Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jul 1933, p. 24

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the same hour at night, ruepresenta- tives of seventeen women's colleges in the east and middle west act as hostesseý with each college assigned a particular day. The booth bas be- corne ameeting place and liead-. quarters where visiting alumnae may register and find how and wbere to communicate witb. their, friends. In- formation, concerning the different colleges also is' dispensed bv the alumnae acting, asî hostesses.. In ad- dition to the representatives' sent daily from seventeen collaborat-, ing: colV:ges, two per m anent ho st- esses are in. charge of the booth., Because of the inabili.ty so far to get in touc.h witb each of the host- ess chairmen of àll of the colleges, a complete list of hiostesses is not yet available, but they will be ýan- nounced as tbey are obtained.' .Mount Holyoke alumnae, who will serve1 in August are: August 2-Miss Alice Allen of Glencoe, Miss Flor- ence Huth of Chicago, Mrs. Plhilip Fisher of Winnetka, -and Mrs. Jane Casterline of Wilmette; August 20- Mrs. Mable Ensniinger of Chicago, Miss Charlotte Dutton of Cbicago, Miss Margaret Houston of Chicago, and Miss Routb aàlso of Cbicago. Those wbo already have been hiost- esses during June and Julv are Mrs. Raymnond Atwood of Glencoe, Miss; Dorotby Heinke of Chicago, Mfiss Mary C. J. Higley, alimnae secre- tary; Mrs. James J. Forstall of Winnetka, Mrs. Robert L. Northi of Chicago, Miss Elizabeth Carr of Ev- Chicago. Milîs College w%%ill he repireseitedt. in the days to come by ýMrs. E. S.. Robert Bishop of Chicago, Mrs. Arthur F. Abt, Ms .D. Seat Mrs. ýFerdinand B.' Hitchcock oi Highland Park, and Miss Constance Connors of.Kenilworth. Those who have been hostesses are Mrs. Sanmuel W. Willson of Ev anston, general chairman. and Mrs. George M. Lantz of Chicago, Nlrs. The, gardens exliibied In the south end of iforlicultural hl l al A Centuryiý of Pro grcss uîulcr ants- PiCes Of the Illinois Federatiti<>1 kf"oelei'.ç Clubs are renîainilig tlwre' tlirou.yhout. this 7weck. Thel:e ostcs. club on Tu'sda.v was t/whe rieds in Cortecil of livan.vton. whose president, .V!rs. William J,. Wcldon of. 14/linttte,, pictîtredliere, was oh C of the tzvo hostesses irei'îese;itiji lier Musical Comedy Coming "The Land o>fthe Honeymoon," a tiew comedy with music, %vil] be given- under the auspices of Bethel Nýumber 44,ý:Order of Joh,'s'I)aughiters, Sep- tember 22 and 23, aUtb e Wilmette .Masonic temple. It is one of the Fr.ederick Ingrain productions. " Do n't forget the date," the Bethel requests. Fair. Qver 950 have registcred iis far, and t1ue list inicludes tnumerouis celebrities andl proniinent people. A very rec.ent gtiest was Dr, Yi- Fang Wýu, president of Gini Leng college in Chin.a,. ,whicb is a sisteri college. of, Smith. Dr. Wui lias heCil ille, -city 1,atteiitg, ,the Interna- tionial convention of thé National Council .OU Women, and last week- end was entertained at a tea given ini ber hionùr lw thirChicago -Snîith Col 1lege club. M iss Ada CotnsIcck, presidenit of 'Radcliffe college, and a izraduate and former Dean (if ;mitii, bas also hceen here. Smith college is similar ly repre- siemted at A CeîîhtirY'. of Progress ini t'le W omen,'s College--Ïîoar.