughter, Jo-Anne, of Aun the guests this week of-Mi G. Low, 1706 Forest avenu Tobihnc s varsationino' in the IHere ha Your DJGGESI iiown us been awarded.' presenta- Three hundred and fifty honor high tails cail schooi'graduates from eighteen states and one foreign country made appli- cation for Rector schoiarships at De- our - Re- Pauw this year and compétition was unit i s s keen that it is >an unusual honor lay party for New Trier High school to have Chicago piaced, a winn er.ý The gene rai rule dneda, or elgbi ii demanids that the stu-, here Wiii dent be- in. the highest ten'percent refresh- of. bis graduating ciass and have an at Great average of 90 percent or better for [osed and bisý four, years.. The wiriners were transfer far, above this minimum, according om there to Dr. Henry B. Longden, director. Chicago. of flhe.Rector-foundàtion., ,ested, in, In addition to these ninety-eigbt. a success that wil enroil as fresbmen, there are. [al,ý Wii. some 450 'who will return te the campus in, the sophomore, junior and senior classes so that the foundation ITS- wili pay nearly $110000 in tuition and. Lms, 429 fees for the 550 next year. Eacli ir bouse scholarship. is, valued at $800 and is te, Mes. good for.four years. The founidation .J.,. Mrs. was established in 1919 -by the late rab and Edward Rector, wealthy patent at- son. Dr. torney of Chicago.' It is the largest N. Y. ; singiy endowed undergraduate schoi- Zockford. arship foundation in the worid, and ind Mrs. already.more than 1,000 have been :ha m) of graduated from DePauw tbrough its at theý aidè., Every state in the United States and, many forieign countries, have, been represented in. this list. The' and ber, Rector scboiar alumfni have their own rora are organization. rs. Eari The honor of winning one of these ie. Mr. schoiarshjps this year was expressed Qzarks. by Dean G. Herbert Smith, dean of freshmen men and assistant director of the foundation when he said: "Never since the Rector founidation was established ini 1919 bas there been a more outstanding group of appli- cants. The task of selecting the suc- *cessful candidates- was difficuit and emùphasizes the honor which bhas Come to the winners.": Freshmen, wil report to :the D e- Pauw- campus September 12 for freshmen week. Class work does net begin until September 18. Advance registration indicates t hat -the total 1' errolment for the coming year wl be comparable to last year wben more Sthan 1,500 students were registered. Bi1oS. JINc. 511 Main Street, WiImtte Wil. 5050 Uni., 5050 732. .12THSRE [s O' OIE