t cost. five and six-tenths cents per person to provicle community recréation for the 201,037 people served by the Wiimette Piayground and Recreation board from May 1, 1932 to May 1, 1933, Daniel M. Da- vidirector of recreation, 1 reported to the' members of the Recreatioln 'board last Thursday evening when he presented the annuall report of the seventh year's work of community recreation in .Vîjrette. A grand total of 201,037 people were served by the local community. recreation programn an(d the entire. program wvas providcd by. Mr. Davis and bis staff at a total cost of $11,315.60. 0f that: sum $9,140.98 was spent, for staff salaries, attendants working on the Village Gréeen,. pa rt time workers, referees, printing, .sta- tionery and office supplies, and office. overhead,. $768.44 for athletic equip-: ment, playground staff salaries and. supplies, and prizes, and $1,406.18 for repairs on equipmnent, ice riniks, and incidentaIs. In addition the board re- deemed 1930' and 1931 tax warrants plus interest to the anloutit of $8,279.32. Alil Active Participants The 201,037 participants inthe, re- creation program are exclu sive of the' large n umber of spectators wit- nessing the various activities, of whom no record is kept, Mr. Djavis a n- nounced.,Thiere.were 30,400 chiidren ini attenidance at the summer play- grounds during 1932 and an addition- ai 7,521 attending the swiniming classes held at the Xilmette beachi during the summer tinie. There were 74,122 chiidren participating in the 1932-193 intramurai school pro- gram which inchlued football for boys, kickbali for girls, volley bal for both boys and girls, speedball for boys, basketball for both boys. and girls, track for bothi boys* and gil, marble tournamenits for. both boiy s and girls, ,junmior Lif e,, Junior Police, Aero club for boys, Hallowe 'en progranis at each school, gymnasium, Easter egg- hunt for smali children, and roller skating meet. Variety of Activities The ice skatiiw season participa- gram; a part-time attendant at the Village Green, and one summer play- ground director. The staff personnel includes Dud- ley C. Stone, Glen W. Gathercoal, and Miss Joe Skidmnore, in charge of. the' aduit. recreation.,prograni, Mrs.- Gertrude Fanckboner and Mrs.-Olga. S. Bail in charge ,of girls' physical training, work., Mr. Stone and Mr. Gathercoalalso assist with the school 0 physicai training programi and Mrs. Fanckboner was- empioyed -as play- ground instructor at Vattman, park, last year. .The Recreat ion board personnel consists of a representative from the Village board, of trustees,, a repre- sentative from 'the board of education, (Continued on Page 6) Chamber .of Commerce I to .Get .Industry .Codes Secretary Carl Cifton -of the Chamber of Commerce a nnounces that throughi the United States Chamber of Commerce the local or- ganization is rece iving the codes of fair competition being made up by various ilidustries for submission to the administrator of industries under the Federal Recovery Act. The codes corne to the local body in their original formi, and notification of any changes wili foliow their adoption by the administrator. The codes %vill be oepul to the inspection of members. as they are receivéd. Decide on Interior 1Finish of Waterworks Trustee S. N. Tideman presented a resolution at the meeting of the Vil- lage board Tuesday night providing for the types of,,brick and tuleté be used in the interior finish of the wiaterwo rks. A saIt glazed brick> was * specified for the wainscoting, with face -brick above. Romany rainbow tile. was specified for interior floors. 'rhese were ail cailed for in the ori- ginal specifications, but were chang- ed 'T'he re ,44ritin .i.,, ,1. rnviAr.q. A. J. Mouat, 616 Lake avenue, to succeed hirnself on the zoning com- mission for a terni of five years be- ginning February 19, 1932. 1Arthur C. Youngberg, Hibbard road, to succeed himself on the zon-. ing commission for terrn of five years beginning Feb. 19, 1933.' Both Mr. Mouat and Mr. Young- berg were appointed to the plan coin- mission for five yearg, the samne dates and terms-applying -as in the zonig commission. Trustee. Harry,.C. Kinne was re- appointed 'as ,the, village board's representative on the piayground and recreation board. Gen. Balbo and Staff Tea Guests on Shore 1Geil. Italo Balbo, commander of the Italian air armada, and his entire staff were tea guests of M1r. and Mrs, Benjamin H. Marshall at their studio hiome, .612 Sheridan road, Wil- mette, Tuesday of this week. General Balbo and bis men spent a pleasant three quarters of an hour at the Mar- shahl studio, pausing there on their return trip from the polo game at Fort Sheridan. More Merchants Give Tax Refund to Charity The Wilmette Chamber of Com- merce reports the foiiowing additional WVilmette places of business that have contributed $73.47 to charity from the 3 percent sales tax, making a total af $1,318.64 for Wiimette: Burns Tog- gery, Weeks Dining Room, Otto L. Kempe Shoes and Dry Goods, FVraîi- ces Taubert Dress Sbop: GARDEN CLUB MEETING The Keniiworth Garden club' ,mill meet Friday, Juiy 22, at'the' residence of Mrs. Gilbert Kelley, 421 'Cunfinor road, Kenilworthv? Dr-.B. 0. Grahami will give a taik on "Conservation.". Commerce heid J.nursday afternoofl, Jnly 6, in the Chamber offices the dates of Friday and Saturday, August Il and 12, were set for the next. Wilmette Dollar Days. The week-end was chosen rather than the middle of the week to cur-1 tail -expenditures. "We:aIl know prices are. rising and buying is increasing so let's show the people of Wilmette. that1 they don',t -have to" go out of town to get good merchandise," reads a letter directed to members by Chamber of Commerce officiais. We ask. your 100 percent cooperation for this mid- summer sale.- Give the people real dollar values and they *ili corne back again. "This is your opportunity tô, hold th e business of local residents for the future, so iet's aIl give our full support, to this year'sý Dollar Days and 50o start off Président Roôosevelt's New Deal with a, an.9 Lumber Firm Worker Killed by Train Here John W. Knife, 57, an empioye of the Mercer Lumber companies, was instantiy kilied Wednesday morning at, 7:52 o'ciock by a Chicago and North Western southbound through train on the right-of-way about 250 feet south of the Lake avenue cross- ing in Wilniette. Knife had been opening a side door of a box car loaded with lumber standing on a, slding immediately adjacent to the southbound main line trâck of the railroad when struck-by the train. The body was reuioved to Scott's Funeral home in Minmette where an inquest was to be held tis morning at 10 o'clock. Knife was a resident of Mishawaka, Ind. A daughter, Mrs. Jacob Jacob- sen, resides at 1326 Wilmette avenue. M'ust -Get Permit to Romp on North Beach Beachmaster Richard Macalister an- nninces tlhat nvone rledring tn use it was pupil et ported 1was re- The entire program was conducted by Mr. Davis and 'his staff which Consists of two men assistants mn- ployed on a yearly basis, dividing their time between adult Irecreation needs can be relieved by somfe- t hing you are wiling to give, wilI you let us know? -Mrs. A. L. Gririneil, chairman. Note: Economy f3hop is econducted by the WoDman'u Club of Wllmette. ASK FOR AD.TAICER of signs now in use. Citizensà quested to report their impro to Mr. Osborn.