Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jul 1933, p. 28

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The liargest evelit of the entire sum- mer playgrounid calendar will take place this évening (Thursday) at the Village Green at 7 o'clock whien more than 200 athietes from the two play- grounds will compete in the sevenith annual playground track meet. Because of the large number, of events, and the various age groups, Director of, Recreation Daniel M. Davis and his staff Iiave decided to hold only- the dash events and the standing and, runining broaad jumps this evening and the ,rematiing events, highjump :and bail throw, to- morrow morning at 10 o'ciack' at the samne playground. The general public is Welcoîne ta atte nd the meet, Mr. !Davis an- nounces. There' will be no admission charges. and some, of. the best 'local school and playgrou nd talent wiIl be seen in competition during.the meet. List of Eveûts The events are as follaws: 40-yard dlash, for boys under 8, 40- Yard dash for girls under 8, 4,0-yard dash for boys 8 and 9 years oid, 40-yard dlash for girls 8 and 9 years aid, 50-yard dash: for boys 1.0. and Il years old, Sê yard daslh for girls 10 and 11 years oid, 50-yard dash for boys 12 and 13 years old, 50-yard dash.for girls 12 and 13 years oid, 50-yarddash for' boys 14 and 15 years oid and 50-yard dash for girls 14, and 15 years oid. Standing broad jump) for boys' 10 and Il years oid, standing broad jump for girls 10 and il years aid, runnlng broadi jump for boys 12 and 13 years aid, run- ning broad jump for girls 12 and 13 years oid, runnlng broad iump for boyk 14 and 15 years old a.nd runnir'g broad jump for girls 14 and 15 years oid. Piaygi'ound bail throw for boys 10 and 11 years old, playground bal throw for girls 10 and 11 years' oid, play- *ground bail tlirow for boys 12 and 12 years oId, playground bail tlrow for girls 12 and 13 years oid, playground 'ball throw for boys 14 and 15 years oid, and piayground bail throw for girls 14 a nd 15 years oid. 75-yard dash for boys 10 ancd Il years .oid, frgr-1 75-yard dash frgrs1 and 11 years oid, 75-yard dash' for boys 12,and 13,years aid, 75-yard daslh for glirls 12 and 13 yeéars i d,. 75 yard da.sh for boys 14 and le' years oId, and 75-yard flash for girls 114 and 15 years aid. 4unning, hlgh jumiip for, boys 10 and il years oid, runnlng high jump 'for girls 10 and 11 years, aid, ru.nning highi jumip for boys 12 and 13 years. aid, run- ning high jump for' girls 12 and 13 years aid, running high jump for boys, 14 and 15. yearls aid and running high 'jurn for girls 14 and' 15 years. aid. * Ribbons will be. awarded, for Itle above açtivlties.' Hpgre A 4rp i.tér standings are as fc j Easy Pitci il. Y. P. 1). (21) E. Berol J. Moore .Hrr o L. Pahînian W. Rogers C. -Hill E. Duina A. Kremer <À. Stone L. Échmltz Cobbi>ers (4 W. Gash N. Smnith M. .Biehl, R1. Robertson H. Wlls G. GrommreS R. Wild D). Gash L,. De Youing M. Johnson Iloif. F. (14) Huck1 H1offiann Bleser., Hoff mann Keil 'Hire.h Hucli Kunzer Reinier Team stan(lingsin 1 league: Iloffmnann Florists. M, Y. P.D...... Y. P. C. . N'orth Shore Speciai's K. of'C........ îiig League :N. S. Spec. (2) G. Schopeii B. Lynch G. Pahirnan, D. Barkel- J. Sheridan, F. Oelerich V. Wyle B. Michelsenl P.i. C. (12) R.- Steffens W. Ilawkinson J. Miller. A. Sehinler T. Hopkins E.Bieser A. Hoffmann P. Meier A. Iiauer H. Peters. Unknowvns (o) A. Hacker W. Winters P. Blasdell B. Russel Il. Miller 1. Steffens El. Bleser R. Cheter' W. Uttenreuther K. Wagner EasY lpi tCling W. L. Pet. .4 0 1.000 * .4 1 .800 3 1 .750 :* 33 .500 2 11 .41001 23 .40 O5 .0001 Fast PitcIhing League Iloff. F. (7) Ki-ili, Tece (0) G. Huck.' . A. Bauer A. 'Hoffmann' "1. Johnqon E. Miller .I Miller P.' Bohnen . S.Bohnen Mu. 11 v MRIeimer- P. luel T. Sehinlei. ILJohn.son M . 1 leilzen .1. 1 loffinann ' ". Steffens' \V Ittenrouthur T. Chiester W. lawkison A. .Hacker, 200 Wil T. } W. P R. KE S.. Hï Inn Hoff.F.