Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jul 1933, p. 14

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nait iICrie summer paygrouil( i pi- Fast pli gramn, ushers in a week of feverish Kenllworth activity for thé nembers of thé two J Ice (1); .plagronds ithtwovillage-wide A. Bauer playrouds ithtWOD. Chester events scheduled, a village-wid1e track J. mier meet, scheduled for next week, and S- Bohnen T. Schinler :a viSitto the World's Fair for the A. Ste ff e ns Village Gyrteen playgrouind children Wiý. Uttenreuther and a trip to the Cubs' park in the MN.'. Reimner M. Heinzen offing.S. Thalmann The tw.: village-wide events, to be H. Peters hield. this week are the territory con- Rinky. test scheduled for 2 o'clock Thurs- Dinks (0) day afternoon at the Vattman park1GC. Green B. Stordeur playground, and the annual doîl show A. Phîîîips for, Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at P. Bleser. the Village -Green playgrotnld. The. B. Russel R.Specht territory contest will be limited to B: Johnson boys: and girls. of- the junior andi In- F. 'petro8key termediate classes, unider 10 years, M. Knelip. andfrm[0 to 13 years, respectively, R. Streif and the- doil show will be limited to St. John's (4) thé. girls of those two group.s. A. Hacker F. Aschbacher Banneér Sumaner Evenit H;. Prochnow The annual track meet.is the big-J or E9 . neroi gest event of the summer playground W. Hstma.lnn season, Daniel M. Davis, direetor of .w yIe. recreation, announces and it is sched- C. HeIi H-. Sieren uled to be held at 7 o'clock Thursday W. Roers eveniilg, July 27, at the Village Green piayground. Il is held in' the eve-1 ýt J-o gep h (2) ning to permit fathers and. mothers WM. lHawkinson. of the playground children to attend. J. hefe There will be no admission charges, V'. 1eileflin « Mr. Davis announces, and every child T. H-opkins registered on th~e summer play- R. Kllnge grounds with sufficient attendance B.« Phillips J. Cicohini credit may enter ail events for his w. winters, own age group. The order of evénts will include. Orderrof Event ' S t. John',,;(2) 40-yard dash for boys under 8 years H. -Marquardt of, age.' ' W. Marquardt 40-yard dash for girls under 8 years 'P.' Kaspar of age. ' F. .Aeh'bacher 40-yard dash for boys 8 and 9 years 'C. Taylor of age. A. l-iacker 40-yard dash for girls 8 and 9 years B. Schinler of1 age. C. Hill .50-yard d ash for boys 10 and Il ye;ars .Beô of age.. 50-yard dïsh.for'girlsý 10 ýaùd il years St. Jo-sel il 1 of age. . Hawkinqon 50-yard dash for boys 12 and 13 years. 0f age. 50ý-yard dash. for gil 1 nd 13 years avrun of age. 50-yard d ash for boys 14 and 15 y'ears ' f 50-yarýd dash 'for- girls 14 and 15 years 1 Meher n of age. Standing broad jumP for boys 10 Il years of age. Standing. broad jurnp' for girls 10 10 and1 A4. Lundberg H. Schildgen M. Steffens. W. Steffens B. May J. Cassýeli, Hoffmann Floris ts (2). SD. Huck A. Hoffmann, C,. Huck P, Bohnen B. Evans B. Braun E. Miller B. Thalmann M. Guy K enilworth Ice (11) R. Steffens A. Bauer J. Miller S. Bohnen T. Shinler M.Heinsen W.Uttenreuther b. Cheste~r B. Johnson S. Thalmanti Ridge Vlew Service (6) E. Bleser S. Ludiger '0. Weber R. Nord C. Welter A. Lundberg AE. Schlldgen B. steffens B. May L. Steffens,. Hoffmannl Florists (9) D. Huck A. Hoffmann G. Huck B, Evans E. Miller, B. Braun M. Guy R. Thalnann H. Johnson Rinky Dinks (4) G.Green id Group rjIsjt the Pair the Village Green Team -standings' in F Pas Ptching - w. L. pet. ni dge View. Service .....2 0 1.000 Hoffmann Florists......2 0 1.000 Kenlilworth Ice.........I .500 SAt. Joseph ..............1 1 .500 At. John's .. .. 