Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jul 1933, p. 28

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Visitor thâis annual flower show numbered mbre than' one thousanld and were,- for 'the most part, in ac- cord, with the decisioris of the six- judges-Mr. Bentley M cCloud, Mrs.. Howard Phillips, Mrs. Irene Sidley, Roy West, Ernst von Ammon, and Dudley Crafts -Watson. In -the white entrancle hall' of: the Kellogi bouse Were arranged agroup of metal. stands holding. .iowerIng. plants. Mrs. Hugh. Foresmnan of' the Kenllworth Garden club won the blue ribbon tu this class with ber arrange- ment of collas, lvy vines, yellow .1canna, andud calahiles. The sanie-club was represented again In this class by Mrs. Frank C. Nason, who showed a harn- nered, Iron screen holding pots of friuged petunlas. No prise was award- ed this -entry. The red and white rnb- bons lu this class were given, to Mrs. Wlloughby Walling. 0f Wlnnetka and Mrs. S. D. Flood of Kenilworth for their graceful arrangements. The room devoted to the whlte-flower exhlsbts was 80 exceptiôflally, beatlful tbat the judges must have had great difculty iu making their decisions. The bollyhocks, daisies, and popples whlch Mrs. J. S. Weinberg of Hghland Park had placed ln a black bowl wer .e given. the blue nlbbon. Mrs. Woodruff JUnkin of Wln.tka, used a mflk glass vase for the white »napdragonis. dog- wood bernies, ivy, and button zinnias with wbich she won second prise. The white rlbbon went to Mrs. Otîs Heath of the Keniiworth Junior Garden club for ber white bowl of acblhlea, petufllas,1 roses and platycodon. Mrs. Samuel Me n Arnv',; obholyhntIci<'f I npot- Th e sunny bay window of tis ronni held a number of entries which fel into no special class; smre of thesee were given special awards. Mrs. Ed- wards S' 1Rogers showed an Interesting' bottle carboy containingr a terrarium garden. Mrs. William gEvans was given spectl ment ion- for.one of three diab gardens. The «samne distinction was awarded Mrs. J«>hn -Stuert'z yellow pop pies, red currants:arranged lu a bl4e metal container byý Mrs. Eddy »of Ev- anston, and Fred Kirscbnick's plnk. and made on Tuesdays, Wilmette, days. Gifts may be left at the North West-. ern station in the village before 9ý o'clock each Tuesday morning to be sent in on the trains to. the guiids booth in the city terminal from which they are distributed. Thoseunableto senld their -donations to -the depot, may notify Mrs. Kerr and she will arrange for their collection.. Mrs. Dwight Marcellus Sirfnmon.i is the former , lizabeth Keck,ý whose mfarriage to theë Son o!1 Mr. and Mrs. Pred Marcellus Simotnts of 338- Woodçtock- avenue, Kenil- woôrth,' took place Saturdafy, Jub'. 8. T*he ceremony in thse Firit Pres- byteria» chilrch in Syra*cuse, N. Y., uas toilowed by a ,receIiona aLthe Onondaga Country club. The bride is thse daugister of Mr. and Mr$. Henry Kecis of Syvracuçe. The menv class ailotte otIginallty iln and bloomns, Preston Hollit beet and carr green pepper, o exhlted 1ln the' one them ebowed great ,heir ebolce of containers ee second prize golng to y for "*Flowering Soup," t laves, lettuce, parsley, andI tftmato afrrancd In awarau= 4ine mue rIin uon~. j5ue! ma WJl4- Lelsh used a huge copper jug for bis, dlsplay of African niarlgolds and tiger 1111c. E. YP. Wleboldt of Olencoe won honorable mention for his, stein-full of white an~d yelw bloms. Thee eblîdren 'bad two groupe of dis- pîsys. Iu the doîl-bouse exhibit, Mar- tha Rankin, bavlng t'hougbtfully placed spinach lu the kîtchen and fruit ln the dlning room, as well as flowers iu al the other rooms, won the blue rihlbon. Carolyn Knebule was awarded thie red rlbbon, Mary Katherine Howard the rdezr-S bote Will Have Annual Picnic JuIy 21 A rden Shore's annual picnic, to which ail contributors are. invited, will take- place this- year on Fridây, July .21. Guests, are, requested to» bring their own lunch -and coffee, and tea wilbe served free of charge. .Luncheoni is planined fori 12. o'cock so'that there lwill be sufficient time for the afternoon1 program. of danc-, ing, dramatics, and other entertain7- ment . presented 'b&y the children at the camp. Ail guests will be invited to make a tour of the camp and grounds, and the boys and girls will act as guides for the various parties. Continues "Cindetella" The Chicago junior League thetter will continue its three-day a1 week performances of "Cinderella," on the Enchanted Island at A Century of Progress during thé month of July, acrdina! toissku MarLont Atkin <of u' a. Miss Jeanne Street of Winnetka'is playing the role of the Stepmotber during the absence of Mrs. John *Curtis who bas gone on a trip. Picnic ut Summer HOMe Mrs. E. A.. Kaumoyer opened berý sunimer home at Chiwaukee Tues- day for an aIl-day picnic for members of the Woman's guild of St. Augus- tine's Episcopal churcb. Metnbers ell of the Hinsdale re The bridi white satin with trail f rom- a, cal lace f rom1 dress. Uer1 quet. of wý' breatb.. Miss Stel cago, as il Elaine Wal Holmes of Miss Puetz frock, and yellow and bouquets in Congregational çhurch of ead the, service. Je, attired in he ir other's awedding gown fashioned in, wore a veil which hung, ap trimrned witb Duchesse ber grandmother-s. wedditig flôweres were a shower bou- 'bhite rosebuds and balby'Ps wart was. attended by her 9% Gretchen Puetz of Chi - riaid oi honor, and -Miss. ilker and. Miss Madeleine 'Evanston, as bridesmalids. zwore a pale pink -chiffon -the bridesmaid.s, were in in blue. Ail' carried' arbi iblue, rose and yellow. Four girls'wearing white organdy dresses who stretcbed ribbons and two little flower girls. in pink, and blue organdy added to the colorful and sum- mery atmosphere of the outdoor cere- mony. The ribbon girls were Lois Jean Cooper, Mary Puetz, Eleanor Stewart and Barbara Brown, and tbe flower girls were Pam Puetz and Janey Brown. Mr. Buesch had Dillon Kalkhurst of Atlanta,, Ga., as bis. best man, and ,Vincent Harris :of Minneapolis served as usher. Mrs. Lewis Albert Stewart was in a gown of black crepe and the bride- groom's mother, Mrs. Andréw Buesch, wore pink lace. Out-of-town guests at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stewvart of Montague, Mich., and Mr.' and: Mrs. W. R. Stewart and their two cbildren. Mr. Buescb .and bis bride have gone to Wisconsin for 'several .days and will take their wedding trip later on in the fail. They will make their home iu Rogers Park. Bridge for Guest. Miss Marion McDonald, daughter of the C. Miles McDônalds ofý Wilý- mette who are spending the summer at the Qrrington hotel, bas as ber bouse-guest Miss Gertrude Stewart of Ridgewood, N. :J. :Miss Stewart aeaas nîce 'jm r orL tdnthe terrace. This program ndufor the other games;. eat 4s g by a ing on obtain Evanston, of which Mrs. Wïiia-n Weldon of Wilmette is presidg Mrs. Dennis Wood Smith of Washington avenue "engineered" exhibit. 'àv N3 wau ae rded

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