Ilage Board Fasses $234,377 -evy, Wilmette Merchants Cooperate in NationalRero'very Program- Begin Conduetinig Their Busi- nesses ýUnder Blanket Code. of the Administration \Vilntttc >tlisçs inen lhave ruade a unaiinlious resixiiise te President' Roosevelt*s recovery progralin. and begaii reda eop)erate ünder the )laniket colc sent out 1w the,*recov- erv administration. The -blue eagle.*" insigniia of. con formaniice with the, inew code, is iii winidowvs and onu valls of stres througlIout the Vi lage. \Vileai ar& ýèsfi11 Cou-fu4SC91 as to. the exact provisions of cerItaini clauses of the codle, il is generaIly accepte(l vtilia patriotic (determitiia- tion .to0 exten(1 aIl I)ossîible clp l)ini boosting re.covery and driving the specter*cf., depreý,sîon ifroin thie.couni- try. Last inuite interp Iretatiofls hv thez national, r e cov er vadinîiistrationi \lonidaN. nighit servelI to clear. 'up sortie pr(>Ilelns conifrotiigi local bus- ines;s mein. For instance. owners of smiall sto-res ,anîd sliopss enîploviiig 110 lhelp xvîll 1w perinitted te obtaîn the -blue eagle" hv sîgning the code and will thus get cewdît 1f.or lparticip)ation. Maxiiiiim heuoirs as fixed ini the code will not apply, it is. explained. to emn- ployees receivinig more thian $35 per rveek and( acting l)riiarilv, thougb: not wholly. lin ianiagerial or execu-. tivé capacities. Make Changes in Code Chianges in ii te code b%',fxel. iHugb S. J ohusoti raise the mimi.iium w iork . %veek for greçery ,Stores to fort- eight bours iisteadl of forty hIours as sl)ecifie(l ini the lresîdlent's agIree- ment. I)rv oodIs. shoc. furniture and clotling anii( urnishing stores wvill * 2vhere tr the fortv-liur itiaxinili. UEntreIy Satsfactory" A. S. Vanieus,ýcti, jr,. groceries and mieats, said: -The code is citirely satisfactorv to mne ini its revised fri Wbile it does- btot iiateriàly affect eithr or bursor.salaries. it does put. us on a basis wbere we, will itot sufer f rom'unifair comipetition. 'Our salary standard isfar above the min- iMmn set ont in tbe. code, and bas been reduced. but once since 1929. and tbat a teti percent cut, onl.1v Stores that have been operating on a low salary basis and an eigbty- bour work week wil no longeroffer formidable cmeiin" Mr. SVan Deusen ispresident of the Wilm-fette Chambei of Commerce. J. E. Wortben of Wortben's de- partment store, -said:-. "Our work bours bave been adjusted to meet the code, and hoôursduring wbicb our store' will be open -are, made. pu blic tbis week. The imiportant tbing is for the pub 'lic to recognize its part in* tbis experiment. and to accep itsre- sponsibility in the working ont of the problenis. We. cati adjust hours ,('Coniiitedl on Page 0) (Vame Mrs. Blaylock New Social Worker The Wilmnette W'elfare board beld its regular mnonthly meeting at the Village bail Monday nigbt. The most important business transacted was the appointmnent of a successor to Mrs.,I.illian D. Nortbani as social worker and truant oficer. the va- cancy being due to the recent death of Mrs. Nortbam. 1A large niumber of applications for the positions were presented and considered. Becausé of ber experi- ence and intimate 'knowledge of tbe workings of the1 offices. tbe. board's choice Was Mrs. john -C. Btaylock. 1215 Elmiwood avenue.. About a. year ago M Irs. Ilaylock was selected Ibv the Wilmnette relief committeeto assume direction of un- s.mnlovtnpn relief ir*rk. conierating the United States - toast Guard sta- tion at Wilmette barbor. The base- m ent of the coast guard station 15 now being remodeled and put into condition for the installation of tbe endinig'and receiving, instruments. S IGN THE CODE! WILMETTE LIFE stronglLJ urges that ail men~ and vomen engaged in commn'ercial enter- prises sign Pres dentIloose- velt's blanhet code of fair, competition. Even con- duct a small 'business without employees, .your endorsernent and, acceptance of. lhe recov- éry plan will have beneficial- effects. The pro gram i s adryitted- lv anepei nt The out- corne foretold. But it is a. duty,# of highest pa- tri otism f or cvery citizen 10 sustainthe President i nerner- gency measures thal a:i east ~give hope of suICCeSS. Squirrel Attacks Womnan, Bites Her on Hand, Armn As Mrs.. .1 J. Siddal. 840 Grove street, Glencoe. left a North Shore line train at Greenleaf avenue and Sixtbi street Monday forenoon on lier way to visit -Mrs. B. F. Blymnyer. 026 Lake avenue, she was attacked bhy a squirrel and severely bitten on. lier hand and arm. After the animal hiad been briushed froin ber dress it re- turned to the attack and had almnost reached her face wben she grabbed it in ber biand and threw it from bier. The squirrel then scampered away. One Infantile Paralysis Case ITe Reported Here The \Vilmette Health department reports a minimum of illness tbrougb- out the village. Duriîîg the. last.Nveek there .were two cases of whooping Cla»fiedAd&.......32-33 Editoil-Shore Lines.. .20 Junior Lfe ............ 16 Public ]Forum ........12-27 Recreation Page .. .. ...2811 Society Pages....22-23-24 LARGE INCREASE OVERLAST YEAR Expenses of Operating Village Less, But More Money Is Needed by Taxation. ,I'he Village board , assed the animal tax Ievy ordinance Tuesday nigbt to provide tbe î'ecessary funds to carry on the business -of thie village for the year beginning April 18, 1933, and end-' igApril 17, 1934. Tbe amount of the levy is $234,377.22 as compared to last year's levy of $97.000. *ast year the. budget amounted, in, round nunibers. to $315;000. Tbis year it is, $301.000. a reduction of,.$14,000., 'rhus. wbiie the of -operating the village are Iess, tbe amount o f moiiey to lie raised by taxation is tre- inendously lhigher. .After passage of the, ordinance 'ruesý- day nlight, President C.ý P. Dubbs made ai' explanation of sone (f its high poinits, stating that inability to get a legal opinion pernîiitting ir1ôre than a 50 percent issue of tax anticipation war- ranits muade it ahsolutely necessary to raise tbe levv to the figure stated. The vil1agê iust bave $117.000 cash on Wbich to operate. lie said. anîd ini order to get it the le\,%. lad to be double that amiotnt. .Ho\\ever, lie said,. there was sortielhope that as inuch as 70. percent could be issued ini tax warrants. whicil would enable thte board to reduce tbic Denied Lvy7 Last Yeair L.ast. vear the Playground board, the Uibrary boaôrdl and t4e Po lice and Fire- ne% peS i nfunds were- denied any levy. wvhicli periitted the unusually favorable le%.v of $97.000. it is pointed, out. As a. ret.ult these boards exbaust- ed' every pennY of liquid assets they possessedl, as (id also the Village, said MIr. Dinbls. 'l'lie amnounlt of cash whicb it ,was necessary to raise hy taxation Village Manager F. L Streed o'f Kenilworth is absent froni bis office this week. He is enjoying the second instalimeçnt of a inid-summer -vaca- tion.