ive theV rembers an opportunity of lis- 1given in Foundation hall teniing to President Roosevelt's detailed hOuseShOf .worsliP, Linden' speech, and the interest centereci itself ad Seia od ir on the Industrial Recovery act. Sunday afternoon, August 6, The association passed a resolution aind senit a telegram to ,Washingt.on, D. C., assuring the administration of :t support, of the programi as outlined in the maximum wor7king hour and mini- muni wage scale planl. Thie -orgaization- lias called the ,attention of the public to thé'so-called ~specials" or twenity-four hour service that its members have been giving prir tthis timeý. They will -110 longer be WISCONSIN S able to do this, except, in cases of nieces- iNE SUMMil RisouT MOTEL sity or emergencyitiepaid.iio/0Ac Wnrfd Ai niations point to the fact :that I 'ak* om-ocw~~bt AJSOLAURUELY F7*EAOOF dry cleaning .charges will .advàance in ïmofflo41 RATE$ the near future to take care of the in-; LAWSONIA creased cost of operationand labor un-ý COUNTRy ICLUB NoT'IL der the new schedule, according to Otto MM GREE14 LA'E. bS .~ F. Fisher,, president of the association. .Ail memrbers, who have signed'the vol- untarv agreement, ' vi1l displav NRA * * k * badges and I)oster's iri plants, retàil out- public .to join them in the fight to re- TE lieve unnlIyetand to re-estahljsh1 purchasing power. Mienibers. of' the organizat ion are: Shore Uine Cleanlers, Wilmette; Vil- lage Cleaniers, Wilmette; A. NA. Zenge- l er. Hubbard Woods; the Northwood Cleaîîers, Winnetka; Vogue Cleaners. Highland Park; Diff v and Duffy, *Highllaind Park; John Zengeler, Inc., Highland Park; Rel jable laundry ; Er- mine Cleaniers, Lie., Highwoocj; Parker company, Lake Forest; Zengeler-Horan company, Lake Forest; Greeni Mill Cleatiers, Waukegan.' Iowa Girl Becomes Bride of Dr. F. R. Mitchell Anniouncemnent cornes of the mar- niage, of Mtiss Edna Lucille Ledlie, of Des Moines, Iowa, and Dr. Ferinan R. Mitchell of ýWin;netka, wvhic h took place Thursdayý afternoon, Julv-20,ý at- the, homeý of the bride's parents, Mrý . and Mrs. Jamles D. Ledlie, of Des Moines. D)r. C. N. Burroughis of Simpson. college at Inidiatiola. Iowa, nffiriatj.4i New Store Hours Until Further Notice 9:30 a.lu m.t :0Po. m Daily Except Saturdoy- Saturday -:oa.m. to 9:00p.m WJEDOLDTSMM.EVANSTON On Davis Street Wilmls. 1100 -N N "YS~SIR, Uncle Sam, we ire behind you and, your NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL RECOVERy, ACT 100 PERCENT."' niake their homue in Winnetka. The former Miss Ledlie is a grad- uate of Simpson coliege. Dr. Mitchell, who is the son' of James Mitchell of Indianola, is also ýa. graduate of Simipson college and is a member of Kappa Thêta Psi fraternity. .He cis à graduate of the dental scbôol at« 1215: WAHINGTON, AVE. WILMETTE, ILLO WILMETTE, ILL