If . neta4bad idea to have an extra COTTON. FORMAL in. yourý summ er wardrobe .. especially when they're as cool and as cute as. the ones we're offering for LowerPrice Room Some grand sunbacks and washable cottons are on sale for 2.95 and Up. RIR Toà oIlS ANNUAL. CHICAGO ENGAGEMENT, TE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH WII.L EXHIDIT IN EVANSTONONDATUR & NatJUL -CHICAGO Site Aug. Baptlsmn has been in use in thechurch of Christ. eve r since its beginnin g. uI the course, of time there have arisen' different customs as to the manner and mnethod of 13aptism. The Lutheran church regairds Holy ýBaptism as a: Sacrament by which the Lord imparts is graceand pardon and receives such as' are bafltized into His kingdorn as His children. Thé, pastor wiil deliver a sermon on this subject next.Sunday in which lhe will touich on, a number of questions, concerning this Sacrament and itîs administration. You are cor'- dialiy -invited to attend the service. if you are a visitor at Wilmette. we extend a SPecial invitation- to you." And when you.visit ACentury of, Progress exposition be sure to go to the Hall, of Religion and see the Lutheran exhibit. You are aiways we*lco.me. -If there arce any %4.questionis you wish .to ask about the church and its exhibit, see M.r. M. Daib who is in charge. FirstPresbyterian Women's club rooms Tenth Street at Greenleaf avenue James T. Venekiasen, mninister. Our worship service is at 11 o'clock and we cordially invite yéu to worehip with us. Rev. William. Earle HI-unter will preach. The miusical program for the worshîp service wili be as follows: ..IA Prelude, "In a Boat".....Zeckwe,' Solo, -Just for Today" Abbott Mr. Harold V. McCorniiick Offertory, "Theme".......... . .Nicode Postlude, "Alleg-o Guibilan te". Federlein Our Su nday school continues its full .Prograni through .the 'summer. Wein vite you to join us every Sunday înorn- ing at 9 :30 o'clock. The aduit Bible classes have been comnbined for the sumkner, meeting at: 9:45. We are studying "Thle Principles of Jesus" Ms Quayle will teach. You are invited to join us. Babtist Church Wilmette and Forest avenues *Rev. George D. Alliscin, pastor. Another union service. will be held i the Pirst' Congregational . hurch on The women of the East circle of the' Assocla.ted- gullds willI meet. Friday, July 28, with Mms. Gordon Bird at her home at 7527 Ridge avenlue, Chicago. Elacli member will bring lier own lunch- eon, and Mn. Bird, will serve dessert and coffee. The Bait circle han several orders. té 111, and It la hoped that ev-, ery. member wl11l make a. specal. effort to be -present. muE Uing wlit& De The worship services d mier last just onle hour. e. $14U-A *The ..musje for, the service this Sufiday mornlng will be as follows: Organ Prelude- ý. Hymn" . -. ......... Lis-zt "Festival.. Prelude on a Mighty Fortrems-'.........aie The lntroit--Father, Inc Thy *Mysterinus Presente.......Ma.itthews Offertory Anthieni--"God Is OurRefuge".... ..Macfarlantý, Organ Postlude-"Aieluia" ...Roger-; Srnall children are carled for duriing the nlornting service throughout the summiner as usual. This week. matk.s the close of the Va- cation Church schooi whielh has been. éarrying on ini a successful rnanneî' dur- ing the past five' weeks. Parents. and others interested are invited to sec the display at the church today (Thursday>. The> High School league wiil have a boat tri») across the lake toniorrow (Friday). The boat sail,,s at 9 a.m. ani wili return at !) .15 p.rn. The AokiYa ciass. is reading Bowies., "The Master" each Sunday mnorning ai 10 o'clok. Ail Young women are c-or- dially invited. The Men's class is c Ontinuing its, ses- sions throughout the suminer at (4:45 ini the Girl Scout room. The Young Peoffle'sý departnrnent wil havea Bahlrt' on the Liînl>olii stetbeach in EVanston idye- ning, JuIy- 28. English Lutheran Seventh st.reet at Greenleat, avenue Wilmette. "A House of Worship", ReV. David R~. Kabele, Pastor. Suilda.y Services Early service .... a. ni. Sunday school... ...........a.m Second Service...............ila. rm. For your convenience iewareholIding aService at 8 o'ýclock, thius enabling you to firSt.worship and then ýgo on1 your day's outing. During the Sunday school hour next Sunday Clarence Lineber gerwill givýe a stereopticon lecture on the Life of Elijah. An invitation is extended to atil to attend. "*WELL BEGUN Our Churcli achool opens at 11 o'clock and, continues in session during the period of t he worshlp service. Primary and beginners' departments meet to- gether In the prlmary rooni, and Juniors and Intermnediate,. in the church parlor. An lnterestlng and. instructive hand- work projeot 18ag feature oif the Junior and Intermedh4te program.