gretes &aati spctaleseve pr- 1""I 1,ý "Il nuu idwrens Welfare 1 o>a at a réception Dy the Illinois Cotn- rogress xpOs>taire g r e t e s d a n i t i c s j e c t c l e e e r r e - a s o c i t i » i o r t s E v a s t o p e s e - i S ~ o n t o t h e F a ir ,b a n d w i l l o c c u p y a T ô s an d s o f v i s i t o r s d a I t sented on the north shore-a new tation. It is possible that it will later place n onor ini the stand where Gov- viewing the collection of 735 photo- dramatization of "The Passion Play"' be given elsewhere, ernor - orner wiil review 7,5W0 troops1 graPhIs from twentv-live nations in -will be given in Evanston late this Mrs. Guy M. Pelton as ways and of the Thirty-Ilird_ division, Illinois pavi0 two of the general exhbs month. Plans were only partially neans chairman for the School Ch il.. National Card. grýouP..i completed early this week, but thc dren's Welfare bas charge of its part As chairman of the Illinois Day com- The entire life of camera craft is expectation was that it wàuld be in 1pnoigtepouto.Aognite revealed by the salon-from Daguere sposorng he rodctin. mon mâéeLieutenant-Governor Doniovandont Eastman and. the. present staedat heNothwstrngym- others assisting are Mrs. H. C. Tiede- addressed .special invitations ta thes nasum ith daiy p rfo man es or mann. prsident, M rs. A. H. Easing-. former g vernors and their wives: da o h tl R g it r, o h two weeks. taking- of photographs by heat radia- wood, Mrs. il.--Bennington, Mrs. Louis L. Emmerson and Mrs. Emmer- tion alone The production was originally Pre- E. B.* Thurmfan and Mrs. Stephen. A. son, Len, Small,. Edward F., Dunne, Thees an X-rav photograph of pared for A Century of Prograss, but Day. Frank O. Lowden and Mrs. Lowden, a heaàdach-not a fantastjc bit of because of prohibitive costs involved Charles S. Deneen and Mrs... Deneen, symibolismn, but the truthful report in the erection of a special building HOME FROU HOSPITAL Richard Yates and Mrs. Vates, joseph by photography of 'an actual phvsical for the performances that plan was Judson Large, 1942 Thornwood ave-n G. Fifer, and Mrs. John R., Tanner, cniin Another, unique subets finally abzindond ihigefcs nue, h as 'returned from the. St. Fran-, widow of former Governor Tanner.. that of a manhole cover, partlv-cov- costuming and scenery> had already cis hospital in Evanston where he Plan fBig Prograîn ered. with. snow, an artistic triumph been completed, and rebearsals badl had been since July 20, -suffering Many events are beingpeae o called "Pavement,". by jarosîa 1v P bnstre.from 'a serious accident on Harms the celebration, Chairnian Donovan an- 1 rek. Its producers have finally agreed to road. The. horse he was riding fell nounced. School .band ro1i prs The slni pnoe yteCi. briùg it, to Evanston, as an outside and threw bini. o h tt ilgv ocrstruh cago Camera club and the Photog- World's Fair' attraction expected to ottedy n tngt.oni s International sociation, gather audiences fromail of Chicago Janice Guthiridgc.-917 Greenwood massed concert. One of the features with >George High, président of the and the outlying suburban territory. aveniue, ýleft 1Saturday for Waupaca, of the da y wil earuino Camera Club, -chairman of the, coin- It will be given under. sponsorshil) Wis., to visit Betty Ellis of Wilmette '93ers. citizens wlio were .visitors at1mIlTteli arge of heScoolCblden' Wlfreas- at her summer borne. Her sister, thé World's Cô'lumfbian exp 1ti 1 Til mportanCe of Exldbit sociation. uwhicb iii return for aiding Joan, left Suniday for the Y. M.