I a/mo0sU.t2-eac/..on t/ese tic e tL0 0. S5 Your. HOME PAPER O-ffers You A $365 BOO 0 ICKETS$fl5 to the WORLD'S FAIR for. only EhBook of Ticý,kets Good for 1 GENERAL ADMISSION to the Fair G round s and admission fo the following Concesosio ns: *Sky Ride or Observation Tower *Lagoon Boat Ride lTS A PACT; Tiese World's Fair.souvonii ticket books actuallY Lave You almost $2 machlI ln maiy cases the prices listmd on the tickets are less than those chargmd af the Fair groundis. RealIy ndrthese circumstances the full set of tickets would run yoau something more +han $41 Why haventf you gotton yours? It's a bargain ..you'Il agree. There are stili smre Ief for YOU. . . but someone mise wiII boat you to them if you put off getfing yours mu.ch longer. Your Home Papor. WII.METTE LlFE, was indeed fortunate to b. abi. to co-oporate with the Red- path Bureau i disitibutig a.mong. ifs readers. some of a limitod printing of theso Worlrj's Fair souvenrtiketfs. Th ink of iti The firsf ticket admits you +o. the* grounds, throwing open th '. doors of. numerous national. international and industrial froe displays, and oxhibits. Thon there romains tickets to ELEVEN instructive and orjoyablo kand-picked concessions. Why that's only about 20c for mach featurel Where can yoù gmt se muçh for so littie? Andi after, youve usmd the admission stubs you stili have a handsome souvenir tickmt ok bound into a green and silver cover for a Iasting romomhbrançe. of the $37.000.00 show of the, agel Why not stop in today at the World's Fair Servicm Burea&u of WILMETTE LIFE and secure enough ticket books for your family? Or get thçm for your frimnds. Cali pmrsonaIIy or mail the coup on bmlow. The tikots--are good during the entire duration of, the Fair. By the way. . if those out-of-town gu.sts have not arrived yet. . . get the ncessary tickets for thoir entertainmont when they do,. ou.iI save moneyI 0ý. 4f si if Pageant on .. dfn V ..Gi4a tJupu gu- To TiWV co ~ ~ ~ ~ 1W<ve posage ana cenrts toward admission fo A Century of Progressj boos. A d 4 e OffidcaI Fine Arts Exhibition in the. Art Institut. book.4ddui5orec of Ctiicagol book ever te». THIE BARGAIN 0F A, "CENTURY" : Name..........I : Address ................... City .. . . . . ...uI