Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Aug 1933, p. 35

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If'aîr at the instance of Prof, A. î_. operate with flic'the spectacletheir familles, at ielwprAu Olnsted f te rieta Intiute0fcvryatwih hepresicient ini his re- o rgeswi nîh tReispctaclewpark foru- Olisicd f te rietalIistiut ofcovryplas.witb fabulous settings, and 'viii bring gutl frte 59th annuiial Old Set- th UivrstvotChcao. l'ls The club presiden.t 1pOiited out that' Oid Egypt, with its giamorous charms, tiers' Picîîic sponsored Iw, the Chi- rej)reseilts ftic irst line it Ilia vrwt hcg h ec o udestothe huge triple stage in Soidier' Field. caolTurin gemeillne gi n bee l)csetedfô'r v of the A.\ r-i of tos anrids, of 'inotorists ou accounit A cast of' 1,500, including approxi- uri n s il. etagiad icanl public. of .A Century of Progress, 'ain- u-mateiY 900 Southern voices, wlI take talk over oid t«nis.Coniparisons of l'e lieCalc îtoi.tm ue usual opp)ortunitv for broadcast dlis- part ini the prouto ln ihegt the fair of '93 with this year's ggan l)bwl oai~ititit is lieli, mnav lia ve trbto fýstickrs exists. "In. ad- internationaliy famed artists. tir, exposition will doubtiess he ,ini l)eell tîtu Cul) lse( at the Last Sup- <ition tu the support %ve have aiready1 The eight itraialy famed stars Vogue. An, elaborate 1)icllic pro- per aîîd. tiecor.the l"oly (raii for piedged to you sa far as li relates*.ta Who wil 1i compose the cast have been trajmlisen of nefo the ai-i ean- ~'tiiti tt kîj~lth~(lofEuop log urow enplve,"sail r.Haes. announced b% Mrs. John Wesley Graà their familles., Sva.rulu', I, \as rccvvnthv dug froinithe Nwe shouid like to lheip van further hani, president of the associationl, as Ail oid-timie. hunigrv j ive", band ruiw i li geatCiritin empe t y rootng. interest atioiig.*ni- foiiows tvili stroil about thepak ain ~tW] ( piîîtîîri.tcrs aiiing"Idaâ-Deia Smaloif, the youflgçst'!oid-time favorites during the after- arci î a'-,, tu theîîcentury in NMr. ,Hytbélieves >tlîat* most 1mo0- prima dolna .ever given .a leading raie fanîî eening, nitetnods ~vitl l~\~pou'd ai aetorists will bc gla(i to. lispiav the by the Chicago Civic Opera camnpanv.* couples 'dancing to the tu1files. of the i it ;ou ~r thlait t lic thiird or fourth embleino aoeatoîo hi Amnieris-Dreda Aves. of the Metropoli- oid-fashionied waltz an(, polkath CiH U \ fî l t iî rs ît <î l ie rl a ii d ~ ic ds an I li t u e ii to c u b a n O p ra ca p an y : R h ad a m es- Jo sep h p i ic w iîî re ceiv e sp e ci al flo ral lîI uc n li frqt'îîltv f he -~t'lî s opportunity tu contact, its VTte ftePhldihaadSan 1 aWards. Chlriliaii ci-.o ienier at itigmtrssFancisco Opera companies; hhpret There iviil be races anid gaines f or- '[lv tc~v i~iiit lv mi o tu wol(1ii a short tinue have thousands --Amund Sjovik of New York ; Egyp-thcidrn eteîsiatieen iti usri w teci stickers seen on cars fromn every tian king-Leo, de Hierpolis of ýNew tee ea-of age, aidtîr iiib ", ie ()i Christ, st;ciih atel h nin ok;Anîanasr-Martino Rsi; aentertainnetfral cu stht varlv çc mciicrtailv messenger--George' Hollinan aof theï iiiîlî rccîraîoiî thelî Announce New Members :Xew Orleaps Frenîch, apera, whola PLAN TrRIP WEST hînil\ cf înIIinn II. t -as regardivtlas f h Fel usum »st returned fram a long engagement in Nir.anid Nrs. Leaiîard Cawaîî of h h îcc,;fSby the alicietîts Ramie, anîd 'high-priets-- a a- 234 AMaplcIl o~ Geee h litIrîmîîtîîî'ut t dcas i ni~î 'l'lie nianies af CIicagodiisand resi- ler;a o-f the St: Carlos Opera conîpariv. tl11r wa aughters Loieand su 'cr h[hr. ens o te ct~'s ubrbsw o hve Members of the cormpanly have heeiî Cary]1, are leaviiig arotiud the mîiddle CasingIs Rar Treasve reciîti. econienieml).rs ofFieIdin ,constanît rehearsai ,for' this eet. f*Xgstfr.