SUGARt Pure c ane granulated in witcloth I&LBS. 49C TUNA F ISH Alil white. 36-lb.I7 tins. B ..... ... 17 SARDINES Best Norwegiosm mued 3 tins25c CHICKEN 1ýhiî en.5-oz 39 jar. Eos....... 9 FLAKES Baby Stuart JùIy. 10 to 15 Leman,, orange, and raspberry. FANCY STEAKS Porterhouse and Club..... 6C WHITEFISH ..LB3. 29C Strictly I rems caught. LEG OF LAMB .LD. 24C Genuine fresis Spring stock. SPRING CHICKENS * LB. 29C Fresh dressed Wapsie- Valley. STEWING CHICKENS L3. 24C Best grade Wapuae Valley. RIB ROAST OF -BEEF. LB. 19c &23c Prime native beef, LiMES-oz29 Fiand ju29c APPLES .. . . 3 L3S. 19C Grade A new Transparents. ORA NGESîe.c.as2ZDOZ. 49C. Valeciasforjuice. CHERMIES . e LB. 19C Large, sweet Black Bings. strawbe"r, cherry, lame1 TOMATO JUICIE J Wéeh's extra fancy -qu9lîty. JIELLY ýWelch's pure 12 oz. Fa ....7 CATSUP, Plymuouth Rock, beut grade. Pt ..... 1o SMARMALADE Home-mnade orange. 8o.jar. B ....s5 r- ioieuo, u ~ie, UarivAIing a nw rLIUcar north on Main street at a bigh rate of speed, struck a Plymouth sedan driven by Mrs. 0. E. Bradways, 232 Wimes avenue, Park Ridge. Fernitz was taken into custody. Witnesses declared that Mrs. Bradways had stopped' ber car in the north bound lane Preparatory. te making a, right turn into Linden ave- nue, and that ber car was.stationary when struck., These same witnesses. asserted that Fernitz was going sixty miles an hour, a speed which he at first admitted but later denied. He was arrested and held in $50 cash bond and a $300 real estate bond for appearance, in police court on Mn dY_ Following the, accident, Fernitz purchased a-camera from a local drug store and took pictures of the' cars and the* street to be used- in evidence. His own car, if 15 said, skidded for a distance of- approxinîately 150 feet, but could net be stopped i time to, avoid the collision. Mrs. Bradway's car sustained dam- ages to the gas tank, spare tire and, coyer and right rear fender. The Fernitz. car was badly damaged, the entire front being smashied in. Fernitz W'as held on two charges, reckless driv ing and speeding. When the case was called in Police Magistrate john Peters' court Mon- day, Fernitz' boiidsman appeared and informed the court that he was ini jail, having been arrested on a charge of passing a worthless check, the check having been given in payment of the car involved in the accident. By agreement the Wilmette case was continued for ten days. In the hear- îing on the bad check charge before, Juclge Hayes of the Chicago munici- pal court, thbe judgeiordered an ex- amination into, Fernitz' mental, 1con- dition.: h also appeared 'that about. a month ago his mother had applied fer a similar examination. It is reported that Fernitz recentlyý inherited a considerable sum of mioney. £ me, ws m nt'rtan at a bridge luncheon ruesday, July 18, in honor of Miss Mfirrian Holderman of Morris, Ill., who will arrive Monday to be ber uexst for several diiys. Miss Holderman sto be married in August. LIME RICKEY Motand'ls thirat fixer, 3,PTS. 29C SHRIMPS Jumbos in No. ~ iè tn..2o29C Nativelb 3c Sirloin, l. 3 ROLLS Fresis Parker 1 House. Doz ..... 1c Le. au