a--rd--- &en~zisworth, nmate' as given in Webster's Newlit steel pipe is so cheap that the saving *1Ifeel that it is time te bear- i n rd in itahslost lives. But Wil- ternational dictionary -an estimtate in interest on increased cost of cast defenise ot our wvell-regula:ed )e.1cl sys- nie te is criticized for the vers' thing is an approximate jdmn fvl rnpp oi a o h eea jteni. As oee%%-ho has enjoed it eacb iest of u.s appreçiate: i, e., its weIl- ue, magnitude, amount, etc.'; an esti- of steel pipe ili about tell to iften suimer .for some years. I1t eci qualiiied kept, well-guarded. weIl-regulated beach. mate is flot ant establishecl fact. Ev- years." (The Engineers-Village pain- to sp)eak-. Althoughlt is aiways casieti Ve are. proud of our beach, its nlaturai rb hoetmts ae i-piet bases ils cost figures on a tise te write letters *againist" than "for.*' the hcauty. its cleanlinless, its service n aeoe rudr edmgesî. fui plant life of 200 years and steel expatriate Nlr. Chiapmanl*s letter arotîsed the efficiencY and courtesv of those iii just. right." ip ha aylst tenty years .i.1 nme suficîently te t make the effort.. I charge. There are 1.400 families WiI siae hchoerntea-poey, instalied is used.) htope such criticisrn as bis williîlot hé îiiîîgi there.this summer anldetijeyiig.it., tuai from.54 percent to,65,percéint are Quotiig froin the article: !ak-en seiiouslv Iby tlie Village hutard, Il) I am neither juvenile, senile, or, I hope. very bad guesses, aithough in this iii..1 "Now if Mr. Lauer can bc 0ii that event we shlouId 50011 sec anîîtlîer a iuron. and 1 find it ain excellent place. statice they. serve admirably to make taken in -ail his estimates about ýtlu Oak street aiuug Our shore Iiie. (Siglned> lleaîîcr C. Nate. a more favorable .paper showing of I Cost of the water worksý,ho% cati lie Air.- Chapniî', ietter represësits -tie ('1 Cenitrai aveîne. Ws ai uc hwn asncs esococksure about bis estiniiate'ot habit nman!v haeo uruîdî u sary to, make the projéct look a,,- "lrcsupin? "gýood oid (iays-.with a golden aaur a tr IE h rîe Fi i ad i undîltfndbs a. I~ lIEtractive to vtr.Tewie ililshortly préparé â;w Fin afAn articlevitiltheoWiiilet elBulleti eTie letters which appeared in the' exhibit and subinit data' sectired frot and easy beach aspleasant 1odaý- as lie oif julv 27, hleaded "nwrn r Pbi ou f orJi 7iseofca illage records wh'Iiclî lie reniieniil)ers it.l'lie lincon1Vtenienlces* lit, 1 riggs and Mr. Iauer." contains, are a- sufficient anse ttheB l tbinks wliidemons trate how.' rescrits, are ainl)IY repaid ini service andi1Statenients. evidenitîr intended to ýdis- :etints reference to Carl C. Re nneu - ltu regard to the pumrping capacitv safetv. Most'of theini1 believe lie bas crédit the wrîter and in. on: instailce :kar's letter. The rtr~iIb lt of twelv-e million galions dai!v. the neot accurate ly investigate(i. Sinlce 1 uakes t he statement that the writer to supplement these letters if further riter knows very wvell ,tliat it is have., l'Il' enumerate biis inaccuracies . is cnflecte(l ith ant engineering comment is desired. good engineering practice to ihave Ex-Governor Dunuie. or 'anyone elcsc. conpatur wýhicbi would' have char-e<i Quoting from .the article: pumiping capacity ini exceý,s of re- ma hv aleabpinc ntu anthe samie fee as that heing paid',tb2 "I remember very wvell thiar at til quirements, b>ut what h. idoet 10 ust , north -uf tbe present wtrwr* present engineers. Âne of the referndmôlcto ,o was the use of purnpinig capacîty àas; fron te bac mater O erlay ol This statement bas ojoodion the water. works those opposej to 1loo n t s i nscb froine s ac. utto steOne bra sewhatever, Thé .writer, is iot now Mhe project (andJ 1 am .sure that M.r, iway as