bdOies of Wilimette andi their employees will gather at Washington park for the big municipal picnic that is to mark' a new high in community amusement. This. means that ail members of the Vil- lage'board, Park hoard, School' board. Library board-every officiai body of the village, in fact, and;their employees "-are 1invited, to thile gala event. The picnic is to be the old fashioned kind everyone, brings bis ownl basket of "cats." 'rhere will be amuse- ments for, ail, it is announced, including the following track and other' events: Bigý Progfram of Eveilte 2-ad(a sh 8 yvears of age. 50-yard dash 9 years of age. 50-yard sàck years of age. 50-yard dash of age. 50-yard dash oi age. for girls and b oys under for girls and boys 8 and race for girls under 13 for girls 10 and il .years for boys, 10 and Il -year s 50-yard balloôn race for girls 'under -10 years of age. 50-yard dash.19fr girls 12.-13 and 14 y-cars of age. 50-yard dash for boy-s 12, 13, and 14 yeàrs of age., Bali throwý% for %vomen 21 years 0t. age and over.' 50-yard sack race for bo)ys utîder 15 year sof age. 50-yard dashl for g'is 15 to 20 Inclu- siVe. 50-yard balloon' race for boys under 10 years uf age. 50-yard dash 'for" boys 1.5 to '20 inciti- Sive. 'ITug of War-Proniptly- at 4:20 p. n0 Policemen vs. firemen. *Playground baseball-4 :30 p. m Village board and Village hall vs. other munic:ipal boards. Playground, basebal--4 :30 P. ni. Single men vs. niarried, men. Children's program at- 4:30 p. Mi. Playgrotind basebaîl for girls 12 vears, of age and over, story hour, low orgal- ized games and treasure hunt. 'Horseshue tournamnet-5 :00 p. ni. Tixese twu big days are Friday and Saturday of next week, August Il and 12. And, if vou thînk you have received bargains f rom these Wil- mette business men in other Dollar Day, events, you *will1 certainly be astoun4ded, When. you see what bas been dished up for you this time. .Wortby of note is the fact that nu out-of -date, merchandise will be fudin the offerings. New-, dean goods of inest- quality',stanidards -Wijl characterize the showigs. and they will be, in sufficientquantitv to take care of ail corners,'- it . is pointed out. L" al Buying Pas Buyers are bei ng urged to take ad- vantage of this opi)ortuinitv. Provided by Wilmette merehants to demon-' strate, that, local' buyin g is more profitable, convenient and. comfort-ý able than shopping in the crowded 'centers where individ ual attention by store oiwners is flot onlv unknown but impossible. More a'nd more s.hop crvners are participating in tthese semi-annual bargain events, and thie varietv of Merchandise is constantly widening. If housewives wilI inake a list of needed equipment and supplies, and then inspect the values provided forl Dollar Days, they will be surprised how cheaplv these articles can be is explained. And lit will fit in nicely with the national recov- ery 'movenient. Try it and see, sav ',ou r local' merclhants. Dollar Days are hl'd 'under the spcnsorship of the' Wilnette 'Cham- ber of Commerce, -with the retail committee of that rganization in. charge of arraiigemients for the e ve nt. Employ 63 Wilmette Men on, Water Works'Building Building Commissioner B. H. Platt, reported to the. Village board Tues- daynight that the perc entage of local labor employed 'on waterworks' con-' stuction as compare{l withi outside labor is flot' so high as it should be. same fauit, ne expIaîfled, ît nught take' as long as thirty minutes to start the 'Diesel engine, and that would be un- fortunate in case of an emergency. Also, lie said, the engine is cooled by %vater from the storm. sewer itself, which' is muddy and full of, trash, caus- ing much trouble. He recommended the repflacemenàt of tÎhe inefficient equîpment at a cost of $2,100. After discussion it was, decided to improve the c ool ing, system at a cost of $600. BY using uone of the oul stor- age tanlks,. flot now needed1 as a clear water reservoir the-foreign matter cap be settled and the cooling troubles over- corne. Village Manager C. M. Osborn was instructed to proceed With the necessary changes. C. of: C. Says Peddling Ordinance, Is Vio1at4 In a communication prsèkW*è~ the Village board at its meeting Tuesday night, the Wilmette Chin- ber of Commerce called attention to the alleged violations of the anti- peddling ordinance by the 'Good Humor Ice Creami company. The violations conisist, it is said, of selling ice creamn at retail 'from a so-called delivery vehicle. The Village clerk was instructed' to notify the Cham- ber of Commerce by letter that the ordinance against peddling will be, eniforced. Trustee Lee to Attend Meeting in City Today A reques't came to the Village board' '1uesday f rom Secretary Shanke of the Suburban Area and Country Towns association. asking that delegates f rom this village be appointed to attend a~ meeting to be held toda3 (.Thursday) in the 'County board rooms in the County building., Thé p urpose.of the meeting make a request that the tax boo-s. bhe returned to the local collectors for. the collection of the second' instalîment of the 1931 taxes. T rustee Arthur Lee wvas appointed to attend the meeting. ii-- là J *'iciy ur u aminis. tration of the National Industrial Re- covery act in this village. A meeting bas been called for Monday evening, August 7, to which 'have been invited the officers of various civic and pa-, triotic' organizations of' the Village for -the purposé' of enlisting their ýco- operation in the. movement. The selection of an. advisory com- mittee, will be first in order, with a chai rman who will be in active com- mand -of' the forces. This committée will appoint a *mani as general and a woman 'iûeatgenéral, wbo will serve ,under. the cohmmîttee of ad- ministration. Tbey in turn will choose three colonels, oie. ofowbom will be ini charge of publicity, unie uf educa-_ tional activities, including 'speakers and an information bureau, and the third in eommand uf the national 're- covery sales army.'Next, in line will be majors, whuse duty it will be te select captains to, recruit privates whr' will aid in carrying out the pro- gramn. Plani Thorough Cavast In compliance with the program as laid down by President Roosevelt, there will. be a block te block canvass duri'ng the final week of the drive, to check up, on compliance, use of insignia, and 'other details. A survey uf unemployment in the Village will be made aiso. The un- einployecl will be classified. as te ability, experience and 'training, thus arriving at a decis ion as te what t rade or industry-they are best fitted to enter. The final goal, of course, is the liquidation of unemployment. In this patriotic' movenient the public will be. asked te give 100 pér- cent support, and to readjust its shopping habits su as te conform to' the changed hours established by merchants in' an, effort. to comply with. the demands -of adopted codes. Daughter of Kenilworth Founder Dies on Aug. i' Miss Helen A. Sears, formerly a residenit of Kenilworth. but: mure re- f rom Central, avenIue. Mr. Ancirew re- peiine eviimage board 10 regulate quests that ail persons having busi- parking on the street in front uf the ne'ss with bis office use this entrance, station, complaining that entrance to instead of going tbro'ugb tbe bank, the driveways is blocked hy parked cars. as'formerly, The room number of. the Tbe matter was referred'.tu the commit- oàffice is 204. tee on streets and alleys.' ASK .FOR AD-TAKER. was granteci a leave of absence for une year witbout benefit uf insurance an~d prJority rights. At the end of bis fur- lough Officer Schneider will bc eligible to the first vacancy that occurs, if lie W able to pass the physical examination..