Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jul 1933, p. 30

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lands, away irom the xnucn-.traveled sea lanes of the tourist trade. m*ay have been the dreamn of many per- sons, but it wiIl be a reality fora party of 48 or 50 young men who wiil set out froni New York in the niear future.. Arrangements for thle pur caeof aý three-masted,, fullrigg-,,, ghip are being miade by Robert S. Larimer, Jr., 2019 Sherman avenue, Evanston, who is planning a series of such cruises. The first one this, year- will be for a period' of -six, months,- altho ugh following ones.wray be for« periods of. one2 year. Arnong interested north shore menx is Dr. David L. Hedberg, Evanston police physician, -who will be a ment- ber of the regular crew ini the capa- ity of sis surgeon., The ship to be used is a stauncli clipper, the only one registe.red i the United States, and one of four or five such slips in thé world It was buit originally ini 1883 in Green- ock, Scotland-an iron, square-rigged ship of ',700ë tons, notable among cldippers of the oki trade winds ship- ping days. OId Mater to Sail Her *On its cruise the vesse] will l'e under the command of Capt. James P. Barker, one of the old masters in sail, who has been in charge of the ship during the last ten years. The remainder of the paid crew ivill con- FAMILY REUNION Mr. and Mrs. Jay A. Colvin of 116 Robsart road, Kenilwortb, entertained at a birthday dinner Sunday, June 25, their guest of honor being Mrs. Col- viri's mother, Mrs. Saràh A. McDowell, who ce >lebrated bier seventy-fifth birth- day. Mrs. McDowell bas Iived in Chi- cago since she was 6 years old. It was a family reunion. Her son and daugbi- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. David Mc- Dowell came f rom East Orange, N. J Her son-in-law an agbter, :Dr. 'and Mrs. Stanley Castie camé f rom Alton,i iII., while another son and i bi famiy the W. J. McDowells of Evanston, for-1 merly of Kenilworth also joinied the1 group. Y *cruîse is that it will provide 'sailing- -under unusual circumstances at about a 50 percent the cost of regular sea il travel. r To Av@id Tourist Hanutâ When opportunities present, theni- Iselves, the crew of. the sbip will1 1be *able, to, engage in hunting, fishing, peari, diving and- visits to. small. ou t- 5of-the-way, points. The ship will. 5steer clear of the well: knoWn ports con the 11tourist front." The purpose of the cruise, accord- ing to Mr. Larimer, is to proviide a iperfect year of ifée on the sea, travel - iing in a way which is almost extir'ct in. this m*odemn day. "There will be no artificialities, about it," he said. No modern conveni ences, .beyoîid( ithose for absolute safety, are beiîîg iintroduced to make the -job of' sail- ing easy. Sailing methotis, of 50O years ago wiIl be faithfully ioIlowed, traditions will lie observeti, andi rich knowledge of the sea wil lie given to memuiers of the craisé. Woman's Symphony to .Offer Concert at Pair Carrie Jacolis Bond, one of Ameni- ca's foretnost womien coinposérs, will- introduce the WVomani's Symphonyt orchestra of Chicago to radio-la'ndc _vr h Columbia and Nationalr Bracastin.g systemis at a concert, Friday eveniin, July 21, inx Holly- wood auditorium a-t A *Century ofn Progress. A commnittee including Margaret Lester, Mrs. Louis Yager; andi Mrs. Hlenry B. Vanzwoll is working in2 cooperation with the Woman's Sym- t phoxxy board of directors on the sale of lickets whicb are also beiing solti at two of the Loop stores. GUESTS AT DINNER DANCE Roger Crossett Kingsley, 529e Cunu- norrai eiwrh entertaineti at the dinner dance at Skokie Country club Saturday. His guests included Bently McCloud, Jr., Qf Kenilworth and Saily Clark of Wilmette, WiIl Yonkers of Lake_ Forest andth te Misses Lorna cludes t he international dncti am Cornell and Clueif. ac em Lucille Marsh of New York is put- Ling on this first, production for Miss Pratt. The first act gives the story f Taglioni, the young Italian, dancer who, endowed with' great - courage anti nice legs, became 'tired of t1he long ballet- skirts of the earlv iîfe- teenth cent.ury and cut bers short, setting a new fashion for, dancers. Next is