*thle Southl hall oftihe Hall of Science by the Chicago Woman's club under, the auspices ofihe National Federa- tion of Women's Clubs. The lecture-seriesbas for uts gen- eral theme, "Woman's Contribution to, Civilizaîion," various..pbases of whicb are the subjects of ialks by promuinent, wome.n wbo bave tbem- selves Won recognition for iheir acbievements.. AUl of*these addresses will be in- corporated.into one book wbicb will be 'publisbed by tbe. University of Chicago Press. Jane Addamfs bas spoken. on "WVoman's: Contribution' to Interna- tional Peace. Movements." Among other speakers and the titles of ibeir talks are: Judge Mary M. Bartel1me, on "Wornan in the Le- gal Profession"; Miss Lena 'Phillips, presidet of the National Counicil of Women and of tbe International Federation of'Buiness and Profes-- sional Women, on "Womien 'iin Busi- ness"; "The Contribution'of WVom- en to Welf are of 'Cildren," Dr. Grace Abbott, cbief of the Federal Children's bureau;~ "Womaiî's Con-. tribution Through Religion," Mrs. Charles W. Gilkey, past presideni of the National Young Woman's Chris- tian association, and wife of Professor Gilkey, head of the depart- ment of religions education at the University of Chicago; 'Womien ini concuing the programs. N. S. D. A. R. Chapters t to Be Hostesses to State The annual. state conference of the Daughters of- the Amùerican Revolu- tion will be held' iii Evanstonl about the middle of Marci. %with'four. norih shore chapters acting as bos t es ses. Collaborating ini making arrangeL ments for the parlev are ibe Fort' Dearborni chapter of Evanston, Al th'. r lc.;plbi Rosemari' Jolles, daligl&fer of Ir. and Airs. C..SC3';IOlr Jones, 622 Greeiileaf azeenue, has 'beriz taking, Part in'groupdancing and has been doing solo numtbers as zeellfiis smmner in t/he C'hildre,'s t/ata.ter on the Einc/aanted' Island at A CcpiI tury of Pro gress. Last Tlîursday afternoon s/te did a solo dance, and ini t/te evening s/te apfteared -with a grou p in au attractive pro gram., She is a pupii of G/ad vs Hih. Bridge Luncheon Will Aid Maternity. Center The North Shore au,çiliarv of the Chicago Maternity center is plan- ning as its first aniual niid-sumrner activity, a buffet luncheon and bridge to. be given Friday, August 4, at A1 'o'clock, at Kildeer Country club. Mrs. Leland R. Johnson, vice-presi- dent of the.organization, is acting asý chairman of the special cox-nnhîîee in, charge of the party,,- and. she is being assisted by Mrs. Philip H. Smith, Mrs., William Hammond, Mrs. Wil- liam J. Nenner, Mrs. Kenneili Wil-. son, Mrs. Eugene A. B Ishop, Mrs. HIarryLee, and Mrs. Burdette Gib- xicien ieugesv(rs.lierbert W. Stoetzel of Glencoe)., soprano, Car-. Io lJatvary, tenor, and L<udlow 'White, baritone. Miss I*edges has sung 'the opera, and is known througbout the country as the possessor of an un- 'usually. beautiful lyric oice. Mr. Hatvary made bis Amierican debut iin 'the Stadium operas last winter.. He iîs a memiber of the Cs iop la ,Opera company andý will be beard with that, company in several ýoperas inlAugust and Septiember. Mr. White, made bis Cbicago debiji in Mayr, and bas sung before Chicago' and. north shore organ izat ions. Miss Hedges and Mr., Hatvary will sing next Mondaythe famous drink- ing sonig duet from the first act,*and the ".Parigi, O Cara". duet of tbe last act. Miss Hedge-s wilI sing the "fAh, fors e lui" aria of thie, irst act; Mr. *Hatvary, the aria.. 