ticipated in the thirty races and con. tests on Tuesday of last week at the Wilmiette Village Green, for the tenth annual community Fourtb of julv celebration beld uncler the aus- pices of Wilmette, Post No. 46, Ameérican Legion, wit th oopera tion of Wilmette merchants wbo dor nated the prizes. George F.' Scherzer is chairmnan of 'the Légion. Pa tr.iotic Celebrationis commnittee which drew up plans for the day. *D. C. Leach, coM- Mander of. Wilmette post, was jr] charge of the patriotic programn whichi preceded the races. The following are the prize wvin- ners, 'listed ini the order in. whichi thev fflaced ini the races and coi- tests 25-yard dash (girls under 8)-Jean Clark, Luc-y '.illes, Dorothy N'an Ais- tein, Mdar-y Fanckboner, Henrietta Pape. 50-yard s4hoe seramble (boýys under 14)-Walter Tobin, Carter Hadley,, Jer- ry Peterson. loger Tobin, Dick Coch-7 ra ni. 25-yvard wheelbarrow race (girls. 10, il' and '12)-Doris Hillinger and Annaý Borre; Mariiyn Stübe and Germaine Steffens; Mary Reinwald and Elaine i*eis; Clara and Mildred Thaîrnan; Doft - (ithy Ortegel. and Rosalie Schneider. 25-yard dkts-h (boys un der 8)---Roger 'Miller, .Wilbur Bull, Charles Ibemfasky, Lee Butler, NMorman Steffens., 50-yard dash (girls 8.and 9)-Lorraine Steffens,*, Bernice Herbon, Patsy Sinion, Jioan:Coutre, Lorette Schleier.- Baill throwing contest .(wom.en over 21)-Elsile Paterson, Mrs. DeVinny, Ms Prevallet. Loriraine Jannes. 50-yard three-legged race (boýys under 16)-Walter Tobin and Howard Bohnen; 1-tanley Çochran and Jerry. forrn; C'on- r~ad Scherzer and John Grant; Roger Tobin and Don1ald Kreusch. .50-yard dash (boys 8 and 9).--Geraird Neuses, Raymond T'ripicchlo, August. Specbt, Norman HIoff(man, George Schultz. 50-ya.rd dash (girls 10, li and il»- Virginia Todd and Pearl Anderson, tied for first; Adelaide Koenen, 'Margery. Pearson, Virginsa McNlCarthy, Helen Harris. 25-yard wheelbarrow rade (boys 10, 1l à nd 12>---Walter. Tobin and Howard Bohnen;ý George Clarke and Bob ýDe-t Vinïny; Bob Cochran and Randolph - Candlish, >Dick: Cochran and Kimbali Brown; Charles M.%cCandlish.,and Carter Hadley. 50-yard th ree-legged race (girls under 1&)-Beatrice Leal and Frances Schmitz; Betty Todd anld Dorothy Davis; Betiy Kuemmerlein and Caroline Peekel ; Dorothy Ortegel and Dorothy, fruc- s] hni~ausr Trene flcrn andA fnioi tfourth. o. FL ciee iaT e 50-yard dash (boys under 16>-Doiti Hlndley, Bob Steffens, Wayne Cochran, H !oward Bal, Stanley Cochran. 100-yard dash (boys 16 to 20)-Rex Martin, John Versino, Chuck 0'Connpel:, Art De Lang, Bob Steffens. 50-yard dash (women oyer 21)-Nor- -ma Arniason, Elsie Paterson, Mrs. Gath- - ercoal, Mrs. A. Phlllip.q, Bernice nitzs cinger. ÎO-yard balloon race (girls under 10)-, Gloria Pagliarulo, Loretta Ortegel,, Mar- *gery Knelp, Kathryn, DeVinny,ý Doro- thy Baron. 100-yard dash (men 21'and>,over)-tlý, 1 Harvey, L. P. Stachél, Carl Peterson, Gien Oathercoal, A..D.$MacKlnnon. 50-yard balloon race (boys under 10)- Peter, Mitto, Raymond Bruchhouser, Paul Kivland, Thomas Markham, Billie 1Milbert 25-yard dash (womien 35 and over)- Mms Fanckboner, Mrs. DeVinny, r. Todd, Mrs. H. Schwall. 50-yard 'three-legged race (huàband and wife)-Mr. and Mrs. Hap Gather-j c(oal, Mr. and Mrs, Todd, Mr. and '%rg. Stone, mr. and N-rs. A. Arnason. 25-yard dash, (womnen over 160 pounids)-Mrs. Tripiechil,,Mrs. Ludovice, Mrs,ý. M. Mîfller, Mrs. Elizabeth Kile. 25-yard dash (men With waist measure Of at least 43 inches)-A. C. Pearson~ L. H.- Bnrrett, H. Miller, Frýed Prochnow. 