preseetidtbe, natural type f dancing, of wbicb Isadora Dunican was a leading expo nent. A.nd finally :bere' is sbhown, the angular modern ballet. This week also brings the opening of Miss, Pratt's international dance 1ontest. Any age dancer is eligible for any :class of dancing, Miss Pratt announces, and al appliicants are to -epOrttober at Hollywood, Imc.., for- tryouts.. Prizes are to be awarded . Îach week, and the best dancers.,wilI )e selected. for a ballet to be.presen t- eti -aft-e Century of Progres-s.1 Miss Pratt lias arranaged that ad-f mission to the theater will be free. Designate Ladies' Day at Golf Links: Cut Fees- The Evanston Community Recrea- tion association, iwbich mnaintains the community golf course 'along the, right-of-way, of the Drainage canal iln Evanston anti Wilmette,. announices that hereafter Monday xviii be desig-. nated "Ladies' Day." Ali women will ie. allowed to play pli thc course Mondays for a fée of 25 cents instead of,50 cents as hiere- tofore. The women have beeji verv appre- ci-ative of the, course, according . to. .Major George A. Quinlan, 211 Green- eaf avenue, who is vice-president, of he association. Major Quinlan. announces that the *ee for Sunday play frorn nîoon to 5 dciock has lîeen reduced to 75 c ents 'rom $1. The.$1 fee with unlimited playing& priviieges on Sundav will lie maintained for the ongbuat' o'cock te regular twilight rate of f. p)îcnic co _mttee is taking tnisop portuniy to extenti an invitation to almenibers of Ouilmette council, their families and friends. Chris Heidinger's grove îs one of tbe best groves along the north shore. forý an affair of this type, it 'is exý- plained. It contains plenty ýof bench- 'es, and sbady trees, as well as a 'large. indoorbaseball diarnond, bhorse- sh.oe pitchig co 1urts andi, above ail, a large shelter station in case O'f rait. .Special attention wiIllibe given .ta the chi ldren this year, and the "Chul- dren's Parade" wilI be one of the, features of this affair. Each child par- ficipating in. this, parade will receive a free prize. Races, will be held for 'boys and girls be'tween, ages of 6 and- 16 years, and. prizes. will be awarde',l ,to. winfers of each race. "Barn-yard Colfers"' will have a. chance to- show their S'tuif in 'a horse - shoe pitchirng tournament, and prize.. will be awarded to .first and second place vinners. A feature indoor base- ball gante will lie playeti betw.een two ail-star teams to lie picked from. the Wilme.tte Playground league. Meni- bers of the council andi guests also. wvill have a chance to play indoor basebail. Joe Lynam' bas beenî ap-. pointed to captaini one teani, whi!e Harry Sieren will managç -the -)p- posing team. Anyone desiring to>ply% should register with eit her jot or Ffarry. Dancing wvill be held in shelter sta- tion aft.er 5 :30 o'dlock. Driving directions: McCorinick road south to Denipster street, turtu right and continue straight west to Long avenue, wbich is '2 mile west i f North Shore Skokie Vallev tracks; turn right on Lonig.,aveniuc and continue straight *north-.to, en([ fÉ roati which leatis right inato the TO HEAD ART DEPARTMENT Miss Jane Burrili, daughiter of Dr. and Mrs. J. A.,_Burrili, 812 Greenwood avenue, bas accepted a position as bead- of the art department oif Colby junior and tneir two cnuidren, firomi Minneapo- lis. Mr. and Mrs. James' Schade and Mis ae ere o 900hr daugbters, Winifred anti Janet, of Ak- MisEmily jn ebro 4 hr ron, Ohio, aré' leaving Saturday after idan road. bas as ber guest for' several visiting Mrs. Scliade's sister, Mrs. John wçeks Miss Anne.Kobl itz of Clevelandi C. Carpenter and chiltiren of 239 Essex1 0 gtObo -'roati,-Kedilwortb., street, is spending bis vacation at Cape Daniel anti Teddy Leary of Turn- Cod -witb his aunt, Mrs. C. A, Bryan ers Falls, Mass., with a frienti, Albert anti brother, Robent Dorman. Koch, arniveti in Wilmette Wednes- --- 0-?- 1.day after motoring east. They are The N. Rosenstones of Chicago have bere to see -A Centuryi of Progress, leaseti the home of Mrs. Paul Caster- anti to visit. their cousins, the T. J Sne', 811 Forest avenue, for the,'summer. ,Màreaus, of 1507 Waltiut avenue.

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