Mr. Fischer was born on November 19, 1865, at 1618 Wilmette avenue, where he lived with his parents until his marriage to Anna Mary Meyer 1 1896. He then took his, bride to the home he had preparedfor ber at. 1538 Xilnette avenue.. In December, 1910, he 'moved to .1933 Wilmette, avenue, where lie resided until bis death. Besides the two sons. George, Jr.,* 1933 Wilmette avenue ,and- John, who lives next door a 1929 Wilmette avenue,ý Mr. Fischer is survived by three sisters, Mrs. Joseph Steffens, Mrs. John Meyer and- Mrs. Nicholas Schaefgen, and eighit grandchildren, 1)orothy- Ann. .Clarence, Harold. Richard, Roland, Rodney, Ralph and MNargaret Mary Fischer, ail of \ViI- mette. His'wife died on October 16, MNlr. Fischer's father, John Fischer, .vas one of the incorporators of the. Village of \Vilmiette, iii 1877, and sterved on Wilinettes first board of tËustees. Shortit after the incor-' poration Mlr. Fischer was emiployed by the Village andcontinued in its service until 1931. He is reported to have been the oldest,.resident of the v,.illage',::ii. point, of continuous resi- den ce. To Renew Pire Insuran.ce on Automotive Vehicles 'l'lie niatter 0f awarding fire and theft insurance on thie Village fleet of automnotive vehicles for the coni- ing year was placed in the hands of Village 'Manager C. '-\.. sborin and Trustee Walter C. Farrar at the .Vil- lage Board meeting Tuesday night. Bids from a number of insuran ce conipanies1were recelved. The present policies expire on August 7. Pire Department CaflIed toHarvey Dibble Home The Wilmette. ire departmfent last Friday was called to the home of Har- vev Dibble, 530 Lake avenue, where a~ blaze started wvhen a small electrical de- viewas left with'~the. current on. The, home et te presideut, J. J1),fKin- near, 2241 Chestnut avenue, and makce the journey in a group. The party will leave at il1:30 a. mi. Beverly lake is said to bé ideal for such an outing.. There is a -good sandv- beach, and swimming ivili be a feature: ' Games and amusements of various kiuds including basebaîl, are on the, program. Coffee and ice cream will be sup- plied by women of the Northridge Woman's club it is suspected, and heavily laden lunch baskets wiIl fur-. nish the "in-betweens." Yes, Our Water Works Is to .Ha ve'.a- Cornier Stone At the Village board meeting Tues- day evening the Village engineer on waterworks Construction- reported that, no place could be found for a corner- stone on the lower level of thene municipal water works building,. where a coruerstone really ought to be. The eugineer there'by let the proverbial cat out of the bag. He was revealiug a state secret which, up'to that moment, had been carefully' guarded. However, thie engineer stated that a place could be found for such a stone near the main en- trance door, or on the upper level, if that would suit. Iu either case a space would be provided for a copper box to hold records at which 'progeny will niarvel i ii some future century. Mrs. Maud Pitts, formerlv of Knn ilworth- ,n, of Pî'-0 fadea i, has be Stevea theè guesi of the Ai Illinois in its war on noxious wees, and asked that the Village officiais do their part in this important work. The matter was referred to Village Mana- ger C. M. Osborn and Superintendent of Public 'Works. C. C. Schultz. Mr. Osborn suggested that the Garden club. might help by bringing pressure on the state legislature, as present laws doéflot permit tAhe municipality to' hanidie this work iu an economical manner. "6Where- are you going to, M'y pretty imald1" "6To care for uiy fortiue, sir," ehe sald, "My face isin'y fortune,, as, yen very welI kflow AU the ols t thf,~e Cyr-Ltfen keep It go.,, 1126 Central Ave.3LP For A»poinmer Phone' WiImette 4582 LOVELINESS J41ADE LOIVELIEI1 - FOR SALE 1120 Darrow Avenue EVANSTON, ILL. At a tretnendous sacrifice. The owner of this modern apt. bldg. là desirous of 4isposlng of sameé and will sacrifice his equlty ln doing se. Building centaine 2 apte. of 5 rome each, modern throughout, built-In water heat. lot 30x165; near schools, stores, churches and transportation. Price $8,500. Ternie. Âddress The Wllmette Life, A-198. [rs. Edmond1 Ihoit., Central- Wihnptte Aveb,.0 ýD. PAGLIARULO Jewelei' Expert Rejairing Wastcheu, docks, jewelry, ilver. we, optical, bonds restrnia. Phones: WiL 28-29 More INVIGOR 'ATI NG,'VYUARE H VI .and TIRED The Bibe and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and ail other authori Christiani Science Literature may b. read, borrowed or puchosed the. Reading Rooni. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITERD TO ATTEND THE cHCHO evicus AND VISIT TH E RADNO mbOOM $- 1 Pepeodent c -ized Liquld ..-ç l tSal Hepatiea .......>37c 10 GIllette Blades ...........79c Bu.uor Blade87 Sharpe7e Odorno32 50e Khitcb Demtal32 Powder ... ...... 32 504- Burma- ,Shive .......... ........... 37c iOc K01]oleS3c Tootlî Fa.ste ... .... 4