Net shat Mr.S. wauted te gel up t teak sho fitr-t nate. But t#& boa" ewas cl . , eS.wil seen :Put in auwtewatic gas /*at se à# can get bis sleep in h urig New.,. Low Cost GAIS HEAT installed at our expense.. removed at our expense if you don't like Rt! No other fuel ever made such an offer! YOU INVEST NOTHINGI1 you are sattslied it stays. I not-a nd you are the sole judge-out it cornes end ýyour former heating methodi is re-inselled -AT OUR EXPENSE. No other fuel for,,heating dagres make such. an offer. * ~ * L 0K into the new low gas rates now-before you spend a penny for your winter's fuel. For ing. ..r wear. and tear and expense -o reconditioning your home and its furnishings. A servantthat never slneps Gas is the, dean, healthful,. only truly automnatc c fuel, No longer needyoutrùdgethecellar >stairs... soiling your clothes cutting kin- dling . .. starting fires ... stoking the furnace .. hauling the ashes Mrs. H. deesu During the nine heating months of the first year you pay only $3 a month rentai, on the equip-. ment we instali in the aver- age home-you pay nothing- during the three' summer months, h when the heaeing system is, idie. This rentai charge will be sent jaIong with your bill for the gas you use. But if, anytime durinR. the House Heating Division PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTI4ERN ILLINOIS .Phon e Ne.. Ilmportant! Mail coupon to Houe Heseing Division off TOUX nearest Public Service Company office or to Public ServiÎce Company, 72 West Adams Steet, Chicago, Illinois. - - --- ------ . ............. i .. . ......... .. . ......... A d d ress .................... ................. . .. ................... . .................