ENJO SUM ERand Monday 18 the I1tsi day of July Hlqhlighis Friayand Safurday AN ECI TIN. G C LEARANCE 0F Dresses SUMMER' and Coats for Misses and'Women Dresses * * ncluding cottons, linenls, chiffons and pastel silks. . . ' iii sizes and fashions f or misses, w'omien anid petite misses cOals- *..including a variety of sumnmer coats for dresses and sports.. in misses') and women' s sizes . . . . . . . . $5 $750 ~13 $10 Pique.. and now is the time when you want tbings made of white pique,; 36 inches wide; white only. Yard, 25C Third Floor Fabricflotters . . . andý no summer costume is complete, without one; field flowers,. pique, linen or. orga'n. (lie;, an extensive variety -and you'1I want several...... ..ach, 29c Giitpes . in an interesting assort- nment of emhroidered eyelet batiste and organdie, with ruffled a'nd plaini col. lars: white or white. with colored trim . . . . . . . Each, 85c Stationelry . . 72 sheets and 72 envloesof "Abington Vellum" at- tractively boxed.........Sc First.Floor Naypkins . . a dozen mercerized d'amask niapkins, 22 inches bv 22 inches.............$1.50 Third FHoor Bath poitder ... Houbigant's. 90c S h o c l a n e . . M i lo .. c First Floor .3 f or 9 Picic table. It folds up to 23x30 inches and has a handie 50 you can carry it like a suitcase; and it opens up to 30x47 inches, with legs 15 inches long. .........$195 Loiver Floor Ha ndhooked rugs. . . that were made in the Province of Quebec; a Iimited quantity and your last oppor- tunity to get yours at these iow,,prices. 2sizes.......$.95, and $3M9 AlU naInut tables .. . including end tables, coffee, tables,. butterfly and tilt- top. tables; an outstanding, July Fur- niture Highlight........$.95 Fifth Floor Mfen's ties. especially good pat- ternsfor sumnme 1r, and all hand. made; speciai ly priced for clearance. 25c *First Floor Stepin girdles. beautif ul silk broche -fah)ric comiiied 'With imported elastie; ,firmlv boned and an unusual value............. ýSeilng boxes... thev're aeo mahog any and very handy . 85c Ilett's stocks. . . eithe r cray or tan flannel and special at ....$2 J;ash stocks . . . a variety of cotton wac;sli sacýk thaï, are popular for the * summer ..... ......$1.35 Second Floar W'otien's sIho...'including straps, pmsand ties in ýwhite ki"wthms trii; lsobucskin or linen; highor moderate. heels'; ail si.zes, but not in all patterns. ....... ...$3.5 First, Floor NEW#I F IGUR EÉ.FIeTTI'NG This lingerie trl be modeled in the Lingerie ,Section on the. Third Filoor M A RS HA LL FIELD&cOMpAN Y e t I silhouette 'ENJOY SUMMIE.,,R ý