East Beats West in J3aseball Game ýby 7 to 3 Score Village Green hiad a -baseblail gaine %\edniesday, *July 12. Those .1 roui the east side of Ridge road defcate(d the West si(le, 7 to 3. The liineup for the west side wa s as, follows.: Henry 1iler. catc her.;, Elnier Koller,. pitch- er; H"enry janaes, short stop; Ro- land Schneider, first base; Earl Borre, second base;ý Howard Boh- tien, short stop; Ed.adPazik third base; 4,dward Milnikel, -righit field; Arthur Schneider, center field- Frank Franchi, left field. The linieup for the east, side was as follows : Bud Kneip, catcher; Frank Petro 'sky, pitcher; John Mitchell, short stop.; Fritz Strife, first base;, Arthur. Miller, seconid b.as-e; Bill winter, short stop; Sallty' Kneip, third. base; Jamies Phillip, right field; Nicholas Miller, center -field; Arthuar Cicclii,, le-ft. ik-laqe uine Miller, Village Green. Village Green to Visit World's P air on'Friday Friday, july 21, the Village Green. will go to the World's Fair. WVe will leave the Village Green at 9 o'clock ini the miorning ini buses to the grounds.. First we wll go to the Hall of Science. Theti we will go1 to the Italian exhibit. We will cross1 the bridge and- visit the Hall ofi States and perhaps tour-4ê--EFlec- trical building. TJii we will go to Enchanted island and down the east side of the island anîd across 3lst street bridge to see the Senîinole In- dians 'wrestle with alligators.. After that we will go home.-flo.%%ard Doh- tien, Village Green. FASHION DOLLS AND VASES The girls' and boys -eijo%. makïing dolis a id , vases. ý Sonietixiies they sing for the dolîs. They like to make baskets. They use Miss Skid-ý miore's paper. So sonîe of the chli-a dren-brin-, .somne paper for the dolîs.i Thé girls and boys, brin.g thle vases1 Remind Hap Gathercoal That He Has a Birthday Tlirsla3, uly 13, was picniic day at attianpark. Instead of bringing regular lunches soute broqght, fruit atîd sonie broughit cake* and cookiesl' Ail thesc. were put .on a. large, table ini the shade. Then i-w called H1-ap Gathercoalini. Not- knowving that they wVere, having this lirthday party' for hini,1 of course he was surprised. Everybody até, his filîl and there were some extra, sandwiches left. Theti we sat on, the, ground and they passed us cake.. There was enough ake for everyone to have, 1two pieces. Everybody issure this was the best picnic dav. ever lield. XVe hope this cati happen again in the- future.- Priscilla Polloick. Vattmnt park. Village' Green. Kickball Team Defeats Vattman Thuriday, Jul%. 13. V\"attrnan park played a gaie of , ktckbal1 against Village Green at Vattniani park. Vil- lage Green won, 24 to 15. The Vattinan teamn consisted of: Betty Steele, catcher; Marcia An- derson, pitcher; Lucv Nilles, short s-top); Dorothy, Nilles, short stop; Adelaide Koenen, first base; Lillian Jotnes, second; 'Ruth Mestjian, third; I.ucille Herron, * left field; Dorotlîy Btittler; center field, ati4 Mary Arnis, right field. The girls of both teaîs played hard. The coach for Vattmar4 %,vas Dorotliy Davis and the coach for Village Gr een wýas Blanche Kruescli. -Virginia MVarsh,, Vattnuan park. You'll Need am Horseshoe to Figure Up This Score Bud Hargis and I played hiorse- slîoes three tirnes, atnd the score Nvas 13-2l. 17-2, 7-0. 1. had four riagers and seventeen 1's to add to iny score. He had thirty-eighit l'S. 1 have One" tag to miy credit. Territory is lots of fun whien played right.. First you take good amni and hold it straight. The gaine is to take the other fellow's land-5 Ravniouçl McLeod, Vattman' park.1 A nnual Pet Show. Staged at Vlattman 'rhe antîual pet show was. held at Vattinan playground Thursda', j uly 13i The judges *for thue-pet Show were George E. Leal, Mrs. R. H. Hendersoti, E. C. Kerr and H. C. Kinne.. Naines of the contestants f ronin Village Green, and the dogs they exhibited are'as follows: large dogs-Caroli.ne Pee kel, ",Rex"; Jini- my. Phillips, " Tops"; Dolores, Hill- inger, '"Teddy"; sinah