Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Aug 1933, p. 31

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Joe E. Brown and a subniarine vol- caoshare the entertainmcnt honors at the Wilmctte theater Thursday, Fri- day and Saturday, August 3, 4 'and 5. Mr. Brown stars in.the.Rinig Lardner basebail comcdy, 'Elmer, the Great," whiie a subrnarine volcano, Krakatoa by name, spouts lava in a thrce-reel' special. Persons Who are disappointed be- cause Babe Herman lias flot bit 'cnough home runs to put the- Cubs in first place will f orget their sorrows when thcy sec Joe E. Brown turn, to baseball and make even Babe Ruthi look like a bush leaguer-that is, as'lo,îg as the tcam fecds, Mr. Brown the-01(1 build- up. One cross word and lie can't. hit. the broad side of. a dinosaur_ But liti Patricia Ellis knows. how te spread- the sugar. se the old home town doesn't suifer heartbreak w%,hcn it hangs on the radios listenling te Joe's 'doings in'the .*worlds senies." As for the three-reel special. "Kra- *katoa," it catches the sïghits and souncls of the unider-wea infernti-the eruption of Krakatoa. mie~ of the worloYs most. active and-tunusilal subinarine velcanoes, locate(1 in the lIndian ecean hctween Jaya and Sumatra. Grahiam \,cNarnec Hem"* Excellent Production One of the fiinest p)ictures tliat the Wilnîette lias ever I)een privilcg-ed to;) offer thiat's -Tlic Eagle and the Hawk,' grip)piin g 1portrayal of the f rienidship, even mte. death. of two a'iators, Fr.edric MNarcl, and Cary Grant, iu the \Vorld war, This great filmn.w~ill show for oeue day onily-Suii- *dav, Auguýtst 0, Fi-cdric Marcli gives an epic perforn- ance; Carole Lmadis, effective, whle jack Oakie.'çontrihuites notable, broad hume,ýr. The story is beautifully tOll.ý Ruth Chatterton WiIts Men Ruth Chatterton cornes to the i-, mfette, screen Mon(ýiday. and Tuesday, Au- gust 7' ami ý8. ii a powverful' drama, "Lill.y 'rurtrier." As the girl who dev-1 astates the lives of mii, Ruth Chat-,t tertoin gives a meniorablc *portrayal.t v 8U8L7 Melodrama with a swcll wallop is offered in the movie, "I Cover the Waterfront," starring Ben Lyon, Claud- ette Colbert and the late. Ernest Tfor- rence at the Varsity theater Friday and Saturday,.August 4 and 5. Ben Lyon is the reporter Who, finds out things about Erniest Torrencc, a smuggler' of Chinamen, by. winning the confidncobCludette Colbert; who plays the. daughtcn of Torrence. AI- though the, drama has but few traces of Maxc Miller's book, the actors con-ý tnîbute a grand, show. New L.ading Mani for Jauàe Sunday, Monday and Tucsday, Au- gustý 6, 7 and 8, bring Janet Gaynor hack to the Varsity scrcen in "Ador- able.- It's -the old cîfin Janet with a new: lcading, man, Hcnry Garat., This, time Janet, is a niadcap princess in love with Henîry. an officer of her personal regimfent. "Hall to the ncw, star !" -the feninine mènibers of the audience Will sigh. . hI addition to excellent performances bvý the twvo stars, the picture offers Music, Idancing aind gorgeous settings- especiallv. that skating scene. C. Aubrcv Smith, the prime minister, lends laughahle incidents, while Herbert Mudnalso contributes to tlîe success of. a picture highly recommended as a sumnier night's fun. Dreiser's Novel Screened Theodore Drciser's "jennie Ger- hardt- will feature the Varsity pro-. gram \VedesdaN. and Thursdav. August 9 and 10. Svlvia Sidney and Donald Cook give sincere performances, and Cora Suie Collins, as Sylvia's dauightcr, livens things up considerahly. This picture will hold interest ail the wvay. Lee Tracy plays the go-gctting, am- bulance chasing shystcr Iawvcr in "«The. Nuisanîce- toîîight (Thursday) at the Varsity theater. "HOW TO BREAK 90 "IIow to Break 90"' is tlhe hope- inspiring title of a brief filmn in the ncw Bobby joncs golf series. Thîis pic- turc will be. shown at a local theater two nights .next week. of the mighty under-sea volcano Krakcatoa ini eruption, is in itself .a tbrilling, narrative of unparalleled courage. Risking their lives to obtain clôse-up pictures of tbe treacherous submarine inferno, a group of men associated with the Du1tch. Govern- ment's observation station on Lang ,island, fleW over tbe erupting 'vol- cano and photographed the- terrific spectacle from a. distance at times as close as 150 feet-the nearest any- on1e has ever been, to Krakatoa in action and returned alive. J. H. Bekker, the Dutch camera- man who secured the pictures. for the three-reel film, "Krakatoa," was pro- vided with a boat and two airpianes by the Dutch Goverumtent in order to make these unusual pictures. Evanton-UNI 8SM THURS., Aug. 3 (L..t day today) LEE TRACY in "&THE NUISANCE" .wth u N.,m r.cr>j- andfPictuires of Undet Se& Volcan. e_ nd 'Noah% *m 'laColor Stinday Only. Aug. 6, Fredriic March-Cary Grant "EAGLE AND THE HAWK"9 "Dr.am Sguff'-Coun.dy.. Carloon Mon., Tues., Aug. 7-8. Clark& AMcCulIoagh in~ "Gay Nighties" Ac..,Review ... News We.d.. Thurs., Aug. 9-10 i., Aug. 6-7-8 P ersons, weanied by walkinig, wil enjoy seeing the World's fair f rom a comfortable seat in the theater. A local show soon will offer just this oppor- tunity in pnesenting "Century of Prog- ress" pictunes as a short feat ure of the,.regular programi two nigbts of the coming week.ý -vu .-=i *!SILK AXTER in R CORD"-ir.ne Dunne EXPRESS-NelI Hamiltoni 'UlTILE GIANT"

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