te. create the impression thât if le i abe. ut t th sad brnor b o as be ever been connected witL LIauer was one in particular> imade tweive million gallons dailv wa.s.thé, vondtheraft ; neife-guard remieni- ber .M. Capmn as beig uabe t an eninerig frm enage ii wa quite a point of the statement ilbat capacity of suppîr vben the réal, ca- yond tr he rna as, oneigual oayegnrngfmeggdinw swmmu that far. %whicli probably accounits ter- works promotion or water works be waterworks could not be buit pacity is t.he water treating and filtue,- engieerig. or te $00,00 etimae -that. it ing capacityhchi six million gai- feris being calied back. 'One' ma.yegneig o h 60,W etmt,-wihi eve covice ue uads f bs biltv In a phone coniversation witb the %vouid probabiy mn: $7,50M000before Ions daiiy. and swim nortb along the shore ln a editor cf the Bulletin he was told b3 'e erthohwthi.W aha Teidacpasnunieed ae. fa sGg'spe.î'sntrlthat the editor that he received bis infer- hapi)ened? The plant.itseif is actua.lIy irito the mains at any t im'ei s shock- Mr. Chapmnan shouidnit kilo%%-tlîa!. 'Thîe iation for this article frein the Vil eu bitfr-400;ad t bt ing. When unfiltered water once gels young iai. clumb on the first rait, %whiichl age hall. and as he advocates that th.e following estimated expenses:- ci- into the mains it wili aise conte eut is hv is hee. he"He. ~ ifomaton ôbtind fro Mr. -ineering $23,000, interest, $30.000O, c f the taps for drinking water. e has been practicaliy discarded for %%-is- Dubbs direct, it is fair te assume aa (ncmdn the uneesmgî< ihrltvl hrt iiiie, i ties, and the life-guards nu longer ithat his information wvas ebtained uncalled for Shawnee flght) $1)0(000, buman wvastes frein h ra inbî ~tai tei eesbt reprvied~ ith roin that source, .which in the nrit- and miscellaneus $10,000, aînd .\eo of. bathers durinig the sumniner strin héi ees ut re rlack wihbave a total. of $473000." months; and theii ail einèrgeiicv that colored glasses. er s opnion niy acceunt for its ak The w~riter, tiever questiened that requires bv-passing-"a rs I could go oin, but l'Il assume that for of accuracy. .n.tiî ites dtaied i th eainee's eýt the sake of cleveriîess Mr. Chapnîaiî Iieplying specifically te the varion es tj1 ate ývhich tetale(l $600.)000 cotid Tiiere is a fnrther and verv erîo*,!,. discarded accuracv and .adopîed a stvle statemnts made, the writer stilinrits lot be contracted for within the C- question te colisid' wth a na of ainusing exaggeration nii is descrip- the foliowing: tmt.H ihwvr 'aeta lie t i tien-cf th beac. He s ribt abut Quting he aticle "He (r. tîate.11e dd, hoeverstat3th0t0" cfonly ,000feet.That es t uei-,_ ti o n of h e b ach H e i s r gli ab ut Q oti g th a r icl ,. " i e M r. a d d itio n to th e p la n t c est th ere lhad i 'o n o f so lu b le hu m a n wv ste. S o ltib c sonie tbiîîgs, >lîow\%eNer. The . \\ater Briggs) virtualir accuses the Village beemi voted a $100,M0 bond issue for %vastes are net' removable Ihv fitra-ý orsconstruction is a great7 nuisanice 'president and the Village board ot' îew mains,, which Mr. Dubbs statcd. Grec toalwoueteba* n h ie ihiligfcsadf tien. Ir.Hansen'of Pearse te ilwh u~ li bac, uJtheiie-wibhldngfatsan fgures ý con- would bc used for th -t purpese.1 (Se' iîd Hýaiîsen stated at the finai pro- guards, as weii, but the% accept it. as a« cernifiigthe water. works and ef.pur- Wilmette Announcements, page 18, ito etigatheSopctol temporarvr and iiecessary nuisance. Tîte posely submitting, inflated estimates issue of September 25. 