Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jul 1933, p. 3

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The Retail committee of the Wil- mette Chamber of Commerce reports that intense interèst is being sh.own in the coming midsummer Dollar Days by the retail merchanits in the v'arious commercial centers of the village, anril preparations for tbe-big evenit are bc- ingý pushed with vigor. and ra .pidity. Every.merchant is putting forth ail possible effort to offer ziot onily the *greatest bargainis in, the hiistory..of these Dollar Dayevents, but to ma.ke his particular store the magnet, for the keenest bargain hunters.: That greater inducements than e.ver -hould lie made to drawv shoppers from ail over.the north shore on the two Dollar Days* is logical when con- ditions are .considered, it is pointed out. Commodity prices are steadily increasing, and.merchants have Ioad- ed their shlelves 'with quality' good s at, Prices which they could iiot now. duplicate., They are therefore in a position to effect, a trem'endous sav- ing to buvers who take advantage of this opportunity% to provide for future. needs. Dates Are August 11, 12 Another advantage to buyers is the fact, that this annual festival of val- uecs will come at the -last of thé wveek, the dates being Friday, andj *Saturda%. August Il and 12. Shoppers who have patronized the larger shopping centers will fiuid ià worth while to.concentrate purchas- es i the home stores where selection. values, courtes%, and accommodation conspire to take ail the drudgerv anc(l discomifort out of *huying, and :where in addition. villa(zers cati stretcfi tlie*r dlollars to a satisfving length. 2 Men Arrested After Attempt to Steal Boat "n response' to a caîl from. the United States coast guard, Patroîinienl Schaefer and,.Schneider of the NNVil-I mette Police department were sent to Wilmette harbor at.6 :40 ami. Ju'lv 20. *where two men hadý been, discove.recl attempting to take a b>oat out of.the harbor. The policemen ar.rested Her- bert Schaeffer, 23 years old, 6615 North Shore avenue. Chicago andt T)--- il, , -- __ I A . Miss Anne L, Whitmack returnedl to -her duties at the Wilmnette Public library -ýonday after a vacation spent largely in research werk at the 'University of Chicago. She is new engaged in. nmaking rip a list of new books for addition te the library shelves. these racketeers,'of picayune caliber,* a picayune being equal to 6ý4 cents in real money. They are a, naive lot, these petty grafters, and move in mysteriou.s ways their wonders te perforni. A wide acquaintance is their stock ini trade. Anyone who does not know someone who know's somfebody- who can fix an arrest slip is just a poor fish. And therein lies the fixer's method of secur- ing business., The, customer being un- covered, the procedure is something like thi s, according. to Police Magistrate John j. Peters. who 'las been operated on hy. several and, sundry of these f el.- lows: Somebody from -sorewhere,,.driving tliroughi Wilmette_ sizes. the place up, comparinig it with Ch icago, New York and other small towns, and decides that it -is a 'hick burg and its traffic officers either as leep or harniless. Therefore. whv.pay any attention to speed regula- tiens,' stop. signs or parking lawis? But f requenitly they, encounter a traffic, offi-. cer wvho entertains the idea that the Village ordinances are passed with a view to being enforced,; and arrests the culprit. Said cuIprit, with a supercilious grin and an air of I-know-something- but-woni.t-tell, asks that the case be set several,,days,.later. Then he contrives contact with 'a fixer who tells hlm, "'Sure, 1 cati take care of that, but, of course, I will have to 'grease' sonie- body, and it will cost $5 or $10." And a bargain is struck. -Then the local judge gets a telephotie cail. "This is Nfr. Buncombe of the sheriff's office. (Or Judge 'Softop's court; as the case nmay be.) You have a case comlng up sô and se, nanme Thomp- soit. He's a good fellow, neyer in trou- ble before. Just got interested in the beauties of your town and did not see the sign., Didn't mnean te do any harm. 0f course, you carii take care of this for me ?" The conversation may vary, but the objet dQoes flot. MagistrÈate Peters. says he,has found a Sure way o f quieting these fellowvs. He