a* cnd be- sure to shop for- these Highlights bef e .next Wednescy..aFed' ý.Ev.ast.on, Stor.e WOMEN, LUCE FOR SUMMER Sum mer sandals e. they're mesh wi1th kid trim- and medium heels; in al--white,, or white with red, blaék, blue or green......$.9 First Floor Durene ankes ... very smat and practical mercerized hie in solid colors or plain bodies with fancy tops; pas- tels, 'white or tan. Pair 1 i5C First FIoo.r Talcum .M Coty's talcumf-for ail of the many Summler lises 50 Sc Firat Floor Mfilo cotton . . . it cornes ini con- venient 1-pound packages and you get 3for'...........1. 00. First Floor Cool'girdie.s . comifortable :even through the warmest 'days; dainty Voile and ribbon in aý stepini style that gives you smooth lines under your Summer costumes. . . . $500 Th ird Floor, These BoulSis Are Appropricate for, Many, Occasions ..and. the lasi we ..ýcan ge Io selli these priées. y~%' Js Girls' pajamas. rayon in'lovely. colors; 1-piece modelin pink or blue, with -cbecked ruile at the- neck, or 2.i- *piece style in tea rose or blue, with lace mrin; sizes 6 to 16 years. $1.15 Second Floor *Boys' suits .'.a large selection of wash suits; covert cloth with or wîth- out.t sleeves, sleeveless witli long. trousers, and others 'in a variety of coloes with cap siceves; sizes 3 to 10, and some in sizes Il and 12 . .$1.0O Second Floor Seersucher suits . .. for; wear si zes 4 to 8; excellent quality.of soft, waahable fabric that doesn't need to be ironed; blue, tan, green, peach and red; sizes 4 to8,. . . $1.25 Second Floor boys, who HIGH;LIGHTS FIROM THE FABIRIC -AND FANCYOOD SECTIONS' Organdie.. permanent1 ported. new organdie in Third Floor Knittlng bags. . from the Klentucky inountains; woven In beautiful colora with a braided bandie ...75c, Third Floor finish, im- déelightful Pecan wvafrs. a delightful sweet that you alwascjy Pound. 25e Firat Floor Salted nuts. freshfrom theroaster and wonderfully asty. Pound,. 50c Firs t Floor Tennis racets . .. think of it; a Ilarry C, Lee racket, with 9-ply lamin- ated frame and special1 silk strînging ..it's a special value at. $5.95 Second Floor 'HIGHLIGHTS TO THESEHELP YOU, JULY HIOHLIGHTS EJYSME FOR MENAT HOME Gu m trili ties, . . . small patterns in a Summer weight; aIl silk and hand made; special . . . . . 10 Flat.ware.. . . the new Argyle pattern -and it's 1-year quality silver laite! 12 pieces for. . . . . .$. i0O only. Ea.......75e Third Floor, Deck chairs..they have coinfort- able arma and arc grand for the lawn., verandahorbeach .. .$1.007 Fifth Floor Sma.rt . . Q2 *Col ..Hilghlighxt WAS H dresses'that are THE E-VANSTON -STORE*. CH ~M A R's HA LLFE RCH ANE co S'HER MAN M P A NYý