Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jul 1933, p. 41

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repairs. The the board. ws pj IN YACHT RACE Hollis Gleason, 910 Chestnut avenue, will be. in the Yacht races Saturday which start- f rom A .Century of Prog7- ress witb Mackinac Island their goal. S-e will1 sail Bud Suites boat, the Val- kyrie, The yacht's owner is a Highland Park resident. ATTENDS ART -ACADEMY Milss.XMary Bockius of 1035 Cen- tral avenue,-Wilmette, has. enrolled for' a summer of ýart study at the' Chicago Acaderny of Fine Arts, 18 South Michigan avenue, Chicago. SCHOOL IBOARD MEETS The board of education of New Trier Township, High. school. vas sclieduled to hold its regular nîonthly meeting on Tliursday night of this week at the school offices. Mr. and M rs. L P. Schoene ;(ary Evans) of Cambridge, Mass., wvho have been visi tiîig Mrs. Evans' parents, the Ed'vardR vn of 535 .Warwick road, Kenilworth, have. gone to visit Mr. Schoene 's Parents in Syracuse, Neb., .andwill return July 22. David I{annah of Pasadena, former- lv of Kenilwortb. will spend the week- end with bis cousin, Alexander New- ton, of 300 Woodstock avenue, Kenil- worth. H-ls parents, the Alex H-annabs and their cbildrén, will spend the month of August on the nortb shore. 0o- Mrs, E. F. Sniydacker, 1340 Chestnut avenue, is sailing froni Nem, York ou Friday,,juIv 14. on -the steaminlip. Arnerican 'Merchant, for London, Eig- land., where she wvill meet a.-fried and motor th rougli Scotland.a Mr'. and M rs. Charles Hastings, jr.. of Mount Vernon, N.' Y., are spending a. f ew days with Mr.' Hastings' sister and famuly, the Albert WVebsters of 1601 Tenith street, forrnerly of Keniiworth. Dr. and M.\rs. George Weaver, . 1020f Ashland avenue, left Tuesday, motoring Y.to Waukesba, Sussex, and Ocononio- woc, Wis., where .they. will spend sev-V eral days.a 0-I- ,n nsanau i uur conufUctress, May Woodhead, bas been iii. Our associ- atel conductress,.'Myrtle Hopkins, and. ber .huisband, motored- to Devil's Lake. Ou!, marshal,, Grace Huils of, 2750 Prairie avenue, Evanston, also was out of town on business. Orville D., Jonesý of 1615 Forest, aven'ue, was called to Utica..N. Y., to attend the funeral of his mhotbert, who::passed- away last, week. Claude Fitch, past patron, of 1043 Elmwood avenue, has been- ill. The -husbands ýof Cora Miske and Edith Kasab have been ill. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent of Sacremento, Cal.,, were guests of our chapter. Mr. Vincent is a past patron of Sacremento and his wife is .a daughter of Dr. B]arker. Harriet Hosken, past matron, is .visiting in Syracuse, N. Y. Stella *rTucker, past matron, who has ývisited ýat Flint, ,Michý, and, vicinity, bas returned,' bringing guests %vith bier ~for, the week. Mýay we remind you of our officiai visit ofý our grand matron and to make your reservations with Dorotby Kuelzow. of 61.1 Greenleaf avenue, for the banquet in ber> bonor? Our next luncheon and bridge party wîll be held at the home of Edith Kloess, )34 Greenleaf avenue on Wednesday, july 19, instead of at Alberta Or- ner's, as scheduled on our calendar. Clara Harrison of 1232 Elmwood avenue'bas been appointeci chairman of the sewings for the next six months, 1Herbert Taylor, James *1alph Starr, and Harold Tideman, aIl of Kenil- Worth, returned the first of the week f rom. a delightful cruise of àedys aboard a ,yacht helonging to AIlfred Heues, of,,Menominýee, Wis. M rs. Carl L. Bertram of 1223 Gregory- avenue,- and ber daughter. j anet, are to spend a w%ýeek with 'Mrs. Bertrarm's sister at Franklin Lake, Wis. They are taking witb them a friend of Janet, Dorothy Massig. day at Si<okie Country club 'arlUItnô and a bathroom sbower in bonor of Mrs. Ole son'fsdaugbter Margery, wbo is to- be mnarried August 4. FATHER PASSES AWAY Mir. and Mrs. D)ormanC. Andersoir, 1727 Elmwood avenue, recently returnedý froni Dixon, Ill., where they were called by.the illness and det4 o r.Adr- onsfather.. C. 