\aska, and then.fo l'hii,. cJa-I ; Ili t>ehf is ýa trea sIH iîiunec hi we wr The etireoea~iih uiiiEn-fe 'e. At presenit Louise, Who id ýNra0dIIar apý-'I Chis-atliiuticedths w.ekbvStephen :C. lish, and is expected toatrc a tlirong graduates train Newv Trier îîext jue ni ~~~~S i i s cN r; n chîaîe aî t i u> al h rî 'of ithepon theattracN eune Simms, uccLor the O uietm ethe iast staditum.on Chi- and Caryl] a sophantaore, -are doing tont, assistanî~t 1o>res. latte. tif lite B he irs. ar] go's lake front. ' 'extra vork tsmnr coîMs lair, ~111~ut iiitt i -iai lii'tlihe is ae E Cset Maestro Vittorio Verse, brougiht f rom i1L'ouise Saika Seanllilanaîd Miss Vir- tu~ vt ~-uc if~'hi l.îavs."n Brode B. I)avis, Mrs,- .A. Eckliart. ltvtathe Metropo ia pr as il onid\vhave beetirn xtios <'1 tr':tîi)f Iliv oi .tf Mrs. George E. Frazer,'NIrs. John lune v'ears aga hy Gatti Cazazza. viguests aof the Cotvaiîs. thi l1i~î tî,h ci h.It preseits il'Roberts. F, n 11tokti, atIcondlîct the orchestra for' the perforn.- 1'-v' \11iat art hé vv ihi vpor- Nis ilton W.-Xilker 1niiH ance.' ' RETURN FROM EAST *trait~' tf thliu. New f ~ B ender' lias becoixie ,a uaîig.' _____________ . Mr, and Mrs. Harold F. Tidemiai ineber. are nîong niew atiiiîuai nmcm- LEAVES FOR 0H10 aid' their daughters, Margaret and r I(C.l;tii esae *\ilin1. ).r(Il't r is jaîeDriu 2~Keniiworth Catiierinie, 13(s Abliigdaiavenue, Kei'îl[' tnix ta.b dcs sîiiîl. tlîgl - & R. Barton. Jav 1Bawnian. Is a u left on Xednesrlav of this .warth. returneti W iesayfrani a itiicî am vit icd ii'a t;~'î ad ite'iii'anniCardelli. 'John 0. Carr, C.~ekfratnvst ' ir "ve<at atnd hî- s a -i aitît ald D(efarry, Dr. C. J. 'DeBlere, r."'ee ,fr. tndavs*-v iwitlh ]ci-t-amatrip 'to otoan Chr],' "I","i VMI Il.J. Hysiop, R. W bjakoilliiIrothier-iin-aý,, and sîster. Lieult. anld New V'ork.acnIiid!-sns H~. KJacksoGerge.,uz ouit \rl rs. George V. Hoilomnan, at WVrighit a la setip.dls.R.G'u'Mae- 'Aîtl As idu arc 1ilic, ~antI liiad- Maniî. Peter F. -MNcXaîiee r. F ieldsDaoi, Ohio. Tola M '\r. anid riîîer'-of Giencoe, mothuer tif Ms e deus. N î'siPauli, 1seatod.\-elrev S. North, William F.*Quarrie, Lester. IaDrhn'aeiev>-o iin tve nte "dnai oedr )(1,1Vl ()i st. are the R th\e%,ti Y rk ta attend a' hanse partv lit> their absence. * t'hiic: ihit tioni e h, Th o ar R b vis, Mrs *.Islai(., loirlC'aî~liî * , ils..i r.1 John1C. R uettinger, -liîe Saggar.S \ý i_____ antli atli \ nil, ta fifîhi persan. 1H. Shoemaker, E. L isnWrlhsjîtI Nr nIIM.and Nlrs.: Leslie McArhrad faiiVtheIlià vsiion\\,)rç lis jstcornc tiat Nr ndtheu' t -o chiltircîtof JBridgeport, liiC0 . týpiIi (jrctvr. iiýIataoIl sili NIrs.Lslie McArtiiur. u-itli their Colin-,'onel of Ketiiwamthtl arriveti * tirv~tttriigli tlaiai.ndcw~ARRIVES FROM EAST tw bildremi. have11 reie a Xedîiesclay ta s e A Century iPo I t~firs ~t'it: . sra ttdl M~iss Clarice Coiîtu eýýi ~ -anîd tiuiari <lrttiîu~-. clIcW i atiif1. tilt'lite.ley ilis, NMass.,' rthe ilE-astîte thsgress anîd tu spund a tveek visitinig the clitair-.4ila tIti hlI'îîthî,ývs it e hcisoe d teîomrthi w~eektao se ;\ -Ceitunt of Progress. Ralph Starrs )f 320 Rýaleigu road and uiiitleb\ '11C 0 tt itcarhier ctsocù astusayt 'etesuest The\- vere formter Kéniil\\artlh resi- t the Ciavton Buirclies of 1('3. Abingdon \\110 II1iý cit ih t tford ea- B nt eek of \ M i ss M argaret <P at) de nts , but are f l ' i vinîug ini B ridge- av n e lnt t th te1-1-hani et' f innetka,. MIiss FIzha- port, Conti. - 1 it ii<'litl be Iý>t\ <-.iilc eaii n('h Ballhatcliet of XV ilmette wvil] as--o-- '0- fitît aiutn tt i \bei cnt~n s 'st iflshowinig Miss Couiîeliv around .ls Hîr f,~a 3 SSCX i -I. and Mrs. 'Lee Otis Zap af Gai- the Fair and the city. The girls atrc roai.tlie auher rs. etoi exs Il-r"uet f Ms RETURN FROM PORT HURON alsudetits at Wellesiey rolhege. ranik.Gerauld, anti Mrs. W'ard'hotr ryr'> 4 ~a'tîgo \lr itan I~ ian& nddaùht Ktarrett of Kenilworthinîotored last avenue, Ieft Mtindat tof last' week itotor- Kathryiiî Bciîsan af210 àMêhxise a\ ~wèk't Freepori.,iita sec tG.enBaFrs.'Ih'illIg I ir, iean1aiir12 I o riest avetne,. re-~ nueKeniiworth, acconipaîîied 1)% ra ~r. haitsformer to Niagara Falls hefoc'cdnfleting tier t-i lth id'iv lni Port' Hutron, 1îandr ip' .j1, cli i tliîir haut -iooli. -NI-d-i bu The ~'iitcd,\Ir&ta ouse 'guest,- ?eggv X'ofle%' a'f' kwh- JresideîiÏsÏof KNeiî%%-,rth: '- " o- -- NI ch. 1l er , NlIu.\ \s iedkanor s, Lit ond, 1Va.., heft Môuildav.% < ' in" t , ' -(--- -. -..-1'-0 is iii D it- . l Siiiltoh' Sy',6 j. îp at~î ; 1 I -"i t \ 'il. J.--k-iir nd B I, hl uit > '1. 13lck.l'a li< 't h rla ingfda attrida (hiler (laiiüuc Mrs: I4arriet L. .'Milforti, who Wnel r'Eeîaa4Bî,hl 'bcoîi att îîig;glier'jhome.. . h lier datuglter~, Idren of ftic Weidell Claiks, 11 Kent nrnsta \ iitiît atnda~am} -f w ' e ll«' ve itheir' îiirnaeýh: hm i ~~t ct teçh aîi bis 'nelo o"l"'at ber hom. ' ' rs .Paul H. 'ai.left oin Frîdaiv iroad. Keiiiwo-th, reuried W XVedes- Contili> ti i 'Z 8, tô' 'icild six elç wtI, heýr <;a aweek froin a Ïwo weeks> k iotaher andi sier wI-go back bIo Dorôtî)Decoli,'Ï.SI CIIbran eduguMI SFPrIn hlItIIieu' aî t rne - Port~ Fluxoinfor the reniauiier tif the iWeiic, e. J<enworth, left Wediieschv0ra Sr 1ni fotiè Cl-r -0-. - 'siiniier ta bc w itht rs.Sint h. Catada, arrivfiig'iii Totqnito 'Itbursdav isMrRuk fcllomI - - - '- e W h ç e t e t a l t e i a i l t î i h e o i o r l i r a a . ' l f t r i a y J t i y 2 8 a f e r a i s T ue' M s . j . T . o r k tli eo fran c , ii i t o r . j j I Iohi,' S v e ' a d u t 9 4a k o'S v e Weofda a' ast twcek. 'tiîree weeks with ber sister aind family, formierhy of Keihworth. spelît \ediues- nue, returicti Tuesday ai iast week the Lawrence Du'dleys of 414 Warwick dayv anti Thursdav visit 1ing the \.V., f rain a btîsiî'mess trip'ta Atlantic City.' -lane Adair. 321 \îIerose aveinue. roati, KciiwNorthi. \Wheelocks ai 1.3j Oxford road. Kenil- Washiiîugtoiî, Philadeuphia, autti Baiti: K'eiilworth, bias accepteti a position as ' -0- wortî. nmare. iustritctorn'il general scicuice anîd physi-' Mrs. D. Morrisami from' Davenport, '-- cal 'cducatiaîi at thic Rye Cauntry Day Io a, lias beeuî visiting. ber daughiter., Mrs. O., C. Nicholas of F.hgii is the:f Launra Grey ai St. Lotnls. ;, .ar- sciiolini Rye, N. Y., aend eaves Sep)-- Mrs., Bruce- Parsons -of 310 Cumior bouse g uest. this, week of :Mre. 'H. A. rivedTIiTursda',, -Jugly. 27, ta visit Mar- teml)cr 15,. ta assum i er wonk. roati, Keniiwortb,. fr the week-ed. Fanckbouer,1 232'I.Lake avenue.taTecrof88Ahaiavne

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