dogs-Rosantia Meier, "Blac kie"; .Carolinie Ledig, "Browtîie"; Blanche Kreuschi, "Spot- tie"; Jane Thalm.an, "Sanîmiie"; David Heinzen. "Dickie." Narnes..of other contestants and the pets thie% (lisplayed are: Dorothy Ortegal, rab- bits;' Walter Tobin, squirrel. Dorothy Ettenne, two lambs, Donald Kreusch, turtle. -josephine ('osto, Village Greetl. Treasure Hunts Are Varied and Interesting The children at Village Green have a treasuire hunt' every Thursday af- ternoon at 2 o'clock. We ail have to look for papers with numbers on; when we find them aIl we corne back and Miss Skidmîore cails off the nttmbers, and those that have more than one give thein to thete chi- dren who try hard to find thern. Each turne ,%e try a little different way to mark the papers and we ail have lots of fun and enjov it very înuch. Albert Sargent, Village Green. Boys -at Village Green Train for Track Meet The track meet will be held niextý week, ;and everyone is looking for- ward to the big event. Points. cati1 be gained by going. in the track meet. Jerome-.Cicchjni is training-the boys for the events suchý as pole vaultin g, running and staniding brQad jumips and clashes. We ail hope to wins sorne events. The track meet w'ill bec held at Village. Green plavgrotind.<-c Weekly Reporter of Village ýGreen Has More, News The news for. the sceotîd week of, Julvý is reco rded(I here l)y theé veeklyý reporter. Monday : Miss Skidinore opened hie second h-aîf. of the playgroutîd terra by saying that she. felt like a million dollars; 'when asked wlîere it. was, Miss Skidmnore was' sturnped. Tu esday:. Senior teais .of . Village. Green were defeated 1w the teanis oi V attmaan. Wednesday; Village Green's over- age- boys lost to tlîe Vattipans. Thursday: Bothi junior teatis ot Village Green defeated Hie teains of Vattman.. lInthe afternootî the weekly trea.sure ,hunt wvas held. Friday:, Nearly every one of the llayground,,ý%as in the shack wNvriting JuN:icORLiFE articles. hI the after- nodu the memibers of the park -%vent to the heach.-Hope -Miller, Vilage Greenx. Vattman Over-Age'Boys Nip Village Gréen, 6.2 Vattinan park beat the Village Green, 6-2, in an over'agegaine on Monday, July 10. Fou r of 'the visi- tors' (Vatttnman's) us were ruade in the first frame. ýThe Village Green displayed sorne exceptionally. fitne fielding and allowed only two) runs,ý fafter the disastrous first inning. Duriug the .first seven innings slou bail was pitched, w-hiie fast bail 'vas îitched during the last two inninçjs. -John Schaefgen, \Tillag . Green. Painting Jars, Is Name of New Vattman. Malady 0f late, at Vattinan p ark, there has'be 'en somne sort of a disease coin- pelliug the majority of children *to paint jars. - But thev smneared sO. rnuch. paint on the tab;les they wvork- ed on, that it was decidedl that thevý should stop painting until they learu..- ed to put the paint on Ille jars, flot on the table. There was inuch ado SUCH WONDERFUL THINGS -amîes better. - EarI Borre, Village Alth 1 like Vattman park because évery Green. ing terri ote does wonderful things suchi as place in baskets, boats, vases and mwastepaper GIRLS PRACTICE TRACK flot so baskets. Miss Riggle, our teacher, Ail the girls are practicing broad' Charles ,is very nice and. so are the. niemnbers jurnp, high jurnp, bail throw, dashes do too. of the, Recreattton board.-Virginia Pnd rany. other things.- Dorothy thepark Lundy, Vattrnan pai k. Nîlles, Vattrnan park, Vattrna k%"ijjajil vKITEu ie we wil o better. -Caroline Ee boys and girls are play- P'uckel, Village Green. itory. Last year I took first i territory. This year I amn COLLETTE'S HEART BREAKS' good. I want -to challenge 1 like the playground because we Spinner, and ail of the kids can play.territory and play kickball. 1 like to play territory ât hIkickball list week Village Green k best. of aIl. -Peter Scbaefer, woM. My heart broke when we 1Iost. a park. -Collette Lundy, Vattnan park.