leen H-iarvey. Cleverly illustrated invitations with a moon in one corner, and a couple on a bench overlooking a lake in the other' announced: "Bill and Neil McJunkin and the Man in the Moon bid you to a moonlight party, in their ýgarden. hy the l.ake Thursday evening, August 3. Japanese laniterns and colored lights in the trees will heighten the effect and refreshments will be served out. doors at tables placed in the 'gardens. To Be AtuustHostesses for Wellesley at Fait -Eight Wellesley college seniors and two juniors 'are representing their Alma Mater as hostesses at, the W'%omeni's College> Board .booth in the Tinie-Fortune building (near southi entrance) on the Avenue of Flags at A Century ýof Progress during the inonth of August. The Misses Eliza- beth.Kifigsley. V'irginia Maxwel'and Elizabeth- Peitszch of Evanston, Marion McDonald of Wilm'ette,' Ann Steinbrecher of Chicago, and Dora Dixon, Mfarjorie Luskin, and Ruth Paul, of Oak Park are the seniors; .Mae. Bliss of Highland Park and Eleanor Wetten of Winnetka and Chicago.,the juniors. They will serve August'10 and 28, under the direction of the. hostess chaîhnan for the inonth, Miîss Mlargaret Broomieil.> Sweaters Musrt Betht Brower, datighter of Dr., and Mri. Daniel R. Brower of 1,ilmiette, will be mnarried ýnext Monda y morning ,to Robert . Swzeaili, soit of Mfrs. Olivýer Swýaiu of' Clinton, ConI.' The ccremtony i(ill bc~ pèrformied in the chaopel of the Church of St. fElisabeth by the Rev. Richard C. Talbot, Jr.., andi will be witnessed by only the immediate families. There z'iIl be no bridai attendants. The bride and bride- groom vil lcaz'e im;nediatelv after- wards by inotor for Minnesota. Plans Flot Show The North Shore Garden club bas înitiated plans for its, annual flower $15 $350 Knutwear -Dresses and..Suits. .95 $795 O4 IHcats eFet trw-Linon i 50ýc $150 $250 Blouses - Silk and Cotton $150 $250 976, LINDEN AVE. $350 HUBBARD WOODS, eon for her today., A dditional Society News on Nexi' Page club liein a meeting Tuesday of rnis week at the home of -Mrs. Fred Uhi- niann in CGlencoe, duriug Nwhich a j landscape gardener frorn Newv Yoik, gave a talk. 94Wcdma~a4 IS NOT ACCIDENTAI. CHICAGO TRZANSLATE 6M0 -NO TOLL CHARGE- FOR TWENTY-THREE YEARS CHICAGOS AND NORTH. SIIORES LARGEST AND OUTSTANDINS. CLEANERS C2 cburch St.> Evanstoin Oreenleaf -971.9 'h 'h I pWomen' s i I