The ai cenr for stubborn pots ad, pansi PKG.21C JELLY Welch's 6 -unce grape currant, crab and quince. 3 FOR 29c OLIVES Ripe Bllack Beauty Super Colossal.. Largest and finest, P.29c OLIVES Richelieu queens. Extra large size in taîl boule. EA. 29c VAN ILLA Price's extract. The 2- ounce 39c kitchen size. EA, 32c AMMON NA Webb's household double strengàI for ail uses. ECOS Strlctly lresh packed, la èartous doz.p 22C CRISCO sAprear tlI 9C Our Own Blend COFFEE Pare -Mocha Jaia lb29c ËALADGRPIE DRESSINGFRUIT RCE! Krift's newest Miracle Whip. Richelieu perfect, lOc segments.k PT.18cans 25ceR" FRUIT SALAD Baby Stuart No. 1 talt cann.. EA. 17C, MALTED MIL.K Kraft's Chocolate, 1-lb. cans ....... EA. 39C MARSHMALL.OWS Fresh Angelus, '/ carton- EA. 10C CI4EESE THINS Deljcious toos.ted wafers ....... PKG. 1 SC PAIJWOIVE 1BEADS Standardl IÇÇcarton,........ A. SC BUTTER roilsIbo 25c LE F LAMB Ir;bo 21C FISH IPEAS WhitefiI SUCAR 1016.s. 49C Pure cane i white cloth sacks. Sally Bovd ....... Eleanor Forman Iwbo is; George's sister, and Muriel Doughty . . Marjorie Williams Ethel Spelvin.......... June Thrall Alix Mercier ..Ora Jean Hazelwood Lillian Stafford.. Margaret Heineman Madgeý Kent ... janice Kahnweil ler Dotsie........ Maxine Livingstol? ZD TWELWTU. in the cleverly and amijsingly written comedy, ' "The Charm School," by Alice Duer Miller and Robert Mii- ton, to be given by the summer school dramatics class of New Trier High school on August 8. A.. handsome youtig automobile 1salesman, Austiti Bevans, plaved by' Paul Hustings, inherits agirls' semi- nary where hé insists on. personally supervising the education of the girls. Hé gives lis ,.friends jobs as tfeachers in *his "'Charm Schlool." George Boyd, played by Elwood Glass, teaches bookkeeffing and is deeply ini love with, Eli.seBeniedotti (Jane Bull) who has quite ail af- fection for Austin. David M.\aceutzi'e, played by John Milton, an, ihdustri- ous lawyer, is somewhat enaniored.of Miss Curtis (Alice Freemian), the sacchiarin. secr etary of tlhe school. The twins, Jim and Tim (Dorrance. *Nygaard and E. Banning) find i t unwlse to seek jobs becau se itf iuglit mean work, except wheil tîe job i, teaching, girls to dance. But Miss Hays (Virginia Moyer), m-ho is sec- ond in command, is not entirely ini sympathy with the new administra- tion. Mr. Johns (Blob Merrirnan> is the irascible old lawyer and uncle of Elise Benedotti. Sally' Bovd (Elea- nor Forman), as well as the other girls, enjoys 'getting -Miss Curtýis'. "'goat." Designs Stage Set- MIiss Olive Grover is designing the stage set. Robert Harper is thé stage manager. C. Herbert Joues is the lighting engineer. James Hersch lias charge of the ticket sales, Alice Freeman the publicity, George W; tlhe ushering, and Jane Moore the properties. "T.he Charmi School" is to' be pre-. sented under the direction of Gordonl ýVanl Kirk. .It will be giv en Ini the.- New Trier auditorium. at 8 :30,0o clock. Thie Cast The complete cast is as follows: Austin Bevans...... Paul Hustings An automobile salesmian with i'leas, wbich David MacKenzie. ..John -Milton A law student, considers unprac- tiçal, though George Boyd .... Elwood Glass, jr.