5-yard sack race (girls under 16- Betty Kuemmerlein, Betty Todd, Dor- othy Davis, Jane Bell, Marcella Bruch- h au,--er. 50-yard dash (men. 35 and over)-ýC. A. Peterson,.Lowell Todd, Clinton Coch- ran, Leon Ashley, Char-les P. Dahncke. Winning team.i in tug-of-war (single men v'ersus marrled men) - Married men: A. C. Pearson, anehor man; C. IL Braun, G. T. Clarke, D. R. Cazel, M. Heintzen, Fred Prochnow, Ben M. Thal- mnanin, L.. Braun,' L. Rodenkirk, H. Kreusch. MNrs.. J. Walter Nelson, 347 Park avenue, Glencoe, and ber son, Walter, Jr., rettirned Saturday by airpiane from Dallas, Texas, where they had been visiting -Mrs. Nelson's sister-for- six veeks. M rs. L. P. LoV'ell of Mt. Vernon, N. Y., is arriving Monday to attend the Fair for a week. She will be, thé house-guest of Mrs. Carl J1. Nylund, 1634 Forest. avenue. Mr. and Mrs. A,. W. Boylston and Patsy and George, 220 Broadway, are leaving Friday for Beulah, Mich., 10o spend four or five days at their sum- ýr ani uru, Jr., were flere. for several days last week visiting Mrs. Knap- 9 lund's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. 1, King, 611 Forest avenue. Mr. Knap- x ]und, who is head of the history de- partment at the, University of Wis- consin, is in England for the sum- meor. Williamf Cartter Weaver of Pitts- burgb,; who1 was graduated in June from 'the: University of Pennsyl Vania, has rettft-ned to his home in the east after spending 'the montb of 'June witb bis aunt, 'Mrs. William A. Dur.- gin of 627 Forest avenue. Mrs. Carl J. Nylund, 1634 Forest avenue, bas as her guest this summer her sister, Mrs. M. Wacbter of Tuc- son, Ariz. Next week Mrs. Wachter expects to spen .d several days in Mil- waukee attending a convention. Twelve members of the Friendly circle .were entertained, at~ lunciieon Wednesday at the borne of Mrs. Carl J. Nylund, 1634 Forest avenue. Pro- gram plans for tbe coming year were discussed after luncheon. Mrs. Harriet C. Shipp, 1226 Maple avenue, bad as ber bouse-guests Fourth of July and the following week ber brother, Carl Canada of Crawfordsville, Ind., and Miss Pearl Goecker of In- dianapo-lis, Tnd. *-o- Mrs. Arthur Sory of Tulsa, GIcla., has been the guest of the John Tay- lor Boozes of 730 Greenwood ave- nue. Mrs. Sory, a niember of Phi * eta, is a sorority sister of Mrs. Booz. Mr. and M1rs. John McGill and sons,, John and George, of Des Moines , Iowa, were guests last .week o f the John A'. Sbanks of 1109 Green- wood avenue. The Tuda Tuesday of this andi bridge att Bridge club met week for luncheon the home of Mrs. Clarkce, 526 Wash- Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Nylund, 1634 Forest avenue; their son, Melvin By.- ron, and Mrs. Nylund's sister, Mrs. M. Wacbter, who is visiting, here at the present time, attended à bouse warming Sunday at the home ôfMr and Mrs. Walter: Kenworth in Oak-' Park. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Gedgïe and daugbter, Nancy; of Springfield, Ohio, were recent: guests of Mr. -and Mrs. Frank Adams of 925 Greenwood av e-, nue. Mr. and, Mrs.11 of 619 Central Bruce, returned Edwin J., Levi of 730 Forest ave-* nue, is again at work,,after, a recent operation. -o-- T~he Walter H. Willianis' family, 614 Earlston road, Kenilworth, are visiting the Carl Fucks at Trout Lake, Wis. DIEEIR Delivered ICE Cold Phone Wilmette 53 Wilnette Ice Comipany. W. H..B. Stephens avenue, and son, Saturday from .a Y osr Favorite Brands IMMEDIATE DELIVERY PHONE WILMETTE 410 WINN. 270-2471, Save 1c per Case by driving t. 1440 Sheridan Rd., No Man's Land FOX ]Exclusive flistalbuators Makers of lime beid 68 MaisosSt. Co* for Wilmette and Evaniston elrages for over 40 years. Gre..lemI OU Phone m netka 76