'Dé nîiei .bollenti s'u)iriti", of. the, second, act: Mr. M'Vliîe, "Di Provenza" in 'the second 'act, andi al ibree will Sing the last act. Assistj ng artists for the "Bobeme" lectu~re will be Lolita Bertling, Wil- mette soprano; Maria Matyas, Mr. Haîvary and Mr. White. Barbecue Dinner to Be Given at Skokie* A buffet supper served outdoors on the terrace will be tlhe special feature Of the Thursday nighî 'dinner and dance ai Skokie Country 'club, on August 3. 'Tables wilI be arraniged around the terrace, and dinner, wbich will be barbecue style, wilI be both cooked and served o utdoors. ' The Tbursday nighit'parties are held every other week and are ar- ranged so that mein and woien mcmr-. bers may pl'ay golf as wel1 as dine' and dance together. ýýPIay ini the afternoo)n will be* for mnixed four- sonies, but it is announced that it is flot necessary to play golf in order to join the party.'Those whb, Wisb mnay arrive in the evening just for the dinner and 'dance. Full Moon niglit will îakc e anf-a joseph bantley and others. now pIa%-. ing in "Gay Divorce" in the loop. "The club is happy to biave these distinguisbied players 'as its guests, and th e event should be one of the most popular in many months," lit announces. Miss Alice jaquesý and Mliss Franice's Watson wvill be host- esse S. A tour of1 the special -exhibition of paintings and sculpture at the Art in-' stitute under tb.e leadership of Miss Hlelen ,,Parker,- head of the >dej>art- ruent of 'Museum instruction, wvill be i nade on Thursday morning, August 10, ýat 10 o'clock. The saine tour will be repeated -'on" August, 24. Soule great portraits and- great coluposi- tions will lie seen, ofe the old masters and the new. A luncheon and circits party for children are announced for Friday,. 'August 11,. at 12:30. Real headline cicsperformers will be luncheéon guests, and later taxis will take mnem- bers to the circus groun.ds iin Grant Park, where a specially - reserved' block of seats wiiI be awaiting themi. The club bias neyer done anytbing of ibis nature before, but il lias no doubt. but that the expérinment wil.1 prove a suecçss. Host*esses for the day will be Mfs. F. H. Lane and Mrs.. B. Johnson of Radclffe. M ontb' s E vent s Arranged for Sunset Ridge Golfersý Womnen's golf events at Indian H-ill club' for tbe imonîh of August opened Wednesday of 'ibis week, with the announcement of prizes for the mnosi fours in Class A, the most fives* in Class B, and the most sixes in1 Class C. Ladies' day is beld on Wednesday of each week, and during August,' ii addition to the five Wednesday events, one .Sunday afternoon is seét aside for their enjoyment. Sun.da%, afternoon play is. scheduled for Augusi 13, witb two-ball mixed four- somhes, and prizes for low nîet and low. puits. The complete August scbedule reads as follows : August 9-Best score on selected 0 1-1. , -:1- -- . -. ivirý. n~ja4 n rL>LLVr wmI ieaa the dits- cussion on international banking and Hostes currency policies. Mrs. Charles N. Mrs.. Arthur 'M. Long, '1106 Green- Hurlbut will . lead the discussion on wood avenue, was hostess 10 about war debts, Mrs. Herman T. Reiling ibirîy of her cbùrch friends-niem- will report on the crisis in the Far bers-of the Second division of the East, and, Mrs. John Bebr on thé First Meîbodist cb'urcb-vesterday world economic conference. afternoon. Mr. and, Mrs. S. Ranson of Milwau- kee were recent bouse guests of the Fred Bullevs of 220 Sheridan road, Kenilwortb. - . 41-c i rartlLUIQ, I.onn., and Mrs' Linlce's daiughter, Mrs. j. Irvinig Mc]DO'#e1l of Providence, R. I. Mr$. Linke is the motber Of Gordon Iinke who will marry IMarjorie Oleson on Friday. tà