1JecDý111 Asland 1Qavenue. The fifth iii a series of varied programs, e.ach of~ whi.cl lias been dist.inguished hv a special programn feature, this one %vill lie of a Colonial character. There %%'Ill h an exhibit of Colonial pieces. In order to niake this exhibit as com- plete ,as possihle, memnbers and guestw are being asked té bring any articlesý of. clothing o f Colonial chiaracter.*they po).Ssess w'îtb a. writtein description of: the history of the piece. These xiii be displayed ()n tab)les out, on the lawn. wrhere the,. progra n. wil!l)Cli held 'and wlhere tea %vil I lie served. Dr. Allison will give a short. talki in which lie %vilI relate the storv loi Lily Dougaîl. Mrs. Alfred Heerens is inicharge of refreslimeints and Will he assîsted by Mrs. Russel.jolînson and âfrs. Fred Kidd. Hostesses. for the afternoon are1 Mrs. H. D. Davison, Mrs. C. P. I)iis and Nlrs., Z. 'A. Parkhurst. Menibers of the societv' have been advised that the tinie for the nieltin g pot lias been extended. Eve-rv-oiie is heing iirged to look careftiy over his old jî>ssessions for anv old goki or silver. If you have any you would like to dis- pose of, notifv Mfrs. H-1. B. urtnsideý or your fini, leader,, is tie request. WeIf are Board to.HoIld Meeting Monday' Night' 'l'lie Wilmiette Welfare board will nicet M,\otdayl night, Juily 31. at 8, ý'o l okIli thie Village hall. This will be an important meeting, it is an- nouniced, and al members are beinig urged to' attend. GARDEN CLUB PIÇNIC 'l'lie next meeting of Ille Kenilworth Junior Garden club xil be in tdie forni ,Of a picnlic, weather perinittiîîg, oW Wýed- nesdayAùgtist 2, at the residence of rS.lfias A.. Johnsonî, 565 Drexel avenue, Glencàe. After, luncheon they will, drive, to Grass Lake to view the. Lotus Beds. Lee Smith, son of Mýr.. and Mrs. Wal- lace Srnith, 402 Chestnutt street, \\lin I îîetka, left Friday of last iveek wth bis auint, Mrs. IL. Pas*s an(] lier son,1 Leslie, to iotor to Woitingtoni, \iunnl for a' visit of a nionth or ou- ixger. ui aunlt andl Cousin have been griests of Mr. aind MXrs.Smith. Weir were as Scotch impersonators; Patil and Philip Delaport sang a duet; John Golosinec a vocal and piano selec- tion, Miss Bernice Jones a vocal selec- tion, and Gordon Van Kirk gave a reading. A. 'LUKE, Builder Remodelig, Repairing 2214 Kenlworth. Ave. Ph. WiI. 4691 HOnmM UILT TO ORDIER Me and, Continuing Ail -Next Week Miss..McMahon At Worthei&s 1148 Wlm'effe Avenue '~ lé j 40/ il An entire house or a single room r-ay cool andi comtortable the cottage is on any kind of a day. Or 'write or phone be air conditi'oned. irhe "unit" is built for complete informationi. Se ihe:m Oderti Vàme tighting display at the exhibi; of:be ÈlecWrcahlndustry hi dx JVorid's FairEiectric.IBuilding Telépon Wlmetto 82 M OVIN Gý