Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jul 1933, p. 3

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the Village board, by a unanimous vote. directed Village Manager C. M. Osborn to instruct Chief of Police Henry Brautigam to eniorce a no- bathing order on that portion of Ehn- wood avenueborderinig on the lake. On Saturday of Ilast. week al the owners of private property border- ing on the lake froni Forest1 avenue, north' to the Gage property joined in closing, their private. beaches f0 the public. This Ieft only the seventy-two foot , strip between the north and and south lunes of IElmwood avenue, open, as the Park board had already closed that part of its beach. situated north of the new waterworks. the resolution was presented by Trustee Harry. C. Kinne, Chairman of theJudiciary commnittee. It reads as follows: Would UPrèeest Publié" ..BE IT RESOLVED: BY THEI PRlESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF' TUE VILLAGE 0F WILIIZTTB1 ILLI~NOIS.'TOATi 'WHEREAS no life guards are sta- tloned at that portion of Elmwood avenue, Wilinette, thà.t borders on Lake Michigan for the protection of the pub-, lic; and -WHEREAS the use of that portion of Elmwood avenute that bordera on Lake Michigan for bathing, picnicking, sun-bathing, loitering, robing, disrobing and leaving elothlng on the beach un- necessgirly creates a. nuisance- and "*WHEREAS a public bathing beach has been provided and ilanaaintained by the Wilinette Park Board for use by the public; *NOW, THEREFORE. 'BE IT R~E- SOL VED that thifi Board does hereby direct the Village Manager to lnstruct thé Chief of Police te prohibit the use of that portion. of Elmwood avenue ex- tending froni the top of the bluff to the water's edge by the public as a bathing beach or plcnic .grounds, for sun-bath- iag, loitering, robing, disrobing, deposit- ý ing clothing and playing gamnes." Offers Explaxmaon Following reading of the resolution by Village Clerk Nicholas ýP. Miller. Trustee Kinne moved its adoption. The vote stood: Voting aye, Ttustlees Cochran, Parrar, Heinzen, Kinnei Lee and Tideman. Voting nay, none. Trustee Kinne then made an oralt explanation that il was flot the pur-i public oeacn at a cost of son, or the private pay be. Man's Land. Except, it is who declare that they are unable to purchase a bea These will, be given free_ .the Park Board. C~ash collected froin Assets.............. ... .......ý. . $245,367.05 Cash collected from AddIional At3sets. ..... ...... 1'575.75 Cash collected from Stock Assessment .............. 28:675.46 Total Cash~ Collected froni Assets and Stock Assessnient ............ .......... Offsets alowed on Assets ......... Losses charged off: On Assets . .... .4.. ..,586.. .. .. .3.. . On Stock Assessnient ........ Trotal Losses Charged Off... ....... Remaàining Assts: Uncoliected Assets . ..................$8812,289.27 Uncolieçted- Additional Assets.... ...... 12,220.71 Uncollected' Stock Asgsesamnent ..... .....-121,32454 Total: Rernainlng Unicollected Assets ...... TOTAL ASSETS ACCOUNTE»> FOR....... ....... 40.586.10 945.834.52 81,323.104.76 LIABILITIES ScedLiabilities at date of suspension ... ........ 300.474.85 Unsecured Liabilities at date 0f suspension .. 652.189.54 Addtional Liàhilitles Established ..... 5.668.19 TOTAL. LIABILITIES THIS :DATE .. ............... Secured and Preferred Liablties- Pald in Cash.......... ..........$ 143,572.22 Unsecured Liabilities, offset .... 61,103.18 Unseeüred- Liabilties -for whlch Recelvers CertifIcateshà*been issuedý 530,444.67 Unpaid Secured Liabilitdes, (both proved--and unproved>.. ............... 163,602.11~ Unsecured Liabilities flot pald or proved:......................... 59585.s6 TOTAL LIABILITIES ACCOUN1TEDI FOR ...... ... ....... 