Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jul 1933, p. 40

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worx s t-ase'i wnuictin is stateu, '.that. Mr. M. W. I.auer . ..bas bursi into the Public Forum again with a lot of so-called' facts and figures." These **so-calléd f acts and figures" were rela- tive to. the ,waterworki..,If any one will carefully read ýthis article of Mr. La.uer's whicb appeared i.n the Public. Forunm of the June 29, 1l933, issue of WiLMET'ra Lwrr., he will find that what tbe Bulle- tin, refers to as '"so-called facts and figures", are- real damaging facts. and figures. The, people of Wilmette are entitled to know ail the facts, so-calledor other- Wise, because they are the ones, wbo ultimnately will bave, to pay the bill. On. differnt occasions, tbrough the WILMETTK LI1PE Public. Forum severai ques tions. have been, askçd relative, to the waterworks, but I bave not seen one of tbem answvered. Wbhy not answer these questions, and these "so-called facts and figures"? It would be so, easy, if they are 6"so-called f acts and figures" to combat thrni with real facts and fig- ures. The Bulletin in this article also stated: "I f those gentlemen would comç out in the 'open and disclose the real reason for their figbt the public might becorne more interested in their plea." it seems to me that *those gentlemen" are the only ones who bave corne out ini fhe open. Their figbt bas been based primarily on the one point that in their opinion Wilmette cannot produce water with its own water plant as cheaply as we_ are anow buying it from Evans- ton, and some very convincing evidence lias been brought iorward to substantiate their côntent lot. On the other band,. regardless of the metbod used to put it over, the ability of our own waterworks to be the financial success that the ad- ministration bas claianed for it, is based on its profits, and those profits are based onan estimated and wbat bas since proven tobe an inflated consumption of water because the actual water consump- tion for the year 1932 and'so far for, the present year is very .mucb beiow the set up or estimateci consumption for these years as shown on page 28 of the * in uizuva iaicuî5, in is Lnrd understana ithis deteranination to ýpush it to' o- pletion. Personally I would like to know how mucb of tbe taxpayers' muoney, bas been paid to tbe. engineers durinig tbe last two or tbree ýyea 1rs, and also how much bas been spent, in the pomotion. of the waterworks.' This information might shed some light on this pinit. 'the 1Bulletin, migbt use its influence to bring this "out in. the open." And now as, to the Sbawnee club injunction case. I beieve the people 'of Wilmette.,are entitled to know why con- 1struction. of , the wat erworks, is now ) going. on wben this injunction case. is ipending in tbe, court, and also why the adm inistration let the contract and start- 1ed the work after they had ýbeen noti- fied -that the injunction was being, ap- plied for. This. injunction may not bc granted, but on the other hand it is possible tbat it may be,. If it is not granted no harm will have been done, but if it should be granted wbo as go- ing to stand the loss occasioned~ by the present construction and a possible dam- age suit. If tbe taxpayers wiil have to pay the bill sureiy tbey are entitied to know, and even if other arrangements bave been made they are entitled to know. The Bulletin migbt do the people of Wilmette a~ real service by causing -this phase of the matter "to come out in the open." I certainly hope that Mr. Dubbs willl see fit to, answer the questions that have been asked from time to time tbrough the WiifMErrS Livz Public Forum because I believe the citizens of Wilmette not only are entitled to this information, but I know that a great. many want it. E.K F. Briggs, 102 Fiftb street. Mr. and Mrs. F.