Break as Ieam Is Defeated, 10-9 A close game was won by Village Green, much- to Vattman's .disap- pointment ou Tueçsdlay, July. 25, at Vattmian playground. Vattman was up'to bat first but soion struck out; the Villageý Green made two runs. In the second inning both teams strttck out. The third inning gained, four runs for eacli team. No. runs Were made.iii the fourth inning. The .fifth inning brouglit ini two runs for eachTeaàm. Againboth teams struck but. >The eighth innfing. was the decid- iiig inting, so of course both teams plaved . their hardest. Vattman broughit in several runs. while Vil- lage. Green brought in only omie run. Village. Green, however, had been ahead most of the time and was 'able to win b1y the finial score of, 10 Io 9. The players for Vattman were: Lucille.. Heeri-ns, catcher; Bunny Schreiber, second base; DorothN, D)avis, first base; Beatrice Leal, Pitcher; 1Bessie Bouchikas. litcher; .Virginia.Marsh, right fielder; Shir- ley, Pearson,. center fielder; ,AIice 1 ýýagner,. short stop; M%,arjorie Hill, third base;- ladys White, catcher., 1The players for Village Green. were: Blanche Kreuschi, pîtcher; Caroline Peekel, first base; Hilda *Voeller, third base; Marion Miller, second base; Jackie Mdiller, short stop; Josephine Costo, short stop; Stella Kohler, righit fielder; Marion Schneider, center fielder; Béatrice Steffens, left fielder.-Priscilla Pol- lock, Vattman park. Janitor Puts Up a New Light Fixture, at Vattman, At Vattman. park, Peeour jani- tor, has put up :a new ýlighit fixture. If you were at the pet show you would haveseeni the lights. XVe have themi on for special occasions. We are hoping that Pete wvill be able to fix anything that goes vr ong with .Intramural SVstem A new. intramural basebal sstemn bas heen started at Vattman park by Hap Gathercoal, the instructor.. It is, di- vided into Itwo classes, one for over- age. senior, and interrnediate boys, and the other group for the junior boys., There are- four teams in ea0lh group. The teams of the older- group are cap- tained bvy Phil'Hoelz, Dïck Huck,-£Ed Snyder, and Fred Aschbacher. The. junlior'teanms are captainied by Bud Har-, gis, Fred Qi -kRobert Cederberg and. Merrill' So far.,.Iowever, the systemfi has not worked out as wlell as expected, the main difficulty being. to find a tiine suitable for al.-Alan Henrekson, Vattman Park. Reading Group to Make World's Fair Scrapbook The Book Pages hield thieir weeklY meeting MondiJly 24. The story, "Mutiny lsland,- which Mliss Hughecs lias been readig to uis' was not reà(d at this session because maniy of the members were absent. A scrapbook of the world's fair ,was started; Every-one is, to bring iliterestiing A Cenitury of. Progréss ýpictures to paste into the boo0k. The. book i$ to bie lef t at the playgrouind for the boys and girls to see.-Helen Bôrni, Village Green. PRACTICE HIGH JUMPINIG This year nlany of the boys are practicirng high jumping. Thiose whio. practiced one Moniday recent!y'\ were Walter Tobin, Tom Kivland and John Mitchell., We ail made 3 feet, 6 inches, but I think we ail could do better if we practiced more. Often we have a cofltest among ourselves and, see who is the best one.- John Mitchell, Village Green. SAND--MODELING CONTÉST On Friday, August 4, there is go- ing to le a sand-modeling contest at ýthe Wilmette beach.. The conteat is between Village Green and Vatt- mnan park. The models will be ftidged on originality and workmari- ship. There will be as many chil- Kickball Game, 37 to 10 \\'e had a garne of kickball July 26. The score wvas, 37 to 10 in favor of Vil- lage Green. WVe have wvon five gaines ini succession. The ïblayers for' Village Green ,are as follows: Anna Borre, catc .her; Dorothy .Ortegel, l)itcher; Mýary Xoodbury, first base; Alice Borre, second. basé; Rosalie, Schneider, third. base;, Florence Milnikel, short stop,; Bernice,, center fied; Virginia Sargent, right field, and .Kath- lyn Mil ler, left field.