'D. Anderson. Mr. Anderson 4ient to Dixon several weeks ago whein bis father becamne seriously iii, and Mrs. Anderson was called tbere J'îne 25, for the. funeral. Mrs. James C. Murray,. 433 Cumnor road, Ke.nilworth, returned Sunday, from ber1 summer homne at LincoInville, Maine.' Her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Robert -Murray. of Saskatoon, Canada; are motoring down accornpanied by three iri'ends, wbo will be guests of the Murrays. Tbey ar- rive Friday. 0-o Richard Fitch R-ehbock is the eight-pound infant son.ý of, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Rehbock (Lillian Fitch) of Seattle, Wash., wbo was L.orn Saturday morning. His mother is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude E. Fitch of 1033 ElImwood avenue, Nilmette. Mrs. Donald Lauder of Greenwich, Conn., (Blancb Thorsen) formerly of Kenilwortb, arrived, Sunday with ber two chilren to visit ber parents, the .James B. Thorsens of Higbland Park and ber sister, .Mrs. Vincent. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Samuel ComI.y of' Greenwich, Conn., who have been visiting Mrs. Comly's -parents, tbe Mark W. Cresaps- of Woodley road, Winnetka, for the past two weeks, are leaving Sunday for New York. -o- Mrs. Ifarry Balaban of Chicago bas passes over it the amount of rnoney would double, provicting she did flot open the handkerchjef for 48 hours. When the handkerchief was finally opened, the money was gone and so were the gypsies. The. police 'of other n&ih shore villages were requested to be on thç alert for the',trio, wlfose Rames, ac-» cordi'ng to Evanston police who have encounitered siniilar instances recent- ly, are said to. be. Diana, Stevens, Bessie George, alias Bessie ;Stevens and Anna Williams, alias Katherine Stan ley. Diana Stevens, according to the police was recently,. arrested and fined for disorderly conduct intv- anston and was up twice for.'"grand, theft" in Calif. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES "Life" will be the subject at the services in First Cburch of Christ, Scientist, n Wle Sunday morn- ing, July 16, at 1il o'lock, held ini the edifice at 1003 Central avenue. Sunday school convenes at 9:45 o'clock. J.. Arthur. Bermingbam bas re- .turned to Kansas City after spending a few days visiting bis mother, Mrs. Walter Bermingham of 718 Laurel avenue. His young brother, Francis, leaves soon for Northern Wisconsin, where he will be the guest of the Max Eitels of 801 Linden avenue, for Lorette -Steffens, 1611. Washington avenue, entertained at an evenin8i bridge Friday ini honor of Marjory Staubitz, wbo bad been visiting ber a week. Lorette returned witb lier Sun-, day and will spend ten days at ber home in Toledo, Ohioe- 0o Miss .Genevieve T. Birlauf,. daugh- ter of ýMr. and Mrs. T. H. Birlauf of 913 Thirteenth street bas Ieft for White Bear, Minn., to spend four weeks with friends, the John A. Wis- s.ers, trom ilihams college. is in the. Evanston bospital recovering 0 h as spent the past tbree sunimers. fromn an operation for appendicitis. Miss Jane Lundabi, 224 Raleigh road,-o-o - -Kenilworth, bas as her guest, Miss Su-, Phyllis and Virginia Sonderegger of Mr. .and Mrs. P. Bontecou, 836 Cbest- Mrs. Frank Barrett, 615 Essex road, sanne Edwards of Gloversville, N. Y. Beatrice, Neb.. arrive Friday on a visit mit avenue, entertained seven couples at Kenilworth, entertained ber bridge club On- Wednesday. evening Miss. Lundahi witb their auiit and family, the Henry dinner at the Edgewateie Beach hotel at luncheon Wectnesday. g ave a.Treasure bunt for bler guest. Brandts of 1 W0~ ashington aivenue.: on Saturday, July L.

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