wal to :) JXuuiJvIzY 2 tle. baths, canvased delightful Interiors. Large and eloset space. 3 blks. e, 2 biks. to shops and NSONABLE RENTALS 51 ai~St., Evanston. *Gre. 1617 92LTXlit c AVAILABLE NOW AT REDUCED rate our deluxte 6 room, apartment le the beautiful Linden Crest. Very large and. attractive' living and dlning. rooms. 2 tile batths, with showers. Piree refrigeration.. South and east exposure. P"hone Wihnette 500. CHEERFUL APARTAIENT CLOSE Tu school, and transportation. 'Weil ar- ran ged, 4 rooms.- Large liv. rooni with fireplace, bedrmn. and -in-a-door bed. Reasonable rentai. E.* E. STULTS REALTY CO. 460 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 1800 92LTNl3-1 tu* MODERX BUILDING 2 baths, free refrig., i blk. to ]lak(. CLOSE TO SHOPS AND. TRAINS 826-32 MICHlIGAN AVE. 5l' Davis S.ýt., Evanston Gre. 1617 92LT.N13-1tc A TT . K.TCHIEoErE APART- ments, 3 or 4 rooms. Also single room. Humphrey bldg., EIm and Chestnut Sts., Winnetka 98 or 33£8.1 92LTNC-ttc FOUiR ROOMS AND BATH, WITH garage for one car. Rent reasonabie. Phone.(lencoe 228. .92L13-ltl) 93 FOR RET-FURNISJigo APU.. NICELY FURNISHE AARTMEN, alilconveniences. Also 1 emali bedrm. Near ail transp. 629 Park Ave. Phone' Wilmette 2345. 93Ll3-ltp) FURNISHM~. APARTMENT'-2ROOM IL anld 4. room furnished apartments.1 Very convenient. Ph. Wilmiette 2399, <4W Wilinette 2427. 93LTNI 3-1 t» 97 FOR RENT-HNOUug __ 10 rmns., 2 baths, slp. pch.. ý....... 8 rmns., 2 baths,, glazed pcb., 011 . 8 5 7 rns, 2,bathb, slp. pcb.*, H. W. H. 70 6 rms., 1 bath, H. A. H., 1-car gar... 5 4 rms., dIp. pch., 2nd fir.'Duplex... 40 5 rms., Tt ir. Duplex, 1-car gar... 41) 4rms., cottage, fumn., 1-car gar., ,2-5 Other good values, hotuses and apart- me1ntý,. aIl sizes. B.. H. BARNETT 526 Center St. Winnetka 965 ____ ___ ___ ____ _ -'-__97LI1 -I tl NORTH SHORE HOMESI desirable tenants frhomes ol' ail sizes. BAIRD &_WARNER 550 PARK DRIVE~, KENfILWOWtr1î Ki<Clworth 5566 Kellilworth 4785 WANTED-HOUSES WEHAVE CLIENTS (WITH 0' 1 references) waltlng for us to find them . houses. List your bouse with Us for rellable service. ýReal- Estate Service, Iiic. 553 Lincoln Ave. Wlnnet ka3450 99LrN12-ttc WE HAVEr RESPONSIBLE TEN ANT.;1S demiring. homes fromn $50 te. $1;-0oa month. from-Kenilworth'to Highlaîd Pa rk. List your. borpne nw. ANN MORELAND 6613 Vernon Ave. ileîîcoe :;05 WANTED TO. RENT -3, BEDROOM)-% bouse and garage for 1 year. Hub- bard Woods district preferred. $40 te $50 mofltbly rentai. For Sept, or Oct.. Ist. ý Write A-192. Box 40, Wilmette-, Ili. .. 9LI.'-l PLURNISHED RENTFAL YEARLY. RE- .4poftible fajmy. Must have 3 maTn bedrms., 4 pref. Sep. maid's rm., bath. Nr. Schools, transp. Ph. Northbrook 29. 99LTi3-71te ..T, .vi e..-ei,ou0.w, cash ana mrort- gage. $8,200.00 payable ohly $40.00 monthly bver 10-year period. SMITH ,&',GOSS, .C Exclusive Agents 725.Elim St. Ph. Winnetka 3500 ll1LTN13-lte BARGAIN Charming »ew English' houge overlook- lng _Skokie golf course. lExtra large, living room,. paneled library, butler's pantry, :and breakfast nook; 5 bcd- rooms, 4 baths, laV. on first. Screened porch, 2 car attached garage. Large lot. *$37,500. White frame colonial, *northwest Glen- cee, 7 rooms, large porch. ' acre nicely wooded, 1,0 And ma ny other attractive homies for sole and. rent., G RACE Glengables EGRANT Glence 844 i11LTI3-ltp. WANrD rmyHu. A NIODERN--UQUSE ,WITH SOMkU ground surrounding. At least 5 bed- rooms. Have to exchapge modern cr- ner hom>e 5300 North. Write to A-185,1 Box 40. Wilmette. 113 LTN1 .2-4tp] I I Yes! Peopie- are L for ROOMS and 1] WINNETKA-Locaîted on non-thomlugh- tare street qamong houses which' cost $45,000 to $6MOO0., 3 blks. to grade sehool. 125 ft. frontage. Prîce $4,.500 or $36 a ft. Real Estate Service, Inc.. Christine Baumann ]Florence Cook *Louvia Pittman 553 Lincoln Ave. Wlinnetka 3450, FOR SALEý-EXTIRE F-PURNISHINOS bf6rm ouse, liv. rm .. dining rm. and bedrm. furniture.. Mirrors, pu int- Ings, large Frigidaire, Rl. C. A. radio and Panatrope combination * wa h, machine, mangle, porch swing, etc. Ph. ,WInnetka 2796. 12DLTN1>-ltc MUST SELL COMPLETrE ASSOJ5it-Î ment of exceptionally. fine. husehold goods at once. Antiques inciluded. Breaking Up housekeeplng. 810 Làke. AeWilmette. 129LTN13-Itp $125 AUTOMOBILE TRtADE-IN CR tificate good on pùrchase of any General Motors car. Any reasonable offer accepted. Ph. Wilmette 2253. 131LTi-ltp WANTED-GIRL'S BICYCLE. MUST be reasonable. Ph. Wllmette 3031. 132LT.N13-ltic 40 and 8, Prepares for State Legion Meeting Saturday and Sunday, August 26 and 27, wiIl be known as Forty and Eight days at the Illinois American Legion convention, a four-day cycle of events at Rockford this month, Convention, crowd5 who arrive for the first day's session wilI find their time filled with open air entertain- ment-speed boat races on Rock river in the afternoon, to be followed by a Venetian night carnival' in which 200 crafts will participate and theý out- door pavilion dancing 'parties in. the. evening. And then wiIl corne the fa- mous eorty and Eight wreck and parade. Sunday, the 27th, wiII be given over Ask for an Ad-4kp4r Fçm RNT-rUINinHED HouUsEI R RENT-5 ROOM COTTGE. rnished. 1072 J'ine St., Winnetka.j isLT1O-4tp I~~fe REUB AE Advetsig In Wilmette Life, Wlnnetka Ta1k and Glencoe News more economieg. Ask about 414 LndenAve. Wflnette 4983 111 Glemcee lui. Gieae<>e <84 1' ilte Fou «Rot-HousicHOLD a 1 j rm gmLgg--Mldgc«LLA . N»Us 1711 &