Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Aug 1933, p. 30

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loop hosteleries. Th is point, empha- sized by Chairman Paul G. Arm- strong of the convention housing comniittee, bas resulted ira many ina- quiri es for h otel and private home. accommodations in, what. generally Yesur Faperite DBrands IMMBDJATEDBLIVER'Y P HONE WILMEITE 410 WINN. 2470- 247 Sa,!.lOc pS Camu by driving to 1440 Sh.rdam No Mi', Land NORTH SHOR HOME DELIVE] SamrMapula West Rend Lifi BEER cec in pri Per Ca~se $22 FOX - Exclusive IB Makers c 620 Madison St. west or south sie areas. iinother five minutes wilI reach Rogers Park or most of the west suburban sec- tions, and a second five minutes will cover the north shore towns. All these so-called outlying sec-. tions ctan s*end visitors direct to either the> west side stadium, 'where7 the convýentionsits; or to the lake front where' the parade and contests will be held, free of; trafficý congestion- and, in many instances, in less time and:trouble than cap some loop areas. from which, customary travel is on the' surfa*ce,. it is pointed out. NeIw Curses at Mora Park Military, Academy Coincident with- the cutailment of art depairments. ina. the high schools and Crane Junior. college of 'Chicago, the trustees of the Morgan Park Militaàry Bacademy bave announced. cla sses ina d d, crawing, design,, illustration andpaint- ing for the-reniainder'of the summer, for both young men and women. The department is under the supervision of E Howard Church, and is known as thé Morgan Park Academy of Art, located RY at 2153,West il ltb street, Cibic2!-o. These art classes will be continued ira the faîl, and will be available to students of the Morgan Park Military academy - and the new Morgan Park Junior Coed- * ucational college, wbich is to be opened - a on the campus ira September, it is an- nounced. Enrollement is al1so opeu, bo anyone Who may desire to pursue this study on the campus, without being a regular student of eitber the Miiitary aeademy or the new junior college. There will be afternoon, evenirag and Saturday morning classes, it is ex- plained. Howard Church i, the young Chicagoa artist whose murals were univeiled ira the I Memorial hall of the Morgan Park .Military academy ira june of tbis year. He also bas just finished, a portrait of n James Taft Hatfield, professor of Ger- man language and.literature at North-* .western university and. author of -two E fnrthcnminz books on Longfellow. ýLES CO. M te and Evap»Stçn over 40 years Greenlaf 62MO0 ., - Mloffett-Russell Photo Mi-:. Leuis Verntoi Trabert i: the' former I3INora Weld of Witt-, nttka. Her jinarriage to Mr-. 7ra- bei-t took place oit thwe veninjg of lune 24, at the North Shore Met ho- dist church, Glencoe, with a i-ecep- tion» foih*v.ing et the -honteof lier parenats, Mr. and Mfr. Chester H. 'Weld, 79-1 Foxdale aven ue. The Traberts are residien , kogers Park. VISITING IN EAST Mrs. Edward C. Geither and daugh-t ter, jean, 1601 Tenth street, former Kenilwortb residents, will returra the middle of August from a six weeks' visit to White Plains, N. Y., with Mrs. Geitber's mother. bunuay ior Qjuebec wnere tney will spend tW-o5w-eeks at the Chateau Fron- tenac. William A. Wbittier, 5,1 Kenilwortb, avenue, is leaving-Kenil-worth August 16, to spend a mcntb at bis mother's camnp, Idlewilde, near Sawyer, Wis. The Misses Frances, Mary,- and Lou- ise Goodhue, 245 Uinden avenue, areý vacationing for several weeks at Mani- towisb, Wis. at Whoele Prises This match was 'postponed f rom earlier this season and as the sched- uié bas advanced.l as grown ina im- portance, since both teams are 110W in a runni ng for the rigbt to enter the MacChesney cup series. Also in the race is the Indian Hilli team. The cup cl'ampionship, set at irst- for August 13& bas been postponed tentatiVely to A!ugust 19 and will be played at Knoll- wodd. The Evanston Country club, made a dlean sweep of its three matches against Exmoor last Saturday. Gair Tourtel- lot took the first singles f rom Smite, 6-2, 6-3, and. bis teammate, Alonzo,. defeated Merryweather, 6-1, 6-3. The doubles were also won for Evanston bv Allen and Kimbail, who defeated For- rest and. jobrstone, 6-4, 6-3. Simultaneously the Evanston, Tenniis club turned in three wins over the Win- netka team. . Cijif Nelson took one singles. match, by a score of 6-3, 6-O0 over, Frank Merrick,, and Mi 'r Rog- ers copped the other f rom H. L. Wool- b iser, 6-1, 6-0. Hallis and Thatcher made it,.thbree straight, for Evanston by beating Jacobs and Beach, 7-9, -5, -6-4. The Country club">will also; .be ina action- Suniday afternoon, meeting - . dian Hill at Wnek in a postponed> game. RETrURN FROM ISLE ROYAL Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Harris and son., Jamnes, 944' Sheridan road, returned. Saturday, f rom- a boat trip to the Isle Royal* in Canada. Mrs. W. j King, 611 Forest avenue, spent last week-end witb ber daughter, Mrs., Paul Knaplund, of- Madison, Wis. Betty, Lou Todd of Tuls, Okla., is the:guest for a 'fortnigbt of Betty 'Ruth F'riend of. 806 Linden avenue. Fred R. Farmer, 915 Elmwood a ve-_ nue, is on-.a business trip in New York City this week: ian of Port janis (Includes ta,;) DEVERAGF.S De LUX'CO, Phbone Win*etka 76,I i 6-.*M- - 1 Dr-

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