> A. Williams who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. AlbertB. Weity, 542 Brier street, Ken- ilworth. le ft Sundiay for. New -York. the !unds on which they are drawn. REPORTS ON FIRESCHOOL Chief Walter Zibble of the Wil- mette Fire department, made a re- port to the. Village board last, Wed-r nesday on ýthe annual state fire col- lege wbich he attended at the Uni- was one o f the most interesing and successful .sessions' thaf. he bas ever attended. Mornings were consumed in lectures by Prof., Urvine- of the university, -H.. K.'Rodgeérs of Chi- cago, Çaptain Just of the Misor state ire departmenit, Colonel Gold- smitb of the. National, Board cof.Un- derwriters, and others.. Afternoons were given over* to démonstrations of life. saving, iadder work, chemical work, etc. FETES GRANDPARENTS Mes. Claude Burnham, 526 Rosiyn road, Kenilwoï-tb, entertaied at tea Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Smith of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hedrick of Kenilwortb, both couples being newiy made grand- parents,. as the birth of a grandson, Hedrick Lawrence Smith on Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Smith iii Scotland bad just been announced. Mr§.ý Smith is the former Phebe Hedrick of Kenilwortb. NO DAMAGE PROM PIRE The Wilmette fire department answeeed a caîl Saturday niglmt, July 8, at 10:35 o'clock to extinguisbh a bonfire in a backyard at Golf ter- race. TIhe blaze reached no buildings and caused no property damage, Walter H. Zibble, Wilm:ette ire chief, reports. BOY BITTEN BY, DOG Mrs.. Arthur C. Youngberg, -resid- ing on. Hibbard road, notified the police Tuesday that ber son, Arthur Jr., 12 years old, bad been bitten by a police dog owned by Roy F. Best. piay me pupuiar "Jiwenusia squad t-or the second time this season. The first game won by Fort Sheridan 9 to 5 was fuil of tbriils from start to finish,, as are. ail games between these two teams. On 'the Onwentsia team will be four very well known polo players. Charles Glore wbo bas ýbeen associated with Onwentsia polo for séveral years, and Capt. Max, Corpening, one of tbe:,bigh- est."goal. indoor players in this part of tbe country, who willbe supported by Capt. P.. P. Rodes. and Major C. C. Smith who plays with the: Sixth Corps Area team as *el! as, Onwentsia. The Fort Sheridan squad which will1 be seen in action is the army. representative in tbe Intra-Circuit tournament to,.be held at Oak Brook this summer. This strong twelve goal team will show plenty of speed and team work. The ,lineup:- -Onventain Fort 8heridan Chas. Glore 1 Lt. f.S. Smth Ca»àt, M. corpening 2 Cai)t. C. Wilkinson cap. P. P. Rodes 3 Capt. C. K~ Davis Mai. C. C. Smith 4 Lt. L. CG. Smitb VISITS MOTHER .Mrs. Walter Horner, 400 Isabella' street, bas just returned from*' Vin- cennes, Ind., where she spent about ten days visiting with her mother. Her two, sons,. Jack and Wait, who accompanied her, are remaining with their grand- mnother for another week or so. Mr., and Mrs. Horner and tbe boys drove first to their summer home at Laké Freeman, Monticello, 1nd,, and f rom there Mr. Horner returned homie and the others went to Vincennes. TOPPLES LAMP'POST Residents along Sixth street south of Greenleaf avenue we re startled and came running to their porches when they heard a crash Tuesday, niight. They were too late to see the driver who had knocked over a lamp post on Sixth. street and had fled in his -car from the sce ne of bhis mistake. Mr. and Mrs. Arviej C. Peterson (Ruby Mae Wood) of, Kansas City, . wotks, but a aecrease of eiter your in kRegina, Saskatchewan, Canada. She -o- water rates or taxes as you- choose." will be gone about three weeks. George jr., eidest son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Doob and Mr' 1 have often wondered what motive 0o-- rs. George C. K ingsley of 529 Cum- and Mrs. Jos eph Vogel of New York waa really back of the waterworks Mrs. Harold F. Tideman, 138 Abing- nor roaci, Kenilworth, bas talcen a posi- were guests over the Fourt' fJl movenlent, and what is causing the de- don avenue, Kenilworth, entertained her tiorn as itech fobfAe anCtio beJhnBlbasof10lMci termination to.push it to completion in .club at luncheon and bridge on Tuesday. company in Chicago., gan avenue.

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