Caived J EWEF .RY 39c each ~ lt's very .1s mar't with da ri linons. Bracelets,. clips, necklaces, and earrings may: b. bought Wn matcked sets. Put Your Money in a W HI TE' HANDftAC 59c Theyr. of leath er -of Fbricoid -.-easy teo dean. Pouches anid envolpes.somo with talon festoners. White and cotais. -You Can Renew Your Lease on Lif e With 39C Thoy'r. .wfully flatt.ring--or- gandies. . pique crepes .. . laces -in. jabot styles. Ascot ties,. Peter. Pan effecti, and: V Everyone Needs CGLOV E and silk plaifed foot. In ail the new summer shades. : U SiZes 81/ O2/ .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . pair Prices Are Going Up! B uy Several Pairs atThisL o Càs = s 34C noms. On Davis Street mULrrà "100 F -~ w ., 1 -,