748 Mlm Street Wlnnietka i399 7 3LTglo-lte $100 MONTH, PAMILY 0F 4. NO laumdry. PAULINE'S EMPL. AGENCy Opposite "L." 'terminal wilmette OUTBOARD MOTO14, LIGHT TW I N. Brand new. Very reasonable. Phone Wi1mette 1825. 78ALT1-t SI AulTo SERVIC BqARGAIN-ANY CAR WAÀSHED Sri, cts.; Simonized $3. CaIl A. Newton, Kenllworth 1215. 81LTrNio-îte m' rom flr-oouu FOR RENT-LARQE ROOM IN E AST. aide home, near il transportation.i, and wvithiu walking distance ôt lalce. Light housekeeping privilegea. 73,l Tenth street, Wilmette, 111. TWO ROàM SUITE, FURNîSIIETJ or unfurnished,,Including large sleep- ing porch, private bath, extra lava- tory, and breakfasts., East side. Tel. Winnetka 2257. 82LTN10-ltp NICE ROOM W I T H SLEEPING porch,ý aiso singe roomi. Board If wanted. Cali aft.ernoons, 514 Birch Street, cor. E'lm a. Winnetka. 82LTN1O-2te COOL, PLEASANT ROOýM FOR LADY or gentleman. Threc blocks to Elm Street stations. Winnetka. Phone Win- netka 415. 821,TN10-ltp *FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHEID roorn, kitchen privilges if desired. near transportation. Ph. Glencoe 331. S2LTN10-Itp LARGE, AIRY FRONT ROOM, OR * large room and sleeping porch, gar. space. near trajlsp. East aide. Wil- mette 1253.1 821TN1O-ltp FOR RENT: COMFORTABLY FUR- nished room, nr. transportation for business mnan. Ga.rage optional. Ph. Wilmette 41 aftér 5 p. m. 82LTN1O-ltp NICELY FURNISIIED, QUIET, COOL room, with bath and shower, for gen- tleman. Near tranap., in Winnetka. Phone Winnetka 2010., _____________82LTN9-tfc P"OI RENT TO GENTLEMAN. -DM sirable large. room. and garage. Nea r, lake and transportation. 510 Walnut St.. Winnetka. 82L10-ltpý COMFORTABLE ROOM'FOR RENT for couple, near Hubbard Woods.sta-' tion. Breakfast If 'desired. hn Winnntka, 1157. n1i1. 92LTNS-4tp A T T RÎ. KITOHDEWTF APARf- Iments4, 3 or 4 roomas. Also isintie ro om. Humphr ey bldg., Elm and Cbestnut Sts., Winnetka 98 or 3328. 92LTNC-tfc P~OR RENT-4 IROOM FA;T V heat; locatedl at 'Bee Farm, on Hib- bard Road. bctween Lake and Wil- mette Avenues. Reasonable, -92LTN1-ltp WINNETKA., ,DESIRABLE, MOD)ERN equipment. 2k and 3 'k ro , a. mcl. refrig. Available now. $45 to $55. Schell Bldg. Tel. Winuetka 1502. j 92LTN1-îtp 2 ROOM APARTMENT WITH ýKITCH- enette,. lavatory. Gas, light, :and, heat furnished. Garage available. 929 Central Ave, Wlmette. ATTR. FURN. SUITE,' 3 OR 4 RMS., yard. Also 8 rm. houseý, furn.'or un- furn., 3 bâths, garage. Convenienit to schools, trains. Winnetka 3844. 92L10-ltp ONE AXD THREE BOOM APART- ments ln Winnetka, reasonably, priked. Phuone Wtnnetka 600. 503 Chestnt Street, Winnetka. 92L10-ltp 10 rmaS.ý 8 b's., 3 p'qhs., ex. bec...$125 8 rms., 2 b'... glu. p'cb., ol1l.........8g5 8 rnis., 2 Bs., slp. p'ob., o011. ........ e0 7 rms., l b., 2 p'che., 11 . ......70 6 rms., 1 b., sun p'ch., 1 c. g ....... 