Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jul 1933, p. 32

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Rat- N INIMUJM CHAI9019 01V DOLLAR. Average of tOv.wds to thae lIn. No black face type. um.d. »9% dioumt on ail cash advertia- mente when brpugbt te our office at 12383 Central Ave.,Wilmett., or 411 Limoola Ave., Wuuetka. 10% imeont on ail advertisemesnts rau four Consisutive, issue«. Dealîe fr nsrtions-?.mj'?d advertsmenta wil b. M WJLUME LIVE or &Rl three papera; Wednesday 9 ]P,1 M. forJ WVINNECTKA TALIE and -Thurédey 5à P. MX for GLNCÇ NW'. Telephône: Whutt. 4300. Wlnnetka 3000, Greenleaf 4300jorShedre587 Le3 OUAmo mF@uND LOST LARGE MALE COLLIE. namàed "Scotty," from viclnlty Indiant Hill. Rewari4. Cait Metrrmac 6000. 3Ll1-ltp LOST-BRNDLE BOSTON BULLDOG, name "*Scamp." Reward If returned to 560 CreenWood Ave., Gieneoe. 3LTN1 1-ltp LOS T-3 KEYS IN 'BLACK LEATHER c a..;e, tiu nd ay eviniiig on Kenilworth Avenue.- Cali Wilmette 3710. LO5fST-gEq -OF - ATOMOBILE KEYS In Hupmoblie folder. Reward for rc- turn. Write A-183, Box 40, Wilmette, III. "3LTN1-1tc IS BUSINESS SERVICE UPHOLSTERING REPAIRINO .1 REPINISHING-, BEST WORKMANSHIP Specil prices for JuIY.. H. G. LINDWALL 8Q8 Oak St. Wlnnetka 145 16L11-ltp Rats. Roaches, etc. -P. J. UEDELHOFEN, EXTERMINÂT-1 lng engineer. Ph. Wlnnetka 591 or" Northbrook 128. 18LTN25-tfc- MOWEJRS SHARPENED-BICYCLES repaired; used for sale. Machine work, welding. G. SODERBLOM 906 Linden,-H. Wds. Wlnnetka 294' 16LTNI 1-tp EXPERT AND. FAST TYPEWRITING.. Coliege papers and business letters a specility. Reasonable rates. Cait M. L Wilianis, Glencoe 246. 16LTN1I..3tp 80 CLOCC REPAIRING FOR ANY SWISS OR AMERICAN watcb that 1 cannot repair. Cleaning, $1 .0'Main ririnkw $1.MTnor auaa teed. G. W. Ettlnghatisen, 6'i93Main St., 2nd floor. IVlInette 5381. 48PAINTriV4u ANODEDCORATINe Paint,. Paper 5 Rms. $34M5 SANITAS AND ý CANVASING WORKC $5; eilng,cealidned, $1 Up; à RM. FLOORS WASHED; SCRUBBED, VARNISHEE> OR WÀXM.> $8; i3x- TUZRIOR WORK - WIND>OWS, 35c AND UP; ýPORCHIES, $10.1 REFS. IFREE fElTIMATES . 1MATERIALS FURNTSHIMD. CALL WILMET'-pL 1258.42Tî-t *PAINTING & DECORATING *50.% REDXJCTION, Ilig-grade workmanship; best mater- ials; references flurnished. Cal, any- timie. WILMETTE 5034. 42LTN11-Itp FOR SALE-REGISTERED ENGLISH Springer Spaniel pupples. 10 wks. old. Avondale strain. Quite reason- ibe- 2284 S. Green Bay. Rd., High- iland Park 2105. 44LTN11-1ltp 45 PIANO TUNINO EXPERT PIANO TUNING $3. Up- right or grand; also repafr work guaranteed. 165 yrs. Steinway, N. Y. H. C. 1Thomas, Park Ridge 699-R.. 45LTNS-4tp1 FOR SALF-FINE POLICE PUPS. $5 each. Phone' Glencoe 850. 45L11-ltp 103 WN MCIER~A~N IMPORTANT SEWING MACHINE REPAIR.ý SHOP flstabllshed more than tlfty years ago ln Evanston, is now located at 1008 Oakwood Ave., Wilmette. Aiso re- palring of ail Eiectrlcal homo appil- ances. Tel. Uni. 2200 or Wi. 4368. L. E. Blunt. 53LTN40-tfc 68LTN11-ltp) GENERAL HOUSEWORK. NO LAIN- dry. Germnan girl. $10 a week. Ph. Margaret Dressier, Mansfietd 9504. 68bTN11-tp WANTED-GENERAL HOUSEWORK by competen clred girl. Good ef- erences. Call Glencoe 547, Sarahý Ewlng. 68LTN11-itp EXPERIENCED WOMAN W A N T S housework. by. the day or hou r. Ph. Wilmette 240.68LTN1I-ltp, EXPERIENCED SCiA N DI 14A VIAN wonian. wants laundry and cleaning. Rogers Park, 3û63.! G8LTN11-ltp YOUNG GIRL WISHES GENERAL housework. Go or stay ýnights. Ph. Wllmette: 246. 68LTN11-.tp IgTUAIsON WANTED-MALE COLOREtP CHAUFFEUR, 18 Y19ARS' experience, 6 years' N. S. Aisobqouse- work and>gardening. Good refs.