Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Aug 1933, p. 28

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seventh annual track and field M~eet for playground' children was staged last Thursday evening and Friday morning at tbe Wilmette Village Green. Althougb participation in the meet wvas restricted tocbildren 'whose records sbowed attendance at.the playgrôunds atleast 60 percent of the playground days, prioir to the.meet, the 1933 con- test> was marked by. a total. participa- tion of 300 cbildren,' nearly one hun- dred. more than, the total--participation in the six prececling meets staged by the' Playground and Recreation board. New track records were establisbed this year, Daniel M. Davis, director of recreation, and bis staff are reasonably sure, but since autbentic records, of the times in dashes bave flot been kept n previous yas it is impossible, to compare tbis meet's marks with former ones. Among. the new "record makers were tliree girls who gave periect perform-. ances in the meet, winning every event svhfrl they entereti. 'hey are: Doro- thy Davis of Vattman park, Blanche, Kreusch of Village Green playground, and LucIlle Heerens of Vattman park., Two boys also achieved notable records, winning four f1irst places out of the five events entered. The boys,.are Tom Carney 'of Village Green playground and William Jenkins of Vattman park. Young Carney was able to place second ini the event in whicb lie did flot win first place. Give List of Winners, Resuits Sunimaries of the various events are: 40-yard dash for boys under 8 years: .1. Wilbur Bail, Vattmaun park, 2. Albert $argent, Village Green playground, 3. Gene Hartnett, Village Gr'een play- ground. Time 7.6 seconds. 40-yard dash for girls under 8 years: .. Elleen, Borre, village Green. play-j ground, 2. Lucy Nilles, Vattman park, 3. Mary Napoli, Village Green play- grounýd.. Time 7.2 seconds. 40-yard'dash for boys 8 and 9 years: 1. Phllip McLeod, Vattman park, 2.1 John $argent, Village Green, .3. Norman1 H'offmann, Vattman park. Trime 6.2J seconds. 40-yard dash for girls 8 and years: 1. Nancy Hlenderson, Vattman park, 2. Patsy Symons, Village Green play-1 ground, 3. Alice Borre, Village Green ISt.John's (3) A. Hacker B. Harvey D. Lynoh P. Koller W. Winters S., Kraft 1. Burhans B.Stireff M.Kneip St. Joseph (8) WI. Hawkinson J. Scliaefgen S. Ha wkinison .q. Keil T. Ropkinhs R. Klinge 1 J. Hoffmiann K. 'Moeller J. Ciechini J. Kraft Kenilworth Tee .(6) R.' Steffens xi. Heinzen J. Miller S. Bohnen NV. 17tenreuther T.. Sehlffler C. Thalrnann J. 'Kraft H. Peters Ridge View Sp-ryioe (0) E. Bléser. et i) < P. Bolinen E. Miller M. GUY 1). Huek B. Thalimann. B. Brauln Rinky Dinks (0), c;('. C.reen B. Stordeur À. Phiillips* P. Bleser B. Russell F. Stordeur G. Bleser ld.. Kneip F. Petroskey E. qThalnann Ridge View Service (3) E. Bleser- 0. Weber A. Lundberg R. Nord S. Ludiger C. Welt',r B. 8teffens B. Maxy Il. May Hoff mann Florists (2)> G. -Huek parle, 3. Dorothy Bruehhauser, Vattman park., Distance 6 feet, 8 inches. Bunning Broad Julnp Running broad jump for boys 12 and 13 years: 1. Tom Carney, Village Green, 2. Bob DeVinny, Village Grcei 3. Dick Moreau, Vattman park. Dis- tance 1,5. feet, il11/2 inches. Running broa.d jump for girls 12 and 13 years: 1. Dorothy Davis, Vattman pa*k, 2. Dorot4iy Neuses, Village Green; '3. Beatrice Leal, Vattman park. Dis- tance 16 feet. Running broad junip for boys 14 and. 15 'years: 1. Bill Jenkins, Vattman park, 2. John. Speredes, Vattutan park,. 3. William Wade, Vattman, park. DIS- tance' 17 feet, .6 Inches. Runningbroad.,Juin» for girls 14 and 15 ýyears: 1. Blance. Kreusch, Village Green, 2. Louise Schreiber, Vattînan park, 3. Alice Wagner, Vaittman park. 'Distance i5 feet. Playground Bail Throw Playground bail throw for boys 10 and il years: 1. Robert Schenk, Vatt- mn p ark, 2. 