( D. Huck. A. Hloffimnn G. Huck P. 1Bohnen R Evans 13. Thaîniani Il. Johnson finii llofflia W. Marquardt KC. Wagner H. Meyer ýn R. Bleser W. Hawkinmon In J. Schaefgen H.Schieuter S. Ki Jake Hoffna unii Tý. Hopkins' K. Moehler n R. Klnge J. Cicchii an S.. HaL-,vkinsori S. Kraft Weber Lud ige r Nord Welter Lundbere Schildgen May Steffens 1.Ma y GO. Creeii A. Phillips P. Bee W. Sodu Wý. Johnson P. Sto)rdeuir 83. Russell A. Stordeur M. Kne-ip F. Pectros-ki 1. Ludiger 0. Weber R. Nord A. Lundberg E, Schildgen C, Welter M. May' B3. Iay PLiidge View Servie IIçIfliannFors' St, Joseph Kenilworth Ice St.. Johns Jtin.ky Dinks 4. .000 tte( jg. St. Jolis'ls (e«» W,. Foslund ri. Kaspar A. Hàcker W. Schiniler- TT. Il.rquartidt W. Beal J. Castle. W.. M~arquardt () K.enil. Ire(5 A. auer, J. Miller S. Bohnlen \,V., jtte-nrt héîii- R ýJohnslon M. Roemer D. Miller' (8) Ttnky 1Iîks(0 B. Stordeur C.. Steffens . F. Stordleur G. G reen S. Pries G. Bleser G , B13asdelI1 Hl. Fîtzhugh Hl. Peter$ A. Phlliips ing iti. "Fast" pîtchling Won '4 "'3 .3 .2 Lost O 1 1 9 4. Pet. .11000 .75ûi ,50 .000 e Winners 1 i ana1j4i LieritILy con>et t oIL r. boys and girls under thirteeîî years of age was .held for playground chil- dren last Thursday afternoan at the Vattmina park playground. Both the Vattman park and Village Green, playgrounds ,entered contestants îin hemeet, which was held under the supervision. of Glen W. Gathiercoal, Récreation assistant and boys, IIi-ý structarat Vattmnan. . The contestants cornpeted ini four divisions, a boys' division, and a girls' division. of the. Interilnediate class fram ten ta thirteen .Years of age, anda boys' and a girls' division of the Junior class ünder teti years of age. The resuits of the coin test fol- .10v: R esuits of the Coâtest Intermediate girls-i(salie Sclnieider, Village 'Green playground, tirst Pae Mary Ann Miller, Village Genp]a,,- ground, second place; »orothy Ortcegel. Village Green pltuygrou ndi, tliird piaci, and Lorraine Cross, v'ilage rv playgro'und, fourth place. .Interniediate boys - Franklin john- RsÎn, Vattman Park, first rPlae;* ci neth Harr-man, Vattinan pa.trjzk.ocl l7lace; 'Charles Oederbier>g," atna Park, third place, andHoad3oen Village, Green, faurthi place. Junior gilsýBetty Anderson,. Vatt- man park, first place;. Dîroîthy Nilles. Vattmnan park, second place;, margaret Klvlan' Village, Green, th iîd place, and Patsy, -Syrons, Village Green.,. fou rth Place. Juniorboy-s-Rnlph Whi te, Va ttia n Park.. first place; Frank Bad4ger, Vatt- man park, second place; Norian -loif- man,, Vattmian Park, thirdl'place, and Paul KIVlan, Village . Grtaë,n, fourth place. Blue, red, aInd white rbosvr given ta the resPeetiý', fiSecond.l aniid third Place winners. Sports Calendar %DIUT ACTIVITIES TiirsîayJuly 27 7 :00 p i-Mnspayrudball m1eut. Willmette V'illage Green., 7 *Hi lea 14ut.. .hore Green. Frlday, july 2s 1). n.-e playgroulid bal t EayPitc-hiig 1league. Nrh SPecials vs. . of C. Village, p.r Î-e's playgro und bal. Easy pîtehiîig league. Hoff- Florists vs. Cobblers. Village p. n.-Men's playground ball Easy pitching league. Y. P. C 'Juniors-N"orinian Hoffman. Vatt- man park., first place; Lorraine Na- poli, Village Green .playground,' sec- ond place; 'Loretta Ortegel, Village .Green playground,. third place, and -Mary Ruth Fanckbaner, Vattman *park, fourth place. "-n '.3ieeior ucto'e, nas beuca Ld-.-- ....- celled. The national congress, whichl The winners of the first three is the 'big' event af the recreation places in each class wvere as follaws: year, aînd whichi is under 'the direction J11niors: Dorothy Nilles Vttmnali of te Naionl 'Rcreaionassoia-Park, first place; Grace Engels, 'Village ton theaqoar neeorkassobas Green,ksüecond Place; Barbara Hargis, tionheaquarersin ew YrkhasVattrnan Park, third place, and Dor- been subject ta the ecanomnic depres- othyý Bassier, Vafttman 'Park, fourth sion in common ivith the other organ- Place. izations* and for that reasan it was Intermediates: M ar c ia Anderson, Vattmani parle, first place; Betty Sulll- decided, ta cancel the meeting, van, Vattman 'park, second place; Doria Iege.FaSt pitchiing leatguc. -Pinky Dinks vs,;. Kenilwarth Ice. Village. Green.' 7:00)'p.. n-.--Men'.s piayground bahl loague. Fast pitching league. S3t. Jo- seph ys. Hoffmuann Fkorists. Village. Green. Hrargis, Vattmnan, park,.third place, and Lillian Jones, -Vattmnnpark,: fpu'th, place. g

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