2 .000 Rinky Dinks O0 2 .000 Ensy PltehlnizLeague: Hoffmanln Florists (22) K. >of C. (4) B. Huck B. Stordeur B. Braun G Bruedigan D. Huck H. Siere n A. Hoff mann', D. Chester H. Johnmon ' B, HUrd 'H. Konltz M Reimer P. Bleser G. Schopen E.. Keil B. Fields H. Kunger M. MWillians P. Petroski' N. Bruedigan IUnkniowns (9) W. Winter H. Collier B. Ru.ss-el R. Steffens M7. Seh'ler. W. Uttenreuther. A, Hacker A. Fitz H. Sclueter G.. Blasdell Christian !:Icentists (3.) R. Sweet W. Gauger R. Gauger E. Hardt P. Shortrldge G. Sqxton '. Hletman A. Richards R. Bjork W. 'Robertson N. Tea n., standings in'1 league: y. P. C. (1m R. Steffens T.Schinler j. mine,> E. lleser A. Batuer E. 'Thalmanfl T. Hopkins W. Hawklnson H. Peterg R. Hoffmann. S. Spe Cials- (10) Ci. Kause Jim Sherdan . 'Barker B. Krafthefer E. Lâne F. Oelerch J. Pahlma4n John Sheridan .1. jLynch B. Lynch Eas~ Hoffmnann Floriatis N.» S. Specials Y P. C. Cobblers Unknowns.. Christian :Seienti.sts K. of C.. y Pitching W . L. Pet. .3 0 1.000 2.) OQ00 2 1 66 2 1 .667 1 1 .5ý 00ý .1 2 .333, 0 3 .000 0 .3 .000 cession. The trip ill Ibe limiîted to childre n registered on 'the Village Green playground unless' the required quota is nôt reached and in that event. it will be thrown open to mem'- The atinual playgrounu pet show,,' postponed- from 1Friday, July '7. was hield last Thursday evening at the Vattmani park laygrouIid with tie largest entry list ever registered at a playground pet show. Neariy thirtv dogs were entered ini thediveisioni for canine 'pets. and the other division s had correspondingly large entry lists. Five 'divisions wvere made of the* pets,. which ýincluded-: 1-small dogs, 2-large dogs,' 3- cats, 4--rabbits, 5-feathcred pets, and 6--mi scella ieous. The miscel- laneous division gathers thle'most iii.- teresting assemhly every. year and this year it was necessary for. the judges' to choose between large groups of turties of assorted. sizes, gold -fish. tropical fish, one squirrel and two sheep. 'The fish and turties, were judged niost deserving of prizes by the judges, although the squirrcl cameé in for a fourth place. The list of ribbion winners for, the event included: Lazge-Dog Division First place, C'aroline Peekel, Vil- lage Green playground; second place. Stanley Smith, Vattman park: third place, Susan Lyons. Vattman park>, and fourth place. PDick J-aas. Vatt- man park. SinalI-Dog Division First place. Betty Jane Snioot, Vattmnan park: second place, Dudley Stone, Junior. Vattman park, and Blanche 'Kreusch, Village Green; fourth place, Doris White, Vattman park, 'Cat Division 'First place., Rtith 'Zibble, Vattman park; second place, Lorraine Speic- des, Village Green playgro'und; third place, John Walsh, Vattnian p)ark ; fourth place. Adelaide Kocnien. Vatt-' .rnaii park. Rabbit Division First place, Dorothy Davis, Vatt- man park; second 1.place, ' Dor'othy Ortegel,, Village Green pflaygr ound; thir.d place, Charles Morrison. Vatu- man ,Park, fourth, place, Midge ,Wood, Vattmnan 'park. Feathered Pet Division First place, Shirley Pearson, Vatt- man park; second place, Peggy dash for girls 14 and 15 years inlng hlgh Jump ears of age. nnig hlgh lump 'ara of age. 1 ilfg hl hju mnp ears of, age. for boys 10 and for girls 10 and for boys, 12 and 12 ,and piayground eflîlcren have a 'special The children 'will leave Wilmette at Chows. event in the foi-m of a' visit to the about 1' o'clock ini the afternoon andl Cubs' park to se a National League wi'Il return by special train immedi- first questions asked of, the play- lall gaine on August 1 to whicli they ately after the game is over. ground instructors this, year was, niay look forward and tomorrow the Last year the same number of chil- "When. are' we going to dubs' park?", Village Green playground children dren attended a game- at: Wrigley, The children will be. taken to the, will enjoy a trip to- the World's Fair Field, Daniel M. Davis,' dirçctor ofý park by. special train or bus, Mr. grounds. - recreation, announced and'one of the Davis announces. Il'

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