ý Ph.. Wllmnette 707-J between 8 and 10 A. M. 69LTNII-ltlp TWOFILIPINO BROT!HERS DESIRE to work In a priva-te homie.ascook or ail-around. Exp. and ref. Çall Briar- gate 1842. .91-t 1RXLIABE ZIXtITN WANTS tRIV-. lng, housework or gardening. Very good North Shore refs. Ph. Win- netka 3690. 69L1-ltp EXPERIENCED MAN - G A IDEFN work, or any odd jobs . 40c an hour. Also slmonizlng cars. Ph.- Wi1m'tte 4203. 69Ll-ltp -Po S IT. WTO -FAL AN PAit NOTICE Cati Paulne's ln Evanston for,,ct)mpe-, tent help. This agency is flot con- nected- with any othèr Pauiine's. j Paulinle's Agcy., Evanston L. Reinhart, prop.t 634 DaNvis St. Davis, 7777f 70LTN1 1 -Ite'1 COUPLE~. COLLEGE EDIXCATION. *Experienced. Good references. Wif e gzood cook, gen'i. or 2nd. Man ern- ployed. Butler, chauf., of yard work after 4. Wlnn. 3855. 70LTN11I-Itp COLORED COUPLE WANT POSI-1 tion. Very efficient;~ with good.'N. S., R ets. Ph.ý Greenleaf 1142.. 7OL.TNiI-ltc NOTICE We speclalize in high grade doiestic help, ail nationalities. No charge to emptoyer. Efficient,. service for~ north shore homes. Referenees 1nves.tlgaie. Under State supervision. Box JO0 %Vilmiette. I11. 71LNII-ltc' WHITE, PROTESTANT GIRL, FORi housework and assist. chilodreln. Home nights. $5. 314-l7th St., Wilmette> 4826. 7]LTNll-ltp WHITE GIRL FO R GEN. HOUSE- work. Cook and1 ironing. Refs. re- qulred. One-half block from station. Phone Glencoe 1627. 1 71L11-ltp, WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HSE.- iwork. Must like chlldren. $7 week. Phonie Glencoe 1547. 71L11-ltp GIRL- OR YOUNG MATRON TO DEM- onstrate cosmetlcs. Training given. Phone Wllmette 290. 71b11-ltp 72 IID WANTED-MALE ;SALESM.AN, BETWEEN 25-35, CAP- able of selllnig high class eEuipnient in Glencoe district. Apply 10-12 A. 'M. Fr1. Willllam's 01-O-Ma tic Hlea ting Corp., 520 Dais St., Evanst on. 72L1-jt1 WANTED ,EDUCATED RELIABLE Young man to asslst Pa rt or ful tirne with care of hlgh school boy confined In bed. FPh. Wilmette 20~36. 72LTN11-ltc- HTELP! HELP! Reinhart's Elmpi. Agency Girls! Gils-! 28 positions op>en for ýgen- eral, mald, wages $10 to $17. Ail po-. sitions guaranteed 18 days. We, are the most. reliable agency fo n thE. north shore. Reihart's Empi. Agency 748 Elm Steet Winnetka 33*99 7 3L TNII-itv $125 month for exp. couple, white. 3 aduits. No yard, driving, or laundry. $100 rnonth-faxnlly of 4. No laundry. $100 rnonth-57in famlly, no laundry. $100 monti-3 adults. Must be good driver and butier. SEVERAL, POSITIONS AT $75-$85 M0o. PauIine's Ernp. Agency OPPosite "L" Terminal, Wjlmiette. EERIENCED WRITECOUPLE References. Gen4ýraI hous 1ework, good Cook;, driving, serving, yard work., Gl7eneoe 1359. 73LTNI-îltc NOTICE COUPLES OFCE FEE REDUCED. OUR LARGE VOLUME 0F :BUrSINESS ENABLE.S US TO GIVE yoU GOOD) SPECIALIZE IN OUTSIDE ýNTING; W1NDOW FRAMES, 35e ALSO STUCCO PAINT. workznen',s compensation. Best ronces furnlshed. Lewis, Wlnnetka. 42L11ltp 421F WIlInette EXPER. LA to do at h lver.'Ort IWinnetka tWIlI cal, forand de- ce re 0of chidren. Phone Y.,- -Ig-- .... 'uine p. *vA4ege ; use Give address and phone. Write A-180, of Iitchen If deslred. Near transp. Ga- box 40, Wllmette, nI. rage availabto. Plh. Glencoe 976. __________________1LTN1-1tc .82LT11-itp 8 WEIEK. GENERAL MAIE>, MUfST NTICE ROOM WIT H SLEEIN be good îook. A-1 ref. req. white, un-î porch, also single room. . Board If der 35, PAULINES EMP. AGENC.il wantod. Cali afternoons,, 514 Biroh Opposite. .L" terminai. Wllmhette. .street. cor. Mita et, WInnetka. 1 -

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