- C. A. 1893. The importance ýof the exhibit is its uccss illrecivea prcetagëcam atLak Geeva Wi. ýdue to. three. main factors, according its u c c e s w îî r c ei e a erc nta g ca m at L a k e G e n v a, is.A spéc ia l i ni v ita tio n lia s b een fo r- 1 to D r. A lle n D . A lb e rt, a ssi s a t t of *the procéeds. toward its budget warded to Sherry Jolins of Decattur,l President Rufus C. Dawes of the for the coming year. It is boped that Robert Bowie and Henry Hilken the only living commissioner to the Fair, who> assisted ini the develop- the funds realized ivill entirel1 over of Baltimore were. week-end 'guests 1893 World's fair. Women hostesses ni f tesln is of ail. r ail of 'its year's expense and ivili of Philip Burnbarn of 536 Roslyn, at the Illinois Host buildn repa-Albert poinsut*heeiacopc eliinae he ecssiv or nyben- oad Knilorh. ams Brnam ning a reception and dinner to thé for- land authentic presentation of the fit ventures. left Monday to 'notor to southern mer governors, and there will' be a histrofptgapyseo.te Theprdutin ~it b bsed upon Ilni ovsttemns lulicheon for distinguished guests, with1 exhibii is truîy internlational in its a inew version of "The Passion Playll," 0- Governior Horner as the host. make-up; and- third, tiiere is set which presents many changes froni Mrs. J. W. McPherriii and lier 'tivo Exposition officiaIs are cooperatiaîg forth the technical and artistic tri- the original Oberanmmergau version children, Jo>' and Kay, arrived Friday with, the Illinois State commission to uniphs of- photograpî',y during tile expected to give it a more universa! to spend the remainder of tbe sunimer rnake the day one of the greatest in the past 100 years. appeal.. People of ail faitbs have witb Mrs. McPberrin's parents, the Ed- lustory of the Fair, L.ieutenant- The exhibit was selectecî froin the viewed it in' reliearsal and baye given ward L. Scheidenhelms of 704 Lake Governor Donovan said. work of hdrdofptgalies their approva1 of its nature. The avenue. .-__________more than 5unrtre s havtog apep cast is omposed of Chicagoans Mrs H E ATTEND DINNER DANCE judged ftor admission,. Professional M raelie, HotlE Tippett, 929 Central Elizabeth Kelly, 412 Cuninor roadç nd maeur artists have been adI-, Ineesed n Tues? vbr e other a of Mrs. William Bal-. Kenilwortli. took her bouse guests, initted wliile tIie work of the astro-. I t rd i T tliateliet, soa motor trip with ber Miss Mary Bennett of Brooklyn, and nouiacal observatories at Yerkes and 9 Kindjs in This Area rte and bi s wife,, residents of Miss Jean Richardson of Cinicinnati Mouint Wilson fonnis an important The Chicago area, including a Mnepls She is touring throuigb to. the dinner dance at the Indian contribution tothe techniCal subjects. radius of fifty miles around the city, Indiana, Ohio, and West Virginia. Hill. Country club. The young wornen A board of judges consisting 'of has as inhabitants nine easiîy recog- -o0 left Monda>', for tlîeir respective ie MaDnl .of Nw York; nized kinds of turtles, according to Dr. and Mrs. WlimA. Mnhomesatratndy'vst James M. - Gaùfield,, LoujsileK. Kai . chid, sisan craor121 Greenwood aveue revCa- Dr. E. P. Wightman of Rochester, in éharge of reptiles' at Field Mlu- tîoniiîg for tWo vweeks in tbe Land Mrs. Claude Clément of Broilxvilhi N. Y.; F'. J. Mortimer, Londlon, Eng:- seum f Natral Hstorv Some o ' l.akes,.\Wis. Thev w~illhcclionie N. Y., and Miss Elizabeth O'Neille of. land* .R rpi otn n these are common tbrougbout the 'ou August 8. Canandaigua, N. Y., are visiting Mrs. Charles Aylett of Tor'onto, ail wornld area, wbile others are local in their ---o..0-. Gabe Wegener of 36 Keniîworth in photograp1>' was selecte(l distribution, and at least two kinds Mr. and Mrs. R. <N. Trezise of Wasb- nue, Kenilworth. Miss Mary Hurle>' of tdcd Pl h eiso are found only ini the Indiana dunes îngton, D. C.,. arrived SSunday of I24st 1 ewVa.L. Lh ..t...- t eieuo h eis0 I. sub- m .n Vis uei Wl Ar. and Mrs. Max man§ of 1130 Chestnut avenùe. C. Greigg, 727 Central avenue. -0- Mrs J.D othof 12 Foestave M.T MnariyViDt.g brarnofefmisy, Mrs J D Rthof114 Fret-ve TMr, s Mary D. Carrnohrf.Mihi, nue entertained at a smalî bridge,,lunch- the Edward J. Devlins, 2015 Thorn- eoii Friday, July 28. wood avenue. --- --gu1-uiu, W'e Iwot, re- Phlip J. Knorpp of 685 Sheridan tumned Monda>' fromn a five weeks' -road rtred to bis home Sunday, outing in Estes Park, where the>' Jul>' 23,, ro a two nîonthis' business bad a house. tnp o iNew York. -o-- --o-- Mrs. William Friese of Chicagoý Mr. and Mrs. Claude McL. Hamilton and Flonida spent the>week-end witb of 430 Woodstock avenue, Keniîworth, M:Jrs. Carsolyn Ellsworth of Kenil-- are in Minnesota.j worth.. ,ýe 4