1931.) ~at suspended matter .vhicli foitii,, meni bathers are neft aliowed to take of water censumption, etc., te seil the The writer aise stated that the t5 va3't h naedrn h their tops off, iin the -iîterests îlot cf* water works idea te the voters." tit'SaesHdo vhcofiebtingsaon thed itratduin whch nioralitv but of gooKd taste: sente of the [it ai analysis by the wvriter (te fixes the 'distance -frei lake avfienues true. Hle, bowever, did net sas- an'.- wvotnen cdomît enjo': the spectacle cf the which Mr. Briggs lhas referred-) which fr -pe aledethof tiu > bn lotslul uatwse hronzed terse. ()lie is not allowed. lu was written on December 29, 1931, Ithim>'-afiee fe ath0ofeet»hre- so hoinaotès.oublerhelped vte re throw sand on the beach, and 1 eau îlot quote f rom pages .12 and 16: tir3ýiefe t57 et hr-sotitkhwvr epdt u -- 'feel that the enjoyrnent of threwig "WA4S THE TRUTH TOLD? - fore.. if a short intake was buiît an duce cest and ais-o capital charge,-: ,(:,tizLns of Wilmtte, when you were: extension at perhaps an eamly -date which, are the big factors iin wat.i'- Sand cati be as great as the enjovîienl cf led to belleve that a-n Independent -plant would- add another $50,000, based on production costs. -.- lying peacefully on the aîîds. :ît coin- could provide wiater for you at a cost cast iren p-tpe.Te.eerdun-'ferdtinîe ---fort:. the aituotance cf -ea,.,itg vour of 3%c per 100 eu.- ft. - you were lead h ééedml-fre oi h astray. When y'ou voted for th bonid I quote f rom Pearse, Greeei and article.,carried fry a majit' c 9 çothes, at thie-bIath hl.ouse cati not be as2 issue. on the -assuniptton that you- eould Hansein's report:. ôe etc total ote of of,5 99 s~ great as the an> ance et coningont of -rely tîp>n the sae t ade r70v thero-. offthe north ,site (norttea~st endf, than30 vtswlchae eeal.- moe fitiÔtt ai upatin, did pr)te eares etisfo f reedom :of ait unregulated beach eau -- tont est upwontrth ot-r ntIistatmet? nadérsiodoeth - s ieui'- The bondisse 1 1- loit bce as plea'>aît. as thic pleasitre <of wattthe boniîIssue apiproval ôbtàined pitte-bt.leodthis, -Th rtrhas been told bl nîany __ cleai snd, a rockless shore, a niàiillllliî bvfaise pi'etenses or wereour om cial.qint 'e is rlaivy shailo%\,wa- voters tbat -'they were opposed to o-f Aies and a niaxilvuni cf safety, rniledr by elever- water works p.ro-nie ter. To rea-vh thirty feet of- water bu il dinig an inclependent plant but ticnal engine-ers,? .- depth wouid reqitire ail extension. -ef voted for' the bond issue te> hack UI) Tîo speak. nmore -sru.l 'rthe '"WH(O I~1 .1PT 1) THlE~ AK 2,2.00 feet (or 5,200 f-cet ofiitale), ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6l e -afe ùàur4hli bniti hum lf-e is udt sîýite WQRB !1ROJf CT te1' ' - nfuterbnaf le - ing to t-y to e 1* ting nabout, dues ttesv <angineers'>- repeqt, 'ani rct lw the eutiiate, ihis -güer- tte ha hy oOdfr the n - ehild \Wh \%as, druw-ie n tri-tese- Fly stai n itoiia propoit ionas beenthbe reSslt kt~,ti t~i ~t~4e *teb , ,- 4s-, and'ho oked un it îftelli- ') ff1pirtinbth gner1,igpcal fvalefor rece vi- -Io\%,< - - - ter atesor re,4 ced tar-s I 1.f eea scok i î n u or fth d Selinae ie)oneece.Ti n suIi u sue -tlctions, ad fift peole ave een ulld ou. I-wdirectraction pampthetwhhlnea !ctiinreabe sorceman b ern- rigineer, toar cs, Greeley andhait- etheeelTe te weinno e sen e- any of thoadsedeole wuld er herhe - ia thfice - f mlthe n insupern- sii e hi eotsae nosmn fte ae ok da he ha net been awithiîî reac he ofped on pt aý edfrve shed l- "Casn 'lie ipivii ostclasee o lie, pojec.- a lifettrd? Wheî he. sho r in eraQunkeotnfroe n ther f t hartcle: - toegb steel pipe as eexped.I rgrdtTIewrte(eigase notb of the beach was open te the pub- ',I might suggest that these gentie-. to have a life of at. least tweîîty te "sit i"ad"ieavc, u lic, there were sevemai drowîiîtgs, each mniMmr. Briggs anîd Mr. Latmr tu-yasadpoal geri rp-(oinmîud 'eut pave, h