8Bus fleets using Goodyear tires report vy Lot 5 ycars mgo. Goodyear passes these wo 0»0,ECTRICm SERVICE. '740 Tweffda St. Phiono Wlmette 691-6ý96 Shawnee ServiceGarakge Lynam Service Station Skaiobek Servýice 515 4à~ St., WiI. 636 45RdeAeWÎI. 5426 803 Main St, WiR.i347ý "COME: ON INFLATION MY COAL BIN 15 FULL" Commodify prices are going up. Presidient Rooseve1t's New Deal contemplates: a continuing adivancem.nt all olong the. lin. So the Wise buyer is playing saf. by filling his G uarant..d' Fuel. If means reduced heating troublefro. comfort ail next winfer. coal bin NOW witb Consumers costs, assured satisfaction and BuLTY IGUARANTEED COAL FUEL QIL OLYAY COKE DELIVER'Y YARDS YO0UR CO0A L @isumiers cmpany AILL YVERk THE NORTH ON AIPPROVA L SWILMETTE 13001 WINNETKA '3386'J GLENCOE 75 SHOREDISTRICT. OVERH'EAD HARDWARE and DOOR complet e ag for o ....... .. 4 g -0 TE.L.PIION2&9 WU.MEITE 2738 W. Railroad Ave. I I.