Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Aug 1933, p. 32

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WIMIuLTIFE'or. £11 three papera; Wedne.day 9: Pý,m.'for WINNETKA TPALK anit Thureday 6 P. M.> for GLIENCOÏ NiEWS. TOephonemB: WImett. 4300- Wlýnuetka 2000, Greeniea.f 4800 or Sheidrake 6U7.' Sbb ^OT Nu POUND .OUND - LADY'S' BROWN AND white,.sport shoe on shoe'tree, Satur- day, July 29th. Ph. Wilmette 2152. 3L13-I.tii LOýST-THURs., JULY 27; A FLOOIR rug, dropped from. a car. If found, cal! Wilmette 1619. ý3LTN1Ç3-Ite LOST-THURS., JULY 27,.A SCOTTIE., male, brindie. Reward. Phone Win- netka 606.. 3LTN13-ltp. LOST, WEEK 0F JULY 17, A SCOT-Il tic, female, ail black. Phone' Win- netka 3179ML3-t 14 BsUSINESS SERVICE R~ats, Rioachcs, etc.' P. J. tIEDELHOFEN, EXTERMINAT- Ing engineer. Ph. Winnetka 591 or Northbrook 128. 16LTN25-tfc, MOWERS SHARPeNED-BICYCLES repaired; used for sale. Machlnework, welding. G. SODERBLOM 906 Linden, H. Wds. Winnetka 294 16LTN11-4tp SA-NIGOLDMAýN JL'YK DEALER Paper 50c per 100 lbs. Magazines 60e per 100 lbs. Wilnette 5-417, .Winn. 3623. EXPERT AND FAST TYPEWITING. College papers and business letters a specialty. Reasonable rates. Cal! M. L. Williamis, Glencoe 246. 16LTN11-3tp' i80 CL.OCICREPAINING CLOCIC EXPERT, CHIME, H*AL, antique elock repairing. Lea.rned trade in Europe. (Fornierly witb Tiffany and Field's.) WIII cail; Frea entlinate. David Johansson. Phone' Diversey 2041. 20LTN13-4tp 34 FARM PRODUCE ALL KINDS FRESH HOME GROWN vegetabies. On Lake Ave. 2 block.ý west of Hibbard Rd. J. Klein's Farm. 24LTN12-4t 34 LAUNDRY IIOUSEWIVES--T.MY HOME LAUNDR Y isat your service. Clothes dried out-I 44 PE~ITS __ FOR SALE - ENGLISH SPRINGER Spaniel.pupples. 3 mnonths, pedlgreed, quite re*monable., 2284 S. Green Bav ROad, Hlg.hla.nd Park. ,44LTNI.3-îtp I IMPORTANT SEWING' MACHINE REPAIR SHOP IEstablished.more than flfty years ago l n Evanston, is now located at_ 1008 IOakwood Ave., Wilmette. Aiea re- IPairing 0f al Electricail homne'appli- gnces. PTel., Uni. 2200 or Wl 438.~ les LOANs LOANS -ON AUTOMOBILES j Confidential service, legal rate.. MOTOR :LOAN CR State Bank. Bldg., .Evanstobi. Gre. 320 65LTN36-ttc I158 SITUATION WANTED-FEMAIrn TRAJNED HELP No Charge to Employer Efficient Service for. North Shore Homeivs We Investigate Referencesý WE ARE THE ORIGINAL Paulinc's Ernp. Agenicies 421 Fourth St., Wilmette Wilmette 2171, Winnetka 2662 68LTN12-tf-c EXPE R. PRACTICAL NUIRSE l WANT.S position. Companion, capable of tik- ing full charge of homie. Good cook. Free to travel. References. CalI *Frankln Park 13-W, or write A-193, Box 40,. Wlnette, 11i. 6LTN13-3tp) COM PETENT MIDDJLE AGED WHITE woman wýTnts days or haif days. Cooking. housework, or taking care- of children. Ph. Winnetka 2898., 68LTN13-Itl> E XERP. MAID - GENERAL .WORK, good cook, likes ehidren. Best North Shore, refs. Near !Itblbard Wod Chureh. ýCal! Winnetka 3229.. FXPE.RIENCEIf*"D HEL P *WESPEIALZEIN IHIGU GRADE- domestic help, ail nation.tlities, no charge to employer. Efficient servioe for North Shore homes. We investi- gate referenees. Under State super- vislionf. - m . àj,2 .,Ve Above the aven Reinhart's 748 Elm Street 421 lourth Street MIlmtt 7OLTN]3-1 te IEXPER. c0UPLE, WHITE,1-VW1FE ocook and* upstairs work, 'husbandt drive, 'serve, gardener, houseman. Refs. Phone Winnetka 207Q. *70L13-ltpi 71p HPwANrÉD- FEMALE OFITCE ý"FE REDCD YOUR CONFI DENCE IN THIS OF- FICE MAS BEruNTII SUCCESS 0F OUR* BUSINESS. IX, RETURN WE REDUCE YOUR OFFICE -FEE. GOOD POSITIONS$2O Pauline's Emp. Agency O . L" TERMINAL, WILMETTE. GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS 19 POSITIONS OPEN FOR ;NEA 'housewark.