958,312.58 COLLECTIONS* AND DISBURSEMENTS COLLECTIONS PROM ALL -SOURCES:- Cash collected trom Assets anid Stock Assesment............7.682 Cash collected troni Intereat. Premiumn, and Rents..........14.790.89 Cash collected by Recelver, and held as Trustee for Owners .... 6.476.21 Reo tucim ianeCoipoation LoasTtI ~eeled. ...........477M09 TOTAL COLLECTIONS TO BE ACCOU.NTED FOR.........$ 344.585.36 DISBURSEMENTS 0F EVERY CHARACTE1R: Secured and Preferred LiabilitUes Paid (includlng Divldends)..... $ 143,572.22 Colateral Accotant (Collections heid by Secured Credltors and'nof yet applled)....................... ............ .......... 11092.05 Advances In protection of Assets (Taxes, Insurance, etc.>............lI10061 Elpenses of Receivership... .....- .... 22,437.83 Dlvidends Paid to Unsecured Credltors (15%>.......... 78,339.58 Reconstruction Finance Corporation Loans Repaid ........ 47.700.00 Cash In hands of Receiver a.nd Comptroller ...... ................ 51,343.58 TOTAL COLLECTIONS ACCOUNTED FOR . .....8S 344.585.16 MELVIN B. ERICSON, Recelver. Ex>ect No 9 Él u- the Wilmette public school faculty for the coming year are conteni- plated by the' board of education, it was anriounced this week at the school office. AIl the meurbers of last year's fac- ulty in the Wilmette public schiools- the Central, S5folp,. Laurel, Logan, Highcrest. and Howard--have re- ceived letters asking theni to refurn to work next year. Salaries will be reduced, it is announced. , lnT view anci.auy passea made, nRU provision aur IKIis f ticket.* work. It was Icft f0 Mr. Tideman f0 ýkets by -find* out how much .it will cosf and report at fthe next informai meeting. town- Trip to J.W. Shedden, nut avenue, discovered that 'in the ab- sence of the famuly someone had gained entrance to the house through a basement. window and generally ransacked the premlises. The aMount of fihele ss cannof. be ascertiined, said Mr. Shedden, until the return of Mrs. Shedden, who is on a vaca- tion trip in Michigan. Call WiImette4300 ASIC FOR AD-TAKER Comamerce this week by Melvin B. Ericson, receiver, solue rnteresting facts are revealed wheaa regarded in coniparison with information con- tained ini the statenaent for the three nont0nhs' period ending March. 31i 1931, The one briglù spot ini the 'most recent statemlent is the fact' that $78,339 was paid- out to depositors, representing a 15 percent divîdeud.' During this thrce months' period ap- ProximatelY $120,000worth of bonds owned by the bank were sold by the Comptroller of Currency,, which brought approxîimately $80O.0, show-- ing, a net loss of, about $40,000. The cash Position of the bankc was increased -froni $37,000 to $51M00 dur- ing the thre ionths' perod.' Also, $47,M0 was loanedfrom the Recon-- struction 1Finance Corporation and repaid.to tke R. F.-. Thue net exPense for receivérship since the closing of the ban k on June 24, 1932, was-$7.643, leus the aunount <ollecteit onf hterest, white three months ago the expense to date was $0,122, indicating that during the three months' period just closed the actual anaount of money paid out for receivership was less than the in- corne fromin nterest. -This was ac- coznplished in the face of the addi- tional cost of working up the details attendant upon Payment of the 15 Percent dividend. No announcement hàs been made concerningfthe, Possibility of furth- K. P. ., coula tney lac Obtained, would make if possible for substan- tial ditNidends to be paid. Curtail Mai Delivery in Kenilworth JuIy. 17 Curtailment 'of postal deliveries in Kenilworth for a period this sum- mer,, beginning July 17, was an- noneed A v Pt zàf r ...a..C! "s-j Lcai gic uine sevice. -Mrs. A. L. Grinnell, chairman. Note: EýconoMy shop ls conducted by the Woman'sa Club of Wlintte.

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