si lle yts riliDe ne the ord nath comforted is epe n aest o hihwas called to the at- Sunday at 2:30 cach dav. saa 49:13). ago. The rest of thle Sheridan Shore ,Amiong the -citations wbich coniprised PAETi0 IL sailors ivill take finie off f romhbomne thle lessoni-sermon was the following PRNSO IL conîipetition f0 leld fthe support of from the Bible: "And we have ,kn[own A daughter, Lynin. weighing1 7 pounds., t heir presence to 'their commodore. '.and believed the love that .God biath to 1was. bon at, the Preshyterian bhospital Hayford wvon thec right fo. represent us. God is love; and lie that dwclleth! july -1.t r n r.HrvWl Lake Michigan in,. these-champion- nlv dwellet uGd adGdmIliamis of 205 Oxford 'road. Keilworth. ships ini a series of races lield iat hlm;'p (I John 40:16). ..Ms pla 1rtredfo b~h~ Junie. '1'L 'Williams -sernon aiso inctheea tn The Illino<is 'River fleet's enitrv iollowing pass ages froni thé Chri.stiatu from L.NI. Y. club of Peoria is the Science iextbook, "Science and Health defending champion.hIn addition en- with Key to the Scriptures," by ,M ary tries 'viii represent Paw Pawv lake. Baer ddv: -People go into ecstacies Detrit. outieruLake EFrie. and ýover the icese of a corporeal Jehovali, Vermillion O . 0Ont-ot-tow n guests thougli %vith scarcely a 'spark of love in vIlcone to Evanston Friday night their hearts; vet God- is Love. d with- to be entertained at Sheridan Shiore*s ofLv.Gd rmraivcno p regular weeklv dance. otLv.Gd motlt ant p Gemini Has Bad Luckper(.31. A\ 1roken nast and, the dis<uah- T ranize'Food Trades fication of the season's lcadinig poinît T iolder flgured. in the outconmc of the Under Recovery Programn firt ' 'risrac a Shrian Albert N. Merritt, 154 Linden ave-' Shore la1t Saturdav. vtl Charles1 nue. Glencoe, has been asked f0 or- Pajeu'sSrnck lnîhîn ii th va ganize the. wholesale- grocers and, of t-ie fotirteeni entries. The 'Pirie h -j; stores of the Chicago district Brohers Grnii was Ieading the fô comnply iîth. the Presideint's pro- fleet (n)i le second lei, heni a sud- g ram ,for industrial recovery in the dlen gust snaped th 'e niast below iwholesale food trades.. Merritt the spreadcrs. The coast guard Wvas a h rsn ieoeae h called on to towin the disabled star,. ________________1________ H1a! Elliots and Sain Gess' Carol, leading lboat for the elighit races of Nay) ; 3rd, Frani (Wesley Bownian, flic A" nd "1" erie, tas i- Ylye Smith, Dick Hatigen); 4th, Ali the A" nd ")»"sercs, as is-Baba (Charles .Knight, Harry Richfeîj:; qutalified vhiei shc fouled Havford's 5th. WaIî'us (W. T. Stockto.f, R. C. Twnlelitto_ Recause of hùr prie- stteckton, Paul Date); 6th, Silver Spra,ýy -violis big lead the Carol st111 reinains (Bob Kendig, 2Mrs. Kendig, B. Chap- in frst lac iii)oin .L man) ; th, Gilder (Howard Joues, Bill in irs iaceM pin totals for the Noble, Mýrs. W. B. Elis) ; Sth, Twinkle scaSt 'n. with 101. Twiikle litto is a ýDitto (Max Hayford, Jay Twitchell) , close second Nvitli 99. 9th, Omar (Bob Teare, Bob WVhitfieId); - .Saturday's Reaulta lth. - lermes (AI Biflgbam, John Hal- of atudav~ rceted, M. Jillson); llth, Hurnmer Il Sunnîa( John Den ion, Earl 1eoe, Mrs. Deni- lSt, sntk (Chlas. Pajeaju, B. son) ; l2th, Fanny (Henry Warren., Nor- 4IIis, Allan (Cook) ; 2nd, lc (h' man Johnson, R. Hatn1ii). Gemini-di- *GallmWa.v, Haroldi leeVe, .~Js alo'bled. Crl-lqaitd WIS.CONSINDELLs Spcnd Your Vcation Where SCENIC ATTRACTION' are the Greatest in Amerîca. TRACY TAYLOR (Taylor,$, lac.) 28'E. RANDOLPH Neeor Ave. ST. b v Peinsed 'Si: ha Fox, $65 I ao Setember $99»5# or More. 111 Posoni CIlaoOfie MôteLI LS~OflOf 4 0 iMmo IRY-Ce LyTroN & Sc Sherman and Churc"-VANSTON. pifai Fridav withLviiii., whois their fourfh, child and daugliter. HUB'S rl EVANsTONi l WO M EN'S .SHOP g