* 5mai! families, no, laun- dry. wages $12 to $17. CIll &tt one(.. Reinhart's Emnpi. Age ncy 748 Elum Street Winnetka 3:3e9ý COM'%PETENT WH-ITE HL wtanted wvith good references. ~X~l in. person. ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 663 Vernon Ave. G.lencoe 251 WANTED-WHITE MAID FO0R GC. eral housewovrk and eookiftgý e wvith care:of child. Private roomn and, bath. $5 to $6 week. Ph.:'Wilmiette 1171. ý7iLTNI1-Iti> W1ANTED -CO'MPETENT 1VHIT!.' girl for generai housework. No laundry, 4 in family. ýPh. Wl. 39 YOU.' NG 1WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. - No laundry. Go0 home .nights. Phone W"innetka. 2M.1 71LTNI:-1 11) MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORI%, cooking, laundry. 2 children. ty hiights. $5. Phone Wilrnette 2546. 71LTNI3-1f, .EXPEU. WHITE -MAID, GE 20-16 yrs. 4 in famnily, no washing. Refs. required. Wages $10. Phone Wi- netka 2564. 71LTN13-1f,- ,EXPER. WHITE MAID - GENERAI, hosco~ simall home, $5. Phonej- 7* HELP WANTED-M ^LE UNUS-UAL OPPORTUNITY,.OFFEÎ-,I.,ED mian living on North Shore. Soine sales exPer-ience preferred. A-191, Box 40, Vilmette, iii. 72LT13-îtl) 72 MELP WTO.-MALE AND FEMALLS age. -- - netka 3543,r. Etnlpl. Agency I pe. ractic Winnetkca 3399 IWiII seli reason 7OLTN13-lte i 77LTNlÏ 400. ltl) *77-A MOTOUCYCL*P 1927 HENDERSON, FIRST CLASS: condition, good tires and new chalua. For sale, or. wiil exchange. for good -used. car. Cal! Wilmette 4300 before 5 p., ni 77A-LTlN13-Ilp F-OR SALE - NDIAN MOTORCYCLE, ln good condition, with new tires. Prive reamonable. Phone Wlnn. '1205. 77A-LTN13-ltlp .82 FOR' RENT-ROONS FO.iîR RENT-LAGii]iEoOM IN EAST side home, near ail transportation, and withln walking distance, of Iake. Light housekeeplng priviiegea. 731 Tenth Street, Wiimette, 111. 82LTN7-tfp. NICE ROOM W I TH SLEEPING porch,- also, single roomn. Board If waned.Call afternoons, .514. Blrch street, cor. Elm, et. Winnetka. 82LTN12-2te L GEAIRY ROOM -I PRIVATE home, fura. or unfurn. Near transp. G-araige. reakfast served, if desired. 1226 Maple Ave., Wilmyette 2806. 821,TN13-1Wv * LARGE DUBLE 'ROOM, ONEý, single roomn, wel turnished witlî kitelien priviieges. East Winnietkaà, close to transportation. Phone Win-M ,netka 3690. 8L3lî UNUSU-ALLY ARTISTIC'WOOD PAN- eled roomuila'attractive Hubbard 1Voodýý home, firepiace,« grounid ftoor, private bath. Phone 'Winrietka 66. 82L13-t;> FOR RENI'- ATTRACTIVE FuR1îN. roonis inî>rivate residence. iReason. able rates. -,:0 Central Ave., Wl- mette 2»9. 82LTNý13-1t,* LARGE, AIRY FRONT ROOM, OR large room and sleeping .purqh, gar. space, near transp.. East side. Wil- mnette 1253. 821,TN13-Iti) PLEASANT, COOL1, .IN PRIVATF, home, for business mnan. East side. Garage optional. Phone Wilmiette 41. 821LTNI 3-i tl LARGE, COMNFORTA Bt ROTILI with twin beds, private poreh, als4j garage. C lose tu r ns o ta i Plh ; Wrifletka 3558. 8 TN3î1 ÎÎ'i TNISH D RÈM ITHPRIvAT E famiiy -n Wlniletka foi- single or double. meals if desired. Phone IVin- netka 1686 . 8 L T 1 -l LARGE,' AIRY nR-OM fFOR GE-NTLE- man,* close to transipor-taition in Wvin-m netka. Reasonable, Phone Wlnnetka 3855. 82Ll3-Iti, LARGE, AIRY R0011,8UITABIn£ AT ME mon)t, moderi 1,0011s. BA' kacht Harbor. Charming ultra town apartments,6-7,8-9-12 Reasonable rentais. [,RD &- WARNER, .WELLINGTON 18s55 .1*

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