'Jack 'Welter, Village Jo ,hn's (2), Marqua rdi Aschbacher Marquardt lBal Kaspar Meyer Hoffmafn Wagner St. Josephi (4-) Wv. Hawkinson, J. Sciaefgen H., Schleuter S. Keil T. Ilopkins J. Hoffrnann K. Moeller J. Ciechini B.Phillips J. Hofïm.nn B. Braun H. Johnson 1,nky Dinks (6) G. Green G. Bleser G.Steffens P. Bleser A. Phillips B. Johnson B. Stordeur M. ,Kneip A. Stordeur F. Stordêur Kénilworth Ice, R.Steffens D. Cheqter J. Miller T. Schlnler W. Ittenreuther. M. Roemer G. Thair nain S. Bohnen Teamn stand!ings at close, Of second round ini Fast Pitching league: W. I.. Pet. Ridge View Service........4A 1 .800 Hoffmiann Florlsts ......... 4 1 .800 St. 'Joseph................1 1 .800 Kenllworth, Tee.......... .2 3 . 400 Rinky D inks . .. .i4 .200 st. John's....................0 'i.000 To'morrow B rings Sand-Modeling Test With the tennis' tournament scheduled for yesterday afternoon, onfly one more village-wide event remains in the 1933 summer playground competition, and tbat is the annual sand-xnodeling con- tlest 'whicb will bc. beld aI 1 :30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon '(Friday) aI the Wilmette beach. Contestants from, boîh playgrounds will bce enîered in the, competition and will lie given one-haif ,bour to construct theiîr models in tlie sand. Eacb contest- ant, is, allotted a spacée tliree yards square, Daniel M.- Davis, director of recreation, explained, and the cbild must construct bis mode! witbout the aid of any stick or implement or tool.. After I seventh season of pu~blic playgrounds conducted by the Playground arnd Rec- reation board., Early iii, the season Daniel M. Davis, director of recreation, announced that the 1933 seasoii would have to lie shQrtened oune week. to con- form with the, reduced budget of -the board,,which makes thé current season end the second week ýof August instead of the third week as lias heen customary ii previous years. Aithougli no totals a re available, .11r. Davis thinks that the- attendance on the two playgroutids this summner lias, been uiiusuall1y large and ahnost equal to the total attendance recorded in 1931, whicli Nvas. the peak year when three play- grounds were conducted. Mfore than 700 children have been cared for> at the twvo playgrounds daily and the total attenldance cati le estimated at approxi- niatelv 35,0 or 40,000. Each playground is planning a- fes- tiveI close for the last (lay of the .play- groulid season, àihich parents* of. the playgrotrnd children a'nd the general public w~ill -be invited to attend. The-' main f eature'o.f the clo.sing progr.amn at > both the, Vattn'an park, and' Village. Green playgrounids wvil lie the award- ing of medals to the winners of'the 4igliest number' of points during. the season. Trhe competitive playgrouild point system was published earlier in the season, and childrei f rom both play- grounids have been engaged ir, coin- petition for points thiroughout the sumii- mer. Definite dates for the final celebra- tions at each playground wvil1 'bce an- nounced next week. Give Sehedule,,for Final Playground Bail Round The f ofllo frg-is the séhedule 'for thé final round in the Easy Pitchîng divi- sion of the MIen's Playground' Ball league: sponsored by the Wilmette Pfav- ground and Recreation' board: August 1-Cobblers. vs. -Y. P. C. August 4-N'orîli Shore Specials VS.' M. Y. P. D,; Coblilers vs. Christian .Scientists; Y. P. C. vs. Hoffmann Flor- ists. g BDIE41dilElil tance 115 teet. )ad jump for 'boys 10 List Rbonits for 7&.Tard »as Time 10 seconds.. 1. Charles Cederberg, 75-yard dash for boys .10 and il Runmlng 'Ilg] 2. Bill Dodds, Vattman 'years: 1. Jack 'Welter, Village Green, Running high jump Welter, Village Green. 2. Jimu Phillps, Village Green, 3. Bill il years: 1. Roqbert 6 Inches." Dodds, 'Vattman park. Time 1>1.2 sec- park, 2.' Charles Ced .d Jump for girls 10 and onds. park, 3. Tie between iclle Heerens., Vattman' 75-yard dasil for girls , 1 and il Village. Green, and F Lrt )ehiholpe, Vattinian years: 1. Lucille :geerens, Vattinan (Conitinued on. sch, V illage ttman park, WILL TOUR NEWS PLANT man ark. Members of the Village Green play- my ground will be. guests'of Llpyd Hollis- oys 10 and ter, Ine., Saturday morning when they k, Vattman will enjoy an escorted tour tbrough the gripkchio; WiimzTm Luz offices and the printing n Johuson, pant. Approximatély fifty eilidren 29) Witl.make.the trip, mi1R b art -1.- 2. M

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