-Alice Borre, Vil- lage Green. Girl..W.inners: Listed in Final Terrîtory Contes t The territorv contest wvas hield Sat.- urday, Jffly 2Z. It ivas at -Vattmin park. Everyone wva s lhere because it was the final village-wide contest. .Here are the winners: juniors-first, Betty Anderson; second, Dorothyv Nilles;- third, M argaret Kivland;_- foui'th, Patsy Syinons ;- iftermediates -first, Rosalie Schneider; second, Mary Ann Miller; third, Dorotliv Ortegel; fourthi, Lorraine Cross.-. Bettv Anderson, NVattman park. Tennis Tourney Staged by Playground Seniorsi at 1 o*clock Wednesday afternocin, Au- guSÏiZP- or the seniors 'lTe sen- iors practiced every Friday ilorting.,ý JeoeCicchini was 'their teacher. The tennis tournarnent vas held at Vil- lage Green. In case the tourves' was not finished on Wednesdav, it wvas to be completed the next dav Both sen- ior boys andi girls wvere to be in theý tourtiamiiet.-Anni Borre, Village Green. TO 'VISIT NEWS PLANT The Village Green. is going to, the WzLmieTurrz I establishment t skec the printing plan't Saturday morning, August 5. E. WA. Weber is the edi- tor, and bis staff mnembers will show' us throughi the plant. We shahl see the linotype operating, the ju-MoR LiFE. being set and other interesting News Highlights for Playgrounds The village-wide track meet was held at Village Green on, Thursday ceniiiug and Friday rnorning, July 27 and 28. 1Horseshoes suddenly, last. week, had' an, increase in popularity, and. Nvhere they lay idie much of the limnc pre- viously, they are nowv constantly in ue The sand-modeling contest will be held lat the Wiinette beach on Friday, August. . and. the childreýn are prac- ticing daily. The tennis'tournament %vas schieduiledl for Wednesday, August 2, at. the Vil- lage Green tennis course.-Do(ris Har- gis. Vattman park. Vattman Park to End Season With, Program Friduty, August Il,, is the le~t and biggest day at Vattman park. 'rThe final program.. will start at. 1:30 o)clock ln thie afte'rtnoon. This programn consists oi tricvcle and scooter races for junl- iors, and pushmohile, bicycle anid .roller- skate races -for intermediates and :,Ci)- iors. Prizes wilL. be given to winîiers of eachi race. The handicraft exhibit will be on display aIl day unitil 4,o'clcPck iii the afternooni. \X'e invite all the parents and their friends to be %vith uls on this, our last and biggest day i' the playgro)und.-Dorothv- Davi ý, Vatt- tman park. Splashers on Beach Day Find Lake Water Warm Friday, July 28, vas, Village~ Green's beach day. Village Green did *iit have a beachi dav Fridaýv J ulv .21, lecause, we went tc) ,thile world's' f ah. FiftY-ni èe children, came Friday for.the beach, day Th' water was very:.warm, the tempera- ture. being 73 and the air,85. We came out of the water at 3 :30 and lIeft for home at 4 o'clock., A good time was had by all.-Josephine Cos- to, Village Green. ER TELLS HIS STORY Tue boys anc track meet 1 van in the 40- time at thie traci sh. I did try my best to bon fnr secondf just the same I lost. 1 will and 15 had a ball i n ext year and I hope 1 will girls 14 and 15d Paul Kivland, Village story about the Synons, Village1 1too. Thisi ack meet.- reen., are rwL.ALAUUI kets and ree gifla Ludy,1 emaking bas-' PUBLI 'ery nice when Last week Shope. It is ground had fun 1 too. There stories in. ets. raffia bas- next week.> ýaskets. - Vir- have written, park. lage Green. Our Village Green plav- trteen JUNIOR LIrE We. hope to do better 'This is the first time T one.-Joaà Coutre, Vil- ureen.