Rujnnlng hlgh Jump for boys 12 and 13 years., 1. Tom Carney, Village Green, 2. Dick Moreau, Vattman Park, 3. Rob- ert DeVinny, Village Green. Heiglit 4 feet, 6 inches. Runnlng high jump for girls 12 .and 13years: 1. Dorothy Davis, V attman, park, 2. Dorothy Neuses, Village Green, 3>-Adelaide Koeilen, Vattpian park. Helght. 4 feet, 2 Inches. Running-higb jump for boys 14 and 15 years: 1. Bill Jenkins, Vattmian Park, 2. Howard Bail, Vattman park,, 3i. Dudley Yeomian, Vattman Park.' Height 4 feet, Il inches.. l{unning ldgh jumnp for girls 14 and 15 years: 1. Blanche Kreusch, Village Gretn, 2. Alice Wagner, Vattman Park, 3. Tie% between Louise ^Schreiber, Vatt- nuan park. and Caroline Peekel, Village Green. Helht 4 feet. Because , f the. large nunaber of events, only the: dashes and the broad jump events were held on Tliursday evening, the bal throw and bii jump being postponedl until Friday morning. Two North Shore 'Men on ,Recovery ,,Boards. 'l'le north shore is represented on the *recoverv boards" appointed Tuesday by Presideuat Roosevelt. S. Jý D)uncanl-Clarl, 228 Wood court, Wil- mette, wvas selected as onîe of the mune menibers of the state board. A ngthe imembers of the fedtral,1 district board is Willoughby NValling,ý 1094 Fishers lanile, Xinnetka. LEAVES FOR WISCON$IN Louise Hamnilton, 205 Abingdon ave- nue, Kenilworth, left Monday for *Woodruff, Wis., where she will .spend three weeks -visiting the Carl Hucks of Kenilwortb at their summer bomne. Kenneth Benzing, 139 .Abingdoin avenue, Kenilwvorth, is one of a party of six young mnen froni Evanston who are taking a cruise on a private yacht around the lakes. Mrs.',Frank Nason, 733 Cuhmmings avenue, Kenilworth, returned Sunday from Tomahawk, Wis., where she spent two, weeks :visiting the W. C. Beitsý ofî Kenilworth at their summer home. Luke O'Reilly and his sister, Miss Margaret O'Reilly of. Brooklyn, N. Y ., spent several days recently with the George H. Beaudins, 726 Em-1 wood avenue. i IsT RA m, ne 01 uiw.icn, more than thirty years old, belonged to Mrs. Tarrant; another was froin the veil of Mr. Tarrant's sister, Mrs. Headford; the tbird piece was the bride's own. Holding the veil, to ber head was a lace cap of the same material as the dress. Secarried .an an bouquet of white roses, and liles 'of ',the valley. Miss Margaret Brown of: Winnet- ka, tbe maid of honor ws in re lace trimmed. in green taffeta and wore a taffeta. turban of tbe sanme hue.' Her flowen-s were yellow roses. Jack Headford, also of Winnetka, served. Mr. Tarrant as best man. Tbe ushers were Vernon Olsen. and Roland Wilson of Cbicago. The ceremony, performedby Deanl Gerald. Moore in -the Lady chapel of St. Luke's. cburcb at 8 :30 o'clock, bc.- fore an altar graced with, Easter hules, wvas followed by:a reception. in the' Church House wbere 'roses and lark- spur were arranged througbout. After a week's cntdse on the St. Lawrence, the Tarrants wil live at 803 Erie street, Oak Park. The bride, a graduate of Kemper Hall, attended Lake Forest college and is a member of Kappa Kappa Chi and Delta Mu sororities. The bridegrooni was graduated froni Carleton college. He is a meniber of A. L. P. A., and of Quiet Birdmen. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Harrison of Se- attle, Wash., were recent guests of the *F. M. Haniiltons of 205 Abingdon ave- nueè, Kenilworth. Clark Kirwan, son of Mn. and Mrs. P. J. Kirwan, 1607 Elmwood avenue, is spending. several weeks witb' bis aunt, Mrs. H. J. Riesler of Springfield, 111. 0o- MNfr. and Mr's. Edward Londregon and. tbeir two cbildren of Erie. Pa., are bouse guests this week of Jennie F.Painter, 1615 Elmwood avenue.. d.e Ii spra- 1, 1 ,À ive, fiIw-Ewey <.,d-Ivury l N In Every Fui.n.T lii' le SLOWOUT PROTECTED av qum-a-4pin PRFORMANCE COUNTS I Frestons High Speed Gum-J)ipped Tires hold a&U world 1*1reIcords oni road anid trac% for SuJety, Sp.d, Milenge anid Endurnce. They ame GraS choice of race wlio will mot take chancessor sik their lives on any ethm rtire. I6.50-18 11D.. 6.50-19 1IID.. i 7.0-19 110-» I .5-1OH.. e J. C. Slow.. W. Giv..a Lib.wal AUswà,nms.fer YeuarWom Trires T. AppU1.on New Fires.ntHi'gh Spe.d Trires Proteet your Smfety hy .qualpplng y.r car IDA-Tire pries. are sdtito low-Buy STREET, WILMETTE Wiliuett.2600-2601 A. . a.Doa.