50 3 rln., mod. apt ., $40, fur . ........ 55 Other good values furnlshed and un- furnished houses and apartments. 26B. H. BARNETT 56Center S8t. 1 Winnetka 965 Office open daily 9 a.m. to 9 pan. 97Ll-tp FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED An, unusually lovely home of 3 or4 bedrooma. living room, etc. Nocare or expenge of the grounds or heating. Winnietka 2257.. 97LTN1O-ltp SUBLIIASE SACRIFICE New Englaud Colonial. 8 Ige. rme., .3 bàths. Best, Winn. loe., nr. lake. Cut from $225 to $125.. Wiunetka 3722. P7L!rNlO-ltc NE W MODERN 5i ROM BRICK * bouse. Hot water heat. West WII- mette. Bargain. Phonie- Wilmette 4647. 97LTN1-tc AUGUST 1-7 ROOM- HOUSE AN good condition,.3 blocks station, 2-car gar., in Winnetka. R. 1H. Schellè,tel. Winnetka 1592. .ýI 97LTNXO-Itp 5 BOOM COTTAGEP, FURNACE. HEAT. 2 car.garage on 2%k tomes larnd, suit-. able for gardening. $25. 709 Locust Rd., Ph. Wilmiette 2275. 97LTNIO f Yes!b Peo pie are Looking for ROOMS and HOUSE rurnisheèd. »7 lPeiéSt., Wuek BS WANtgo TO rUNTr-Hous» LIST YÔUR HOUSM WITU VS We are. havIng:calîs for>.bouses at 075.00 to, 1200.90 per month. JL. <PLOYD COMPANY 384 Center Street. Winnetka, Illinois Phone Winnetka 91..T1lt $13Y5001 White Clapboard Colonial 1 Hill Road District Modern 4 b edroom house inuHili Road district. 60 ft. frontage. H.- W. 011 beat. 2 car ggrgge. Taxes~s only $». This la a repossessed bouse and Jike othera offered laterly at about the tiret rmortg. will flot last long. This beautiful Colonial la flhe beat value in Sthat district. Other reposa, homes from 1$6,500 to over $100 000. BILLS REALTY, Imc. No Mai?. Land Wilmette 3740 1ILTNIO.ltc Attractive Brick Colonial .NORTHBAST GLENCOID Exceptional opportunity to purchase a well built home, brick and steel con- struction, alate roof, cil heat, and thoroughly modern. 9 roomsa, 6 b- rmoins and . bethe, 2 sun roowus, 8-car garage, beauuly landocaped grinil on quiet p ivate street. l northeurnt mic- tion of Glence. Owuee In Califorula )me authorlzed sacrifice price oft$19,0M. Property clear., and termSe au be au- rangtd. Rhonwn by ainintmont ouly. SMITH & GOSS,. INC. Exclusive Agent* 725 Elmn St., Winnetka 1 Ph. 8 500 EAST KENILWO>I Brickc colonial on well wooded lot. Sun- parlor and library ou let. i. 4 cross8- ventilated- bedroomà and si. porcb ou 2nd. servant's room and bath lu In- 04tP Asic for an Ad-takerj I RED CED ATES New low rates make Clami- REDUED RTES ed Advertihg lu Wilmuette priv. L4fe, Wlnaetka Talk and:Glenecbe Newsa more eco:uom1caL. Ank about I and them! letka I-îtp' ner Moved to New York price of home %. Orders soid. Br'. 9 Ige. rms.. 3 baths, 2 car att. MIl bt. Lot alone worth price.. t W1nn. loc. PULLER & WILLIAM PICKARD' m Street Winnetka 8722 1I1LTNiei-te uaII (leA scbools.> LU> LAI emt,1 86L