N. Y., was to return this week but is enjoying her stay so much she bas. extended, it1another ten 'days. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cox and their son, Robert, of Des Moines, who have been on a lishing trip in the. Detroit. lakes inü Minnesota, stop- ped.off té visit Mr. Cox's sister and fainily,'the, George .Rigers, 706 Cum- mings av enue. Kenilworth. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Eisenhauer.of 2325 Lake ýavenue .have return ed froin a motor tri toi th' Bla c HuIs and Yellows tonep Park. e IlPOR 9ALIEj IHOICE NA jte. RIR@,t ' ! Chie e'A.>,Cet GEUIN SPRING Lo f LambL.: ADMOUR SrAff 1605 Street WIEBËOLDT'S- WEVÂNSTON On Davis Street WiIm.f. 1100 BentleY Carr. Boo-Servant's Entrance. Buck-First Wife. Burt-Entertaining the Islanders. Carroî-As the Earth Turfis. crontin-Gr'and Canary. Grey-Rainbow Trail. Fallada-Little Man, W .hat Now? Herbst-Pit Is Not Enough Lawience-Ra inbow. Mannin-Venetian Blinds. Romain-ýMen of Good Will. Seymour-Daughter.to Philip. Sharp7-Fanfare of Tin Trumpets. Stông-StranÉe>r's keturu. W.eIles-Not to-Eat, Not. for Love. Gmrdçniagand Recreation Harding-Lilaci. Oritoff--Informaî Gardens. Phillips-Delphiniums. Geddes-Horizons. Lognon-French Provincial Furni. ture. Rigginsý--Modern Swimrning..and Diving. Jessup--Boy!s Bookc of Catnoeing. Slocuin-Ve Gods and Little Fishes. Poetry and Play$ Drew-Discovering Poetry. Housman-Name and Nature of Poetry. Erviine-How to Write a Play., Wilson-Contemporary Trends in: 1American Literature. Anderson-Both Your Houses. Edman-Adain, the Baby and the Man from Mars. Coward-Collected Sketches. Keynes--Essays in Biography. bennett-journal. Somnerville-Incorruptible Inishmian. Nevins-Orover Cleveland. Bryant-Macaulay,. Lawrence-Letters of D. H. Lawrence: Zweig-Marie Antoinette. "s Memoirs. ýnnrpTs aun Nor, the, xurmr team winng by a score of 8 to 6. The Washing- ton Park team recently won the irst place in bracket No. 153 of the slow- bail pitching league sponsored by the Chicago, Evening American. W. Rogers with two -singles and one triple, and D.' Huck with two singles> to his -credit were the bitting stars for the Washington Park team. Captaifi Harvey, Siereth pitched a good, steady game for the winners. He twirled the entire gaine in spite ofi the heat. A. Lundberg was the fieldinig star of the game, robbing Larry Pahlman of what Iooked like a certain borner. The '"L" Terminal Business asso- ciation .of Wilnette will sponsor the Washington Park team in the finals for championship of the1 Chicago Evening American Softball league. The team will hencefortb play under the, name of "L", TerminaIs, it -is announced. Following wa s the I-ineup ini last Sunday' s game: Washington Park Schultz & Nordj E. Beral, 3B, E. Bleser, 3B. J. Moore, SS.P Wbe, B D.Huck, LF. D., Hoffman, C. J. Harr1son, .2e.. J; Schindler, CF. L. Pahlman, CF. E. Seilinger, 2B., f£ Sieren, P. S. Brown, SS. W. Rogers. IB. J. Miller SSS. wyIe, RF. . Wittenmeyer, RtF. B. Hurd, SSS. A. Lundberg, LF. Ç- HUi, C. R. Kllngor, P. IN ATHLETIC FRATERNITY Charles F. Krerner, jr., 723 Laurel avenue-. who is attending Northwest- ina Delta Psi, national athletic frà- ternity.ý He lias been attending Çol- gate universitv for 'two years, and' while there won ,his.'majior letter ini track. He is-going to Northwestern in the fail. Mr., and Mrs. F. D. 'Shane, He lep, and Marilyn, 422 Central avenue, re-, turned. Monday from Estes. Park, Colo.,. where Mrs. Shane and the children spent a nionth. Mr. Shane wr an te e '~ wMan. ,WiItte. 204 Fo Prd PSar ansd Srvie. 1033 MAIN STREET Wilmeteo2378 F' ewiff s'i GOLDEN WEST PRESHIN DIRE8ED