FUR COATs Coats of, This 'Qualityv Are FulIy 25 % to 4 0%, Higher mn Today's Market! Do wn Balance Weekly Wear As You.Pày $ s FUR COAT PRICES ARE ROCKETINGI If we were fo buy t hnse coaýft in today's marketf, you woutlI pay 30% to 40% more. Talc. a tip f r om Wleboldfts . . . BIJY NOWI Every coat in tbis vast collection has been hand-picked by an *expert. Thestyling of every model is of the: kighest 19?33-34 authenticity. The workmanship is superb. The peits of *xcep- tional beauty andi qualify. Examine the". beàut iful garments! Try therm oni km' -à . L - à .1 . Most outstanding fur coat values ofFoired in. Wieboldf's 50 years in the fur business. Those 50 years are Wieboldf's guarante. of superior quality and noteworthy value. Pur* Salon-Second Floor, -EVANI WEBOLIDT PAYMENT PLANT On Davis St reetYUR CATO WiIm.ff. I I ~ ~».i Z** J 1(dged, ermni?~- tie NEW 1933-34 STYLES! YOUR