hibit n Evaston oe da AI tine rien-V1 hibt i Evnstn oe dy 111Y gagemient. Teb ine-up for Sunday's Thi-sday, JuIy 27, afternoon ànd( gaine has been announiced as foi- night. lows: North Shore-Major Richard Ilunter; For generations ,otingsters of all Fort Sheridan-Lt. G. S. Smith. a4ges have been thrilled, at the coin- North Shore-Herbert Lorber ; Fort ingof he ircus ndhav ceébrtedSheridan-Capt. C. A. WiIliarnson). ingof he ircs nd avecelbracd North Shore-Capt. P. P. Rodes- the* event ,,,-ith marked enthtsiasm. Fort 'Sheridan-Capt. C. E. Davis. North Shore-Maj. C. C., Smith; But this. season the .circit. folk.s Fort Sheridan-Lt.. L. 0. Smith. thenmselves are celebrat ing as wvell as their patrons, for it's Golden Jubilee year of the Ringling B rothers' m arch to %vorld circus supremiacy, and -when the' Ringling, Bros. and Barnum. & Bailev organization exhibits in Ev- anston, evidence of the gala'anniver- sarv ill befound in every depart-, ment of "the greatest show' on earth." Fifty years ago the. Ringling brothers. started on the 'ir -climi)to circtîs glory-a climi). which merged the wvorid's. two largest and besti knoivn -shows-.Ringling Brothers' Circuis and the .Bfarnu m&' Bailey Circus,ý-into the amusement colossus of ail ti1me. , Anerica's owh 'Big Show, the Ringling Bros., and Barnum & Bailey Conibined Circuis. Mrs. ('harles .Ringling of FEvanstoné and her as.ýociate members of the fain .- nus circus family bave gone' to un-, precendented expense. and. pains to make ,the (.(lden Jubilee performances inemorable. Together %,ith SaMuel W. Gurnpertz, general manager, they havet produced The Durbar, sýtupenidous open- Ing >spectacle,, with over 2,M~O people and animales, garlied in Oriental k;pien- dor, taking part. -With the entire pro- graili assenmbled on the undreamed of, scale of units of fifty, teyhavé placed' fifty elephants, with dazzling howdahs, in the p)ageant, Ilindu 'Marimibo and Britisb Foot Guardl bandz head the gorgeous cavàlcade. Almiost. eountless novelties are featu-red in it, amiong them, Prin-esýs Anna, beautifuil Arabian, horse, which actually. beats a bal-, drum in pe 1'fert tinie to the mnusic o)f the mas1Sed bands, as a.,score of .-I)ottights: beat doien upon her in. the13Big TOP. -Golden. Hindirtemples, jeweled .1nd e arved two- wheeled tongas, hundreds ,0f steeds, with. gemn-studdled robes-these. are but a few of the opulent uîits.ý. of. The Dur- bar ivhich have been produced in mighty' and accurate reproduction.,; f India's faniiotns ý,ëoroçnAtion cerenionial at Delhi. Ithsseason's ,:tul)enclou,;world- i *ide mobilization of aiazIng new at- f tractions s a onn f P,1-t Padang 111 Pavlik B-1ros.> toHki- Anniversary Frolie Invi tations hàve beeh sent out bv Pavlik Bros..' Kenilworth, to garage owners, mechanics and others inter- csted iii automnotive service, to attend an affair of fun., frolic and educatiôn %whic h thev vil1 stage in the main hangar of the. Curtiss-Wright Air- lort at Glenview Friday evening, July 21, in comxnemoration -of the tenithi anniversary of their service to that.inidustry ,in this section. There wvili be music, dancing, refreshmients, and a grand prize. Two taiking picý tures will be shown, "Thru Traffic," a picture of thrills, political intrigue and comiedy, and "Ring Engineering," ail educational film. Ann O'Shaughnessy of New York ý-vas a guest recently of Gertrude Mat- thewvs of 319 Essex road, Kenilworth. Her brother, Ben Matthews, has Mur- ray McLeod of Los Angeles, formerlv of Kenilworth, spending the summer with him. 2.1 COMPRE!a Tl e -New Ford V-8 .Has Many Ou t standing Featu res *Ford V-8, bodies are largesi in their claïs *Greatest:horsepower per lb. of car weigjht *Greatest bralcing 'surface per, L.of Ca r weiglmt *Al-uminum cylinider heads, emtn ih er -compression * Hardened remnovable steel valve inss .0 3/4 floating ,rear.,axie with tforque-tube-dive *A large tire size 5.50x 17 *Welded one-piece ail steel bodies *Bonderized fenders preventing rust *Welded one piece steel tipoke,>wlieels *Smooth, powerful 75 k. p. V-8 motor *Shatter-proofglass, insuring afety *Lo west flat rate labor Cliuningharn's Ice Cream MACIS WILMETI CONFECTIONERY 1204 CENTRAL AVE. Phono WiL SM5 4 1033 CHICAGO AVE. EVANSTON UNI. 4884 Charges ent costs -See Shaonesy for Service________