gies to RipIey) BRAUN BROS. ADOI The- w iýl'iliboards show>i above arc înakin m mooists of chases a littie dog. THF.N, l .adies a nd gnlmn thec North Shore, stop an~d look... then blink and look THA T 15 NE~WS! This "Phec;iom;e,,u"1 'can bc 'sec,, aga ii. Yes sir. ladies and gientlemen, '11's fot newcs fora on Sheridan Road, a fce blocks south of Hoa'ard Street. /Hq dog ib cheqse a litile rabbit, Init 'hem, a big rabbit (Photo coirtes5v of A-dveritisiig Age.) ,-BAUN BROS. OIL CO. OFFERS NEW SILVER FLASH GASOLINE TO NORTH SHORE, - Theqi, 'nre..- Mat - i lt'à here! Silver Flash gasoliie hias coirne to town* . . . and to the 'North Shore. It is a supe-fuiel that its re- hners or(liniarilv have sol.d in the past at a piremniunî but now is -beiug s Id ithe Chicago Area at the price of orjinarv gasoline. WVhat bias brought the price downi to the level of ordinarv gasoline? The answer 1is simple. lt ic. .Lv5iLIJri-.7ucij suinis 111in1 the onie %ord, "%olume." iGênlerai acceptante 1b% motorists lia,, 1 een responsible for .uuprecedented i sae . t scausing the vlmN nce, sarv to loiver the price to wvithin the. reach of aIl. Silver Flash gasoline is sold only 1)3 itndepeiideiitiy-operated service. sta- i ýPT CODE, Braun'l3ros. 011 Co. are proud of, the.fact that they are Nubr Qure among Wînnetka business houses in signing and returning President Roosevelt's Business Code., mailed' to ail employers during the last wveek. MORE STATIONS comiNG Thlere are more -thani 115 Sihver Flash stations in the Chicago area. -o-, I3ratiii Bros. Oil Co., distributors oni the north shore for Silver Flash gasoline, announce that they' are planniing 0on opening several addi- tioiial service stations where this <îuality motor fuel may be oltained.. - aevcral lcaonsor t.1hese taionsb tions. On the North Shore Brauni strategically located to conveniently Bros. Ou] Co., of Winnetka have serve the greatest number of nortih taken ovelr its distribution. Sales are shore motorists. in charge of Robert K~ Doepel. Mi.. Doepel enthu siastically stated. Already future attendants of these "I con sider Silver Flash gasoline. stations are bèing trained at the com-. without a doubt the best motor fuel pa'iies service station at 812 Oak obtainable. Because of its quality, Street in ii nnetka. This schooling performance and economny, hit s equips these men to attend to the boiand to .sweep the territory., Already needs ofmotorists iu a pmost efficient more and more motorists are seeking maniner. out our service stations at 812-OaK Street, Winnetka, and on Central ,%venue, just west of Main Street; in Definite annouinciement. about the Wilrnette. Just onetankful convinces new stations will be mnade at a later of the inerits of Silver Flash." date. i. j:fl/jjj4~ j BRAUN BROS.. SERVICE STATION CENTRAL AVENUE JUST WEST 0F MAIN STREET BELIEVE IT OR NOT! (Apolo o%" bàý OUR PAW