* I810Chuitan St. Sq.I Opposite Marshall Field's Spëcials for THURSDAY,- FRIDAY --SATURDA 3t, th and th RIw trom. Natlve Corn. Fed Bref., A miçoibkuns ,pelai wortb .,Your Trial. FANCY LARGE i Carton:s, doZ. I61/2 FRtESH;-CHURNED CREAMERY BUTTER, This is Firesh Churned Butter de-ý livered, to us daily., lb. 21 CHOICE MILK-FED AROASTING ILi.191/2 Swift'& Premium Siced phane Pkg.10 /2 rima Barett: .........euqt. box 1 5c U. S. No. 1 Red New Potatoeu bs 7 Special for This SaIe-FANCY NEW Duiehen Appleu ......5 Ibs. 150 m Plu I ormerly,i emy. 618 Daq Just East of rt, nas been cioiiig con- ng lately. He mnade. a Dick Young, flyinga Monocoupe, cto St. -John's Military was an arrivaI at Pal-Waukee air- lafiehd, Wis., ini one oýf port last week. He Rlew here from ýukee Fleet.s. Goebel Oklahoma to visit relatives, and to a student -at -the acad- attend the Fair. While here 'he stoted bis ship at Pal-Waukee., A special prograin of eiitertaiiî- Pilots Set.1. mnlt lias been arranged for 'vitors S p...' to Curtiss airport this Suniday. Residents of Chicago an([ its sub- August 6. Dick Graniere, fanions. stuut turbs a*nd visitors to the \\orld's. Fair pilot, wiIl perforrp iii his Curtiss are proniised some of the mnost spec- junior, anid there'IlIbe a slow race. tacular flying' ever seen when A Cen- between Lon. Yancey in, i s autogiro t~yo rgesepsto shs and a parachute jumiper.' probablv 10 the' Internationial Air races,' an([ Dic 1k.XXTst. Ralph .Nyborg, "another j the Gordon Bennett. balloon race parachute jufinper. wvill do a delaved Septeicber I to 4 inclusive at Curtiss dlrop. it is annoi!unced. 'George Eirrýeil airport.,«-----4 %vilI bring a tri-miiotored1 Ford froin Aviation fans . uill see in , action, the Chicago muniicipal, airport for nîiali3,of the pilots wvho conipeted in. passe nger-carrying purposes.,,. Ad- the.National Air races ini California. mission to the airport and the grand- Builde rs of. highi speed ships that stand is free and there is no -Charge' faile d to reach the. Coast event are for parking. it is exfpiained. making every effort to have their- ships ready for t hé fairraices. 'One f these ships is saici to'have a speed 'Officiai Fair -Booth of 360, miles an hour. at' P l-Wa 1e. A Invitations to send entries, for botu at La-vyaftee -~'Mort Iteavier-than-air and lighter-thaîu-aîr An official Century of Progress ini- cathviberxede o3 a forma jý tio boof -Nlias been e ased Jtions iii vhich there are aicronautical on he es sie f Mlwak.e ae-societies affiliated ivitlh the Fef.era-, nue at Pal-Waukee àirport. \'isitors iion Aeronaut.ique Internationale. coming to the fair froin points north , %vr.îd-goiverîixîg body for air qpor ts. and northwest of Chicago can get oDfnBeetCu informatio~n about the' fair and about Lt. Coin. T. GB\V. ettleCU. S the city at this booth wiîîîout charge. '.fLt CoftheG.ica.dstrteoS. OnIy a short distance froinuthe bootl NpltoftePcrdsrtshere, is he ig oc whre he woGo- tlighit at A CenturY of Progress, wvill is~~~~~ ~~~ tebgdc vreleto odédfend tlîe Gordon 1Bennett halloon year blimps, Reliance anîd Puritan,' i race ctip for the United Stateaans which carry passengers fronu the fair jsifitriainlctieition t grounds, are stored .N-leil not in use. clui.inn atonKal ule n, Ge n-v PaI-Waukee airport is also the home ChlesD olfHusof ae C oGrl. Rv- of the Sikorskys which operate fromi 0fPoan, aothane:star. R the PaI-Waukee conicession at the io oad n ihrsas fair grounds. Great %w orld interesý is expected ini _________________the heavier-than -air prograni, whichi [vIll end with an initernàational free- HoiemonPlneT p >io-all race fo $10,000 cash prize. Interrupted by Storm wIll be.twenty laps around 'a 10-ile WVord was received recentlv at Pal- closed course, the qualifying speed W\aukee ai1rp)ort. that 1. .L Youngiý- heing 225 miles an hour. husband's Loening amphibîan., whiclh $35,00 Prime Money he was using for a lhonieN-ioontn rp The prize money for the fouir-day' through Canada. ivas tom iloose froni xîîeet %vil] total at least $35,0w0, con-ý ismooring on a Canadian lake dur- test officiais have guaranteed. 1,t is ing a stoirnu and the lower 'wing of llarined to inlclude, participation '.by the ship was 'damnaged. The wing i: 'the Army Navy and ',\arine fl .i119 being rebuilt,, and Younghusband is corps, speta;cular. acrobatic stunts.. expected to show. up at Pal-WVaukee delayed parachute jumps. and- other a gain one day $ooîî. Ue.keep> his thrillers. plane at the Pal-Waukee hangar. The seating arrangemettllani for the international air races wvIll be simnIiar to that used for the national .condit Makes Charter air races, wilîi were held at Curtiss