(l bo<tli at ýthe Time-Fortune building. Sev-. en t.eiî women's colleges throîîgloîît thle country are participating in this group.. Nîrs.. Robert*ljorsoiof 'Chicago, fklrmierly of tie forth. shiore, and MNtiss '%farianriBaucus ()f -Northlamp- ton, Mass., are the permnanent host-» esses at the Smith booth, and are as- sisted daily b)v volunteers. Mrs. ,Sherman Aldricb of Winnetka, the general chairman in charge of al volunte.er hostesses,. anniounces tbat north shore alumilac who have: served at the Smith bootb during the montb of July include: From Winnetka-Miss Jane Hlard- iiig, Miss Elizabethl White, Miss Elizabeth Babcock, Mrs. John }fill. Miss Virginia fleLav. r qfo ir irude tmithandi Miss Caroline Kim- hall : froni Kenilworth- -Mrs. G-'eorge Froni lI*va'istoîi-M lis~s Marjorie Cook, MMis's Harriet Hanson, Mn,. Orndorff Lti Orrington hotel, MrS. Ethelyn Gage, Miss Heleil L.ennards, the Misses: Edna and Margaret Btunnell, Miss Marv Bat- ry, Mrs. W. R. C.wen, Mrs. King Cook, Mrsý Malcolm Dole. Mrs. J. D. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. V.ý D. Kirkpat. rick, N4rs. J'Ini . ii.... be . *a heefit both for the Sistc.rhood aild for North Shore Congregatioti Isracl tcitll. l)a,îiiel Saidenberg, the 'Cellist of the CIhicago S.ynîpb)lonv orchesý-tra, a.id Elecanor Bloc.k, dancer, have becti eîîgaged for the, )rogramu. Saidenberg %,îihl présenit a' group of numnbers witlb Hlarold \,ai lioril as, bis piano ac- coinpa nist, and. Miss :Block wilI ap- pear ini a '%cries -of four inteÈlrrtive scecti<>ns, two of which will be (;reek and. I)easatlt.. 1N\rs. tlarry .ahii of Uleiç oc, wlîo lias manage!hetîclit ýconcerts ini Chicago with HIorowitz, (:hainlec, and other pronminentniusicîans,*as artists, gtier.'il cl iairnan: of. tuie mujtsicale, andlis .alarge commlitte assisting lier. NîIrs. Louis A, Suekoif ýof Wil- Mette aJnd Mrs. Samnuel G;oodmian of Highland Park are co-chairmen. ýMrs. kobert K, Gers.lenow of Wini- netka is acting as secretary for, the benefit, with Mrs. M,àarc Newmanî of Highlandl Park as pulficity ch*airman. [leprogram commnittee is eôniposed of MNrs. Goodman, chairman;. Mrs. :B. LeO Steif of Glenicoe, Mrs. Ramn-, ett Faroil of Winnetka, and Mrs., I1sadore Scbuman, of Winnetka. Mrs. Warren Shuster of Winnetka lias bea named ticket chairman. Others assisting ini various capacities irnclude: Mrs. Alfred Fleshanî of Win- netka, president of the Sisterhood;- anîd Mrs. William Cowan of Chic-ago, -Mrs. Milton Simon of Wilmette, Mrs. N. B. Bederman, Mrs. Irving Berlin, Mrs. M'iard Eisinan, Mrs. Walter J. 1-irsch, Mrs. Felix Lowy, Mrs. Joseph Pîckus, Mrs. Nathan Raymer, Mrs. James Greenebaum' and ,Mrs. .lbert Kahn, ail of ,Winnîetka; Mrs. H., L Canmatin and Mrs. joseph Michaeîs of H-ighland Park; an(l fromn Glencoe, Mrs.. Per.cy Cowan, Mrs. M1Ilton Gratier, Mrs. Sylvan Hirsch-, herg, M rs. Albert Weissberg, Mrs.. Ifarry N. Miscb, Mrs. Charles Sin- ~ Ms.B. L Stein and Mrs., Max WVolf. Next Lecture-Recital to, Be on '<Manon Lescaut» zabetn and LGiette Huîuon of Izv- ston; july 2, Miss Peggy Kary of ticago, Miss Harriette Williams of milworth,, and Miss Eleanor Good- mi ôf Aurora; july 21, Miss Little, ru. ýFred Hamnm of Highland Park, ru. George W.Ross of Evanston, %-'JAALLcLiL.uti, Lake Downcr, Radcliffe,1 Trinity, , and Wells., procringWestern Union Telegrapb compnîyIn The Rev. Mr. Ferry Perforrned the June. ceremony. The bridegroomn is the son J une.of Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Riddle oif ented are Mr. and Mis. Frederic d'Aix, M0 127 Bertling lane, Winnetka. The Barnard, Melrose avenue, Kenilworth, will Young couple took a short wedding vilwaukee entertain twelve~ guests at, dinner olutrip around.the lakes to Buffalo and are h. Macon, Saturday, July 29., There wilb now living at.7455 North Hoyne ave- bridge in the evening nue, Chicago.

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