simply gays, "Oh,« yes. But talking over the telephone is net very satisfactory. Yeu do flot know te whom yo;u are talking, nor do I. Just Write me a let- ter on~ the letterhead of' youir office and caIi tor a iIIVUium ize iricyc and also a bicycle. If there are some that have been outgrown and are npt now in use xnay we have thern? Mrs. A. L. Grinneli, chairmari. Note: Fconomy shop is conductecl [byNthe Woman's club of Wil hette. planning, to attend the pienie. *Daniel M. Davis, director of the Wilmette Playground and Recrea- tion 'board, will be in charge of the games featuring the afternoon. The youngsters are malso loo'king forward te ice cream and a Pujnch and Judy show. -The picnic will 'end with dancing in. the evening. Another feature of the picnic will. lie offered by- the drum and bugle corps, of Evanston post. American Father and'Son Event at Westmoreland Today The 3thý annual, renewal of the competition for the Midlothiani Pater- IFilius trophy, is taking place, today (Thursday). at Westmnoreland Coun- try- club, Wilmette. This is th e oldest father. and son golf event in the count- try 'and'is attracting wideinteriest. . .The late Arhur P.* Bowen and son, Gerald * of Riverside', were the first wimmners. The p~layV is at 36 holes wihh handicaps. The team getting low net wins the championship and the more prized reward-possession of the' Midlothiaft trophy for a period of: one year. There are prizes for low net anrIl low gross at 36 holes, aIse for low net in the morning and low net in the a fternoon play. The contest is openi 'o members of clubs belonging to the United States Golf association, West- ern Golf association and Chicago District Golf association, Sales Tax Blanks Now Available at C. of C. Secretary C. E. Ciiften of the Wil- mette Chamber -of Commerce advises that he. bas on hand a quantity of blanks. for the use of merchants in making returns on the state two per- cent sales tax. These blanks may be had by calling at the officeof the Chamber, it is explained. As the supply available at this time is small,. only one blank cari be issued te each mierchant. AND contacting the inder. Just oeWILMETTE 4300 end ýAsie for Ad-Taker. ' Trhe summer school drarnatics class at New Trier High school, which is under the supervision of Gordon Van~ Kirk, will present a three-act comedy on Tuesday, Au- gust 8, at 8:15 o'clock. I. SThe play to be presented is called- "The Charm School" 'and is byv Alice Duer Miller and Robert Milton.. It deals with the amusing situation that arise* when. a yroung man iher- its a girls' boarding school and.de- cides to teach the girls charm inistead of the old regular reading,, 'riting, and :'rithmetjc. Mr. Van Kirk's class bas been, spending a. good :deal of time and work on'the rehearsals, both in class time andj outside timeé. The class it- self furnishesmost of the characters of the cast, with three New Trier graduates, John Milton, Paul Hus- ting, and Dorrance Nygaard. also playing parts. The cast is as follows: Austin Bevins........ Paul. Husting George Boyd... Elwood Glass, Jr. Davîd *Mackenzie, .....~. John Milton Mr. Johns .......... Bob Merriman Tim. Simpkins ........ Eph Banning imi Simpkins .... Dorrance Nygaard Elise_ Benedotti ......... Jane Bull Miss Hays........ Virginia Moyer Miss Curtis s'....... Alice Freeman Sally Boyd ........ Eleanor F'orman Muriel Doughty,. Marjorie Williams Lillian. ........ .Janice IKahnweiler, Dotsie.. .. ýý..... Maxine Livingston Ethel ............. June Thrali Alix ....... Ora Jean laewo Northwest Men's Club to Give A nnual Picnic The Northwest Men's club will give its third annual picnic for mem- 'bers, their families and friencis Sun- day, August 6, at Beverly lake,. approximately 25 miles, from' WiI- mette. Picnickers 'will meet at the homfe of the club's president, J. D. Kininear, Twenty-third Street and Chestniut avenue, at il1:30 o'clock in the morining. A statement fromn the club reads: "There 'is a large picnic grouinds at Maiald:of Wimette, James Mail- fald of Deerfield, John Mailfald of Wilniette, and flarry Mailfald' of Chicago,' thirty grarrdchildren and nine great grandchildren. , ý.. T lhe funeral services were ,held at his late res'id'ence last Saturday. Burial ,was at North Northfield cemetery.

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