Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Aug 1933, p. 22

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imer. Thne Doothix s iocated in the Hall of Social Science and provides convenient headquarters for Rad- cliffe students anîd alumnae attending the Fair, aIl of whom are urged to register there. lIn addition to the hostess service. the general iuici supplied with informaition about tîhe colge. rinted nmatter is distrib- uted and pictures and a model oif the campus. are on display., lThe booth> xvas furiiished. by' the college, while ail equipnient, fttrni- tutre, pfictures.- miodels and curtains are the gift of the Radcliffe Aluni- nae association. Tlhe'Radcliffe club oôf,,Chicago also lias a. share, in the project and( is responsible for the up-ý keep oifIthe booth,. aIl the, fi1iancial .arrangements of .whichi are iii the hands of Mrs. Harry>J. 1,l)uagliof XViintka. rs Dunbaugh isbeiigý assisted by 'Mrs. Heyligerdeid and Mrs. Walter 1'. Fislier of XV'in- nek.and Mrs. Ralphi Crandaîl of Mrs. %V. A. Mlagie. Il,' tof Winnet- ka is the genieral chiairni of host-, esses and lhas charge of. assigning alunnae to serve at the bootit each da.. Those front the inorthi. shore *who have assisted-up to the prüesent.ý tinle incçlude: Mrs. Crandaîl, MIrs. Magie, «M rs. Dimbatiglh, Mlrs. Fishier Miss Janie Snyder and Mliss Marion Daughaday, f roun .W\innietka, and -Miss Phoebe Nelson of Chicago, for- merly of WViinetka. -One o~f the hostesses, Mrs. Divighit Chapmnan, is from Wilmette, and the iemainder f rom Evànston, including: Miss Helen WVhite, the sister of Mrs. Crandall, Miss Jane Cove, M1rs. Ed-c Nvard MctDermiott, 'Mrs. Albert Var-. 4 rennes, and Mrs. Walter Crowelf. Miss Elizabeth Singleton, head of 5- the Girls' Latin school in Chicago, 6 and Miss Frances Jeniiings. a 'facul- ty member, have a ' so assisted. The permanent hiostess who devotes lier entire timie to the nianaging.of tlhe booth is 'Miss Dorothy Staniton of Chicago, a Radcliffe graduate xvho hias studied in Italy at the U.niversity of Romie.th Amoniz heinteresting g~uests who Iflcanorée Block. eratiy'edaticer and artist, declared by cr itics, ta bc "extert as a dancer, displaying1 both talent and teehnic, as wvell as e.rpressizeness, grace and a definitc in»dei-staudnigi4 iofwlrdt Iô do on the stage," 'and "e.r>on- ent of ail t/rat is beautiful in the dance" zvill be one of the three art jsts the NAr*rth Shore Congre ,qation Israel sisterhood is presenting in a munsicale Ttuesdoi-, .Augu.çî13, at ,Vôrthiioor C.ountry club in GIencoe. T'he hour of 't/tis, thé, anuai suin ner party, is 2:30 o'clock. Its purpose is to bene fit both the Sisterihood and the .Vorth Shore Con gregation. Jsraei temple. Daniel Saidleberyj, 'cellist. and Carl Forines, baritone, are the other two artists. Their.enfire Prograpit wil l e: i. Greek Viarrior )~e ahiiuir Eleanore Bloivk Jn iso i Be 2. a. ÎNin a.........egleJae Wl n V bl. intermezzo ..... ..La<> cHabanera, _,--,-: .Rae Married on September 1. dTar--)ntelle ......Popper~ Daniel Saidenberg Spebr1,wl etewdi ~Chicago Symphony Orchestra Spebr1,wl etewdi kPrologue from Pagliacci day of Miss Jane Wilson, çlaughter bAria-"Di Provenza il niar" ri Mr. and Mrs. Ira J. Wilson of 32 Traviata Carl Formes. Ridge avenue, Winnetka, and Richar Chicago Cosmopolitan Opera Conîpanyý Taswelî Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. F 4Orientalé................ Amanvi Eleanore Bloeck L. Scott of Norfolk, Nelb. The cere 5Normandy Peasant Dance.Cha.niinade M(:)1% will be performed 'hy the Re% Eleanore Block,. 6. a. Prelude and Allegro ........ Corelli ýSile .Hrns tteWnêk b. Air f rom Concerto, Grosso. Vivaldi S,îe .Hrns tteWnek c. Concerto in A Minor ... Golterinàîf Congregational churchi at 8-030 o'clocl Daniel Saidenberg adtî eetoiwilflo tSns 7. Waltz -Wein, Weib und, h eeto ilflo t us Gesang" ...... .....Strauss Ridlge club. Eleanore Block MilséXWilsoin has cliosen for lier brida Acconipanist for Miss Block- pry fs abr odno ei Marjorie Dom rtn is~rar odno ei Accompanist for Mr. $aidenberg. Worth, as maid of bonor, and, as brides, Harold Van Horne maids, 'Miss Elizabeth Freudenreich oi Accompanist for Mr. Formes- T-. *1 _- 1-- '-1-Xx *- -. 5 of ,a. t hue, vv'nnietka, wb e marrieci to Earl H-. DeLong of Evanàtstoni, son of the Re%-. and Mrs. Johni E. DeLong of Libertvville Saturdav, September 2. at 8 :360 &clock in the eveniing. iii the chapel of the First Metho dist clîurch in Evaîîston..,The bride- groon s. father. pastor of the ier- ville Methodist, chtrcli, %vifl oficiat.e. No wedding recej)tîon Wjll be lield, oIilvn ienîbers oif the iirtînediate faini-. lies and the biridai partv returntit to the Bradford home. 1after the cere- rnonV t o offer their felicitations. The bricle's sister. Nfrs. Garold J enison oif Evanston, vill attend lier as maid of hionior. Miss Helefi De- Long, sister (if the bridegrox. and Miss jane Cal!owaN- of \Winimette are the bridesinaids. Robert G. J-oviett of 1-*%aiistoi iS to serve as best ruaùandl( there Nvill b)e. four tîslters, whlo are not vet detcrmined. Tie Young ., couple will reside at 818Y2 Forest, avenue Evanston. Bothi Miss Bradford and b ler fiancé are graduates of *Northwest- cru university. The former is a nemi- ber of'Alpha Phii sororitv,, the latter oif Phj Gamma Delta 'fraternity. The early ýparties for Miss Brad- ford .include> thelîosier - shower an c b)ridgeý supper givenl by ýM iss Edith Lapham of ,F.vats'ton- on .Fridav, JulY 28; the kitchen shoiver arid sup- .per at wvhich, Miss Barbara, Holdeni was hostess Mloilay eveiiiug at lier home, 527 Warwick road, Ken l- worth, and the pantry shower and ,bridge tea Miss Jatie-Callowav and Miss Ruth Kinne of Wilmiette xv-iii have at ShiawN-ee Couthtry clubi>op August 16. Garden Club Announces Out-DoorMeeting, Show Ani out-door -meeting hias been, ar- ranged for the 1 next session of -the Wilmette Garden, club oný Fridav. Auogust 4, at 2 o'clock, in Mrs. Frank' JScheidenheim's garden at 804 For- est avenue. Assisting- hostesses are Mrs. Nathan P. CoIweIl and Mrs. NV. Wallace IKerr. M. G. Simonds of Sinonds, WVest. ton Lvnter, MaVIss. Miss isalnatcnet it those having gitts to gave a picnic for ten guests iast Sat- able to takce them to the urday in the Forest ?reserve in honor may cali the cub's of the visitors. The girls are al, chairman, M rs. W. W classmaties at Wellesley. wiil arrange for their cd ier are un- tation, they >wer guild rr, and she Bayliss of 610 Central give a bridge tea and li Saturday, August 5. ln bride-to-be., ýh, gave r Mon- SBetty ue wil shower ofthe Mifami, tua., tormerly of Wilmette. Hostesa at Knollwood Mrs. R. W. Starrett, 221 Wood- stock avenue, Kenilworth, entertain-> ed at a golf luncheon Friday, July 28, at Knollwood' Couniry club;.t

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