Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Aug 1933, p. 6

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nounce that there wîil be niany attrac- tions, "something for ail, and every- body is welcome." Co-chairmen of the affair are Mrs. Walter C. Doering of Wilmette and Mrs. William T. Kinder of vanston. FOR SATURDAY 5 AND 1SU14DAY p Reudy Packed ICE C1itAI0 Â Youve neyer known how re«lly de.iicious Mc L a cnbe iuntil We serve Cuniegham's Ice Cream C ONFECTIONERY 1204 CENTRAL AVE. Phone Wil. 5353 sevice -JC at a cha, Chicago., land ceni ark street, at Grace- TO BUY REV*,ISED STÂTUTES Injorder'that the Village officiais inay be' properly prepared to tell anybody what the law. provides in certain Èàatéý ters, Village Clerk N. P. Miller was autborized by the *Village board. Tues- day. night, to purchase 'a copy of, the' latést- edition. of Smith_-lurd revised, statutes of Illinois. Francis Allen arrived last Friday from New York ,to visit. bis parents,, Mr. and Mrs.,, L. M. Allen of 258 Melrose avetque, Keniiworth. His sta Iv w as short. Mr. and Mrs., Allen ret urned ivWitb bim on Tuesday ofý this week. fHOME J3AKERYI Personaa Attention te Ali Orderag Opposite Village Hall 1193 WiIunette Ave. WiL 5429 IF' The next Infant Weifare clinic will be conducted Wednesday afternoon, August 9, from 2 to 4 o'clock. There will be no cbest ciinic dur- ing tbe rnonth of- August as -Dr. Julius Novak, who iîs inà charge, will be on bis vacation. Mrs. Inez Bliss, the nurse in charge at the Health center, -is in ber, offi ce every afternoon 'from,.1 to 2. o'clock. Hier telephone npmber is Wilmette 2402. Instrueted to Bu'y 011 .Burnerfor Water Works Village Manager C. M. Osborn was- iinstructed by.the Village board Tuesday nigbt, to purchase a: Petro-Nokol'oul burner for. the newv waterworks build- ing. The genieral cotractor will> instal the burner. A 3,000-gallon oul storage tank is also to be installed. Trustee S. N. Tideman brought up the matter of contracting for th~e seàson's supply of fuel oil, recommending that a contract be consuninated at once. Discussion. bowever, resulted in instructions to Vil- lage Manager Osborn to prepare specifi- cations and to, adver.tise for bids. VISITORS COMING The Rex Elton Fairs, 510 Fifthi street, are expecting a numnber of bouse guests next week. There wvill be Mrs. Fair's niother, Mrs. T.K. Atkison. lhe.r aunt, 'Mrs. Albert Carl- son botb of Ongeb.an cousin. vid L. Larison and iiieir duitec.i Maurietta, and two girls wvho are fri cnds of the latter, ail of Rupert. Idaho. George Richards f rom Forest Hilîs, :Long Island, who bas beenvisiting the- john 0'Connors of 149' Kenil- worth avenue, bas returned-boneby plane. jack O'Connor, who bas been in New York returned borneMon - dav, bringing a friend, Bill 'Meeban, witli bim for a visit. -0- BNIDER-CAZEL, DRUG CO. ,wiIm.fé & central Aves L' Toi. Wilmet cooperate with us in fuifilling both its letter and spirit." R, M.: Burns, Burns Toggery, stated tbat he was signing the code and would cooperate as fully as possible in carrying it, out. "Rîght now," be said, "I anflot employing help, but, will later on, andi shall conform. I, want to do my. part to help our town and country!' William Taylor, dry goods, pointed to jthe "blue eagle" in bÏis window and said: "That tells the stôry. I alil for the plan. .The Président bas un- dertaken a big job and it is up to al of us to cooperat e in helping bim to' complete it.". Confidentof PIMa'Sucees Ernest- Griffis 'of MW1olff-Griffis Hardware company, expressed coni- fidence in the success- of the recov- ery movement and added: "0f course we are conformning to. the, code. and W ihi endeavor to so arrange our hours as. to affdrd most convenience to rus- tomers. After the public beconies ar- custotued to shorter hours evervboily will -be better satisfied." These and other expressions leave 1no doubt as to the intentions of \NVil- nimette business interest's to get behiind t he. President, and boost for bigger, better times. Postrnaster Joseph E. Shantz states that about sixty-five, certifi- cates of compliance hiad bec:î re- Se i v.ed1 up t o noon. Wediesdav: "Signers of the rode should reenil- ber,"'. said Mr,. Shantz, -that ini order to e-et the -posters and other instina. Mrs. Elizabeth Russell Dies at Daughter's Home Mrs. Elizabeth Russell, widlow of Alexander Russell, died Monday, July 31, at the home of her daugbter, 'Mrs. Edwarcl G. Henkel 116 Wood- bine avenue. Funeral services will be hield at 1 p. m. today (Thursdav) at Srott's funeral home, 1118 Green- leaf avenue. Burial, which wili be private, will take place- in Oak%\ood Rige Rd. & Lake Ave. L Tel.. Wilmeti. WRADsOLUTELY MARANTE« EVIRY ion EVANSTON WiItneiie 1100OO 4nytliing. Wrong ,W ïth Your SHomIES Aire They Too Short or Too Narrow? .Are Theg, the WVrong Colot or Style? sho. Ait work is done by aho.specialisis in a separate depvrtmernt degoted exclusively to thia tejpe ýof work.

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