Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jul 1933, p. 15

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Ln aAIyI1A JL r, i n cLII yaL i " n w ier - W I M E L iF E R eader, of another nurustcaurtien caisheby anen-tep iii your home paper's constant thusastc aùiene, se bwedeffort to pass on unusual- and ap- breathlessly in true Barrymore style preciated opportunities to every one and said the now famous words, o o.Bt utafrteyod "That's ail there is, there isn't any- Please won't waitanlogriyo mor.'~are going to get someé of the-se Soon WLEELiFE's recently 'in- souvenir ticket boosatorWorld's augurated World's Fair. Service, Fair, Service bureau, for we -donIt bureau will be forced to. appropriate want to say those famous. words of Miss Barryrnore's famous' words and Ethel Barrymore's to you, as we'lî be repeat them over and over again to forced to do iin many cases. its readers who wait.too long to take hr sacuo o reigb advantage of an unusual money-sav- mail, and fuli remittaneisrcos ing souvenir ticket book.offernow in the, advertisement appea riîng else-. entering its, third week. g htwhere in this issue. Useit ifyo It was anoffer so- startlingta can't, call in person.Bu ontwat scarcely had thi s publication been de- Act NOW 1 livered to the homes ofthecomt____________ munity, bearing , the announcement before ordersfr o.ds ar D. arry FE.,Pine Ag n souvenir ticket books began-,to corne Hegain't in. People called at this office in.per- 'i'omerlc '.roup son. The mail brought.>ma.ny. requests1 During, the Amferican Optomnetric1 that were promptly',filled.- And. they sshl a h have continued to corne ever, since. almer -House last week,- Dr. Harry ' Personally and by mail. E. Pine, of 2143 Bgeechwvood aven 1ue,i What iseli 1Wilmette 'was re-elected Jpresitent- Whtwas, this unusual offer, you rf the Illinois State Society of ask, that caused this stanipede?,Why Optometrists, this being bis fiftb haven't you heard everybody in the term inl office, and also re-elected village talking about: it? lf you president of Beta Sigma Kappa. an haven't. heard, we'll repeat it again international bonorary fraternity of for your personal benefit for we don't the optometric profession, for the want- a single. reader of WILMEFT1TE next four years. Dr. Pine bas been LiYE to' miss such an opportunity. president of this organization, sincet .Through co-operation with the I'ts incePtion in 1925.t Redpath bureau, your home paper1 was fortunate in .obtaining the dis- TEMPERANCE DAY tribution of a portion of a limîted Temperance Day will be observed printing- of World's Fair souvenir at Des Plaines Camup ground Sunday, ticket books, containing more than July 23. The. program for the day s $3.65 worth of admissions for only bas been announcedj as foliows: $2.50 each! This beautifully printed. 3 P. M. muisic by the gospel ticket book contains an admission to Sextet from the Ebenezer Baptïst thbe.grounds of A Century of Prog- church. Address and demonstra-io ressand eleven hand-picked conces- of "Naughty Ethyl (alcohol) by &ions including the sky ride or ob- rf .B aly former director servation tower, a lagoon boat ride, Temperance Education,. Manitoba WiÈgs .ofa Century, 'Indian village, Council. ýQuestion box -by. AImer pageant, Lincoln groip,, Fort Dear- Pennewell. born, Seininiole Indian 'village, lion 7:30 P,. M. Music by Morgan motordromel, Pantheo n,. streets. of Jubilee Gospel Singers. Address and Paris and Hollywbod, ' emonstration "Alcohol anjd the If*s a fact that if the tickets in this Hunian Brain" by Prof, W. B. Bay- book were purchased separately at, ley. Address: "The Social and Po- tlie Fair grotinds they .wôuld cost litical Threat of the Liquor'Traffic" more than $4, for in many cases the by Arthur M. Barnhart opportunity not to be overlooked. --- In a full page advertisement in this Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weese and fam- issue your attention is called to the ily, 141 Kenihwontb avenue, Kenilworth, fact that the tikets are going rapid- who are at their summer borne in Bar- ly. Eager readers of, WiLmETT, Lipi rington, are leaving Satunday for 1a who want to.vieW the wonders 'oif fotnigbt's outing at, Bass,,Lake. nean, this $37,000i,000 show bave' carried Ashand, Wis. maager o Li mLraIt Ui, announces. Tickets fromn'Wilmette, Kenilwôrth, Winnetka or Glencoe will entitie patrons to. this free. bus transporta- tion. This. applies only on. trains leaving, starting station .9-a. m., day- light saving time, or later. Transfer couÙpons reading via Chi- cago Motor Coach company.fromn the Chicago & North Western railway passenger station in Chicago- to' al entrances of A Centu ry of ýProgress- exposition and return will be fur- nished without charge upon purchase of the round-tnip. Shoppers.' ticket to Chicago, by ticket agents or.payment of such fares to conductors. Chil- dren's ticket§ will -be .,sold for haîfi fare. Buses leave the Madison street sta- tion at the Clinton. street entrance every fewv minutes. For, those desir-1 îing to go the soutb entrances, trans- fers to buses serving those gates are availafrle- when bôarding the buses at the station. OFFER THIRD CONCERT The third concert in the series of: musicales given by Mu Phi Epsilon' Ifonorary Musical sorority will take place Wednesday, July 26, at 4:00 in1 the Hall of. Social Science of A Cen- tur.y of Progress. Mu Xi Chapter, Elizabeth Ayres Kidd, presictent, will give the programi. Tbose taking verily, 1 say unto you,' iHe that hear-- eth my word, and bélieveth on him that sent mie, bath, everlasting life, and' shallflot corne into condemna- tion;, but is passed from death unto life" (John, 5 :24). The lesson-sermon also, included the following passages f rom the Christian, Science textboo)k, "Science and Healthwith Key to the, Scrip.. tures,"byMr Baker Eddy: "Let us feel the divine eneg of Spiit bringing us . into newness «of ife and recognizing no montai, nor ma terial powe-r-as able to destroy. . Life is, like, Christ, 'the» sam.e yestenday, and todày, and foreve"' (P.24) BAHA'I LECTURE "The Veils of the Prophets" is to* be the subject of a talký given by Mns. Dorotby Baker Sunday afternoon, j uly 23, at 3:30 o'clock, at 1Foundation hall, flaha'i iouse of Wonship, Lin- den avenue and Sheridan noad, Wil- mette. Mrs. Baker is a nesident of Lima, Ohio. Mary Louise Maloney of Menion, Pa., spent last week visiting Mary-Clarke Weber of 826 Chestnut avenue.. RUGS Mns. Frank Cheeseman of the 0O- rington hotel, formerhy of Kenilworth, will entertain the Friday luncheon club tomorrow. WIEBOLD)TOS.[VANSTONI On Davis Street WiIm.ft -